Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1933: ominous words

Zhou Fan stopped at a distance of about five feet from the giant, because his Taoist mansion had reached its limit, and if he moved forward, the Cangmu Taoist mansion would not be able to defend him against such curses.

Cangmu Daofu is a Daofu that can resist the power of the law. Even Cangmu Daofu has reached its limit. It is conceivable how terrible this curse is.

He tried to slash with a knife, and the gray sword light was disintegrated by a powerful force as soon as it came out. Obviously, ordinary long-range attack methods would not work.

He frowned slightly, so that he had only one way left, and that was to change the celestial body and use the power of his own laws to fight against this curse, so that he could kill this giant.

But the celestial body consumes a lot, just to kill such a giant?

If after killing this giant, any unnecessary changes occur, he may not have the spare energy to deal with it.

Zhou Fan no longer resisted, but drove the Cangmu Daofu to fly away from the giant. As he moved away, the power of the curse was weakened, and the giant still stood still.

Zhou Fan was slightly silent, he always felt that the giant puppet soldiers would come here, and he might have an unclear relationship with him.

Zhou Fan quickly found Lin Wuya and the others. The warrior monks of the Jie Laohui were setting up a camp. Although they had not found a solution yet, they could not return without success.

"How? Can't you handle it?" Qin Lao asked.

"After it entered this state of standing still, the power of the curse also became stronger, and it was difficult to even get close." Zhou Fan shook his head and explained briefly.

What Zhou Fan can't do, everyone can't do.

Before the camp was set up, Zhou Fan and the four elders discussed the matter with the elders of the elders' association and elders who were doing other things in other places through the sound transmission jade talisman.

First, it was Zhou Fan and the others who reported the situation to Mr. Qin, who confirmed that, as they had expected, the giant puppet soldiers had turned the Xilin Kingdom into its food and were digesting the Xilin Kingdom.

After Mr. Qin finished talking about what happened here, Mr. Jie was silent for a while, and then they all spoke up.

"So the giant puppet soldier is planning to eat it from country to country?"

"Is there any way we can stop it?"

"If there is no way to stop it, can we only watch it eat from country to country? If you eat it like this, it won't take long before the Barbarian Star Realm will be destroyed."

"This time the robbery should be on the giant puppet soldiers. If we can't stop it, we can only make the worst plan and let as many people survive as possible."

"If it really doesn't work, sacrifice is also necessary."

"Sacrifice is nothing, but the question is how to sacrifice to survive this catastrophe?"


The elders of the world talked a lot, but they all had more questions than answers. After arguing for a while, their voices gradually subsided, and they soon became silent.

"Now we have two problems to solve."

Seeing that Lin Wuya did not speak, he slowly said: "The first question is can we stop the giant puppet soldier from continuing to swallow it?"

"If not, then the second question is, how can we protect so that more people can survive?"

These two issues are the most debated just now.

"With us people sitting here, it's hard to come up with a solution." Tang Lao also said: "We need to mobilize all forces now, whether it's the Jie Laohui or your sect forces, let the people below Also get involved, let them come up with ways, and finally collect all the ways and see which way can be implemented.”

Tang Lao's words have been agreed by many Jie Lao.

"When doing these things, you must pay attention to confidentiality, and don't spread it out on a large scale, so as not to cause panic in the mortal world." Lin Wuya urged.

Some elders also put forward various suggestions. The meeting ended soon, and the elders were busy on their own.

The Barbarian Star Realm has reached the moment of life and death, and the loose organization of the Jie Laohui has begun to unite hard.

Zhou Fan and Lin Wuya didn't have much sect power. After discussing a few words, they passed the story of the giant puppet soldiers back to Dawei, so that the upper-level forces in Dawei could make certain psychological preparations. .

After doing this, Zhou Fan and Lin Wuya both looked at the giant standing still in the distance.

The black line has not yet appeared on the giant, which is a state that will only appear in the later stage of predation.

"Do you think we can survive this doom?" Lin Wuya asked after being silent for a while.

"It depends on how Lin Sheng thinks it's over?" Zhou Fan said slowly: "If the giant puppet soldier can eat it again, it should also leave after eating the Wild Star Realm."

That is, there will definitely be not many people who can survive by then, but the warrior cultivator should not die if he runs fast.

After all, the speed of the giant form transformed by the predatory giant puppet is not fast, unless it will evolve again later.

"If it's a little more extreme, and the giant puppet soldier doesn't leave the barbarian star realm without eating the last creature, we can also retreat to other star realms." Zhou Fan thought for a while and added.

But if this happens, more people will die, and they will retreat to other star realms. It is also necessary to confirm that the catastrophe of other star realms is not so Yes, no matter the world How many mortals will die, people like us should be fine. Lin Wuya sighed and said, "It's not that we don't want to save them, but we have tried our best, but still can't do it, we have a clear conscience. "

"Even if we escape to other star realms, we won't feel too guilty. After all, our abilities are not infinite, but limited. We are only monks, not gods."

Zhou Fan was silent, because Lin Wuya was right, they were not gods, and he also knew that in a long time ago, there were monks who claimed to be gods and could also be called gods, but in the end of the gods, gods also fell.

"Zhou Fan, if possible, I hope you can take care of the academy for me." Lin Wuya said again.

Zhou Fan's thoughts were interrupted, and he looked at Lin Wuya in amazement, "Lin Sheng, why do you say that?"

Lin Wuya's tone seemed to have a kind of care for the lonely.

Lin Wuya calmly said: "I always feel that this catastrophe is not easy, and more importantly, I have deduced my fate, saying that I can't escape."

"When I left Great Wei before, I thought the doom was over, but now I think wrong, the doom should still be there, but I didn't expect it to overlap with the catastrophe."

"I may die at any time. If I die, the academy can only ask you to take care of me."

"I only accepted apprentices when I was very old, even Xiaohong is too weak..."

Lin Wuya's words were full of ominous connotations, which made Zhou Fan feel depressed in his heart. He couldn't help but say, "Lin Sheng, don't worry, things may not turn out as you think."

"I know." Lin Wuya chuckled lightly: "It's just a matter of being prepared, there is no escape from doom. I have escaped doom twice before, and it is not so easy to want my life."

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