Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1953: method error

Yinbi drew a contemptuous expression, "It's nothing to advance 10,000 feet, you're such a squeamish person!"

"It's really not me, no one wants to let the boat move forward because of such a trivial matter." Zhou Fan chuckled.

"Forget it." Bronze Book said, "I'm too lazy to care about you, so it's fine to tell you. It's not difficult to enter the Tong Xuan Realm, but it's not easy. It depends more on the understanding of the celestial cultivator. You can enter the Profound Opening Realm.”

"Can you enter the Profound Opening Realm by understanding the laws?" Zhou Fan looked thoughtful, "I have mastered the four laws now, doesn't that mean that I can enter the Profound Profound Realm at any time?"

The Bronze Book sneered and said, "You have indeed mastered the four laws, but it does not mean that you can enter the Tong Xuan realm based on this. Wait until everything has undergone a complete transformation, so as to truly step into the Tong Xuan realm.”

"You mastered the law in advance, and it was achieved through various coincidences. This is not something you really realized. You have the strength of the Tong Xuan realm at most, not the Tong Xuan realm."

Zhou Fan understood, and he asked, "Then how can we comprehend the law?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Bronze Book said impatiently: "It depends on your understanding, if your understanding is not good, then you can only stay in the celestial realm for a lifetime!"

Zhou Fan snorted, he now has a complete celestial state, and he doesn't seem to feel anything too special. Now it's bad, "Comprehension is one thing, but how do you start to understand? You have to tell me, right? Can you comprehend the law just by looking at the sky?"

Yinbi drew a smiley expression on the bronze book, "I'm sorry, so you asked about preparations before enlightenment, this is actually quite simple, you go to find a technique to comprehend the law, this kind of technique Fa has played a guiding and auxiliary role, so it shouldn't be difficult to find."

"If you trust me, I can give you a spell like this for free."

So kind... Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Thank you then."

"You're welcome." Bronze Book said, the silver pen lightly tapped, and a light yellow light flew out from the tip of the pen, and quickly flew in along Zhou Fan's eyebrows.

The content of this technique appeared in Zhou Fan's mind. He just read it briefly. It wasn't a difficult technique. With a little thought, he could figure it out, and he should be able to easily see if there were any traps in it.

After all, this is given for free by Bronze Book, of course, be careful.

"If you don't understand the law, you can come to me." Bronze Book said.

Zhou Fan was startled and said, "Do you have any way to help me understand the law?"

Bronze Book chuckled and said, "I know some tips can guide you and help you improve your success rate, but the key is to rely on yourself."

"How much can I improve?" Zhou Fan asked hurriedly. It was related to whether he could enter the Profound Opening Realm, so he couldn't ignore it.

"It's hard to say." Bronze Book said slowly: "I can't guarantee the effect, but I won't talk nonsense. My guidance will definitely be helpful, but you should know that I will not guide you for free."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows. He somewhat understood why Bronze Book gave him this comprehension technique for free. If he couldn't understand the law, he could only ask Bronze Book for help. Bronze Book would not let such a good opportunity pass by then. Ask to let the boat go.

It's hard to say how far forward.

"With my talent and understanding, I don't need to ask you for help." Zhou Fan said.

The silver pen drew a funny expression on the bronze book, "Then let's see."

Zhou Fan asked a lot of knowledge about the Profound Opening Realm. At the same time, he tried to talk about the tips that Bronze Book knew to improve the success rate, but Bronze Book was very cautious. It answered some questions to Zhou Fan, and some questions it didn't want to say, Zhou Fan. There is no way.

After all, Bronze Book is not obliged to answer his question now.

After asking too many questions, the bronze book simply turned into a gray mist and dispersed.

Zhou Fan felt a faint headache, and he didn't find out a little trick. If the green senior hadn't appeared, the bronze book would not be so oily and salty, and he could still use the opportunity of possession to tempt the bronze book. If Senior Weiqing hadn't appeared, the matter of the giant puppet soldier would not be so easy to solve.

It can only be said that there are gains and losses.

Zhou Fan tried to ask the boat for advice again with anticipation, but the boat didn't respond to him at all, which made him speechless for a while. The boat's attitude was really strange. Exist the same.

Waking up the next day, after Zhou Fan finished his breakfast, he began to use the comprehension technique taught to him by the bronze book to try to comprehend the law.

Entering the realm of Taoism is also the law of perception. When entering the realm of Taoism, one perceives the whole law of heaven and earth, and the realm of heaven is a touch. It is not so easy to reach the threshold of the law, but if you want to enter the room and master a law, it is not so easy. .

When he was in the Celestial Realm, he could use the laws he mastered to touch the threshold of the laws of heaven and earth, but he could no longer use the laws he mastered to make himself comprehend a brand new law.

The day passed quickly, and the dim red sunset shone on the with a cruel beauty that night was approaching.

Zhou Fan looked at the reddish sunlight with a blank look on his face. After a day passed, he didn't realize anything and sat for a day in vain.

"It's only the first day. It's normal that I didn't realize anything. I'll keep working hard tomorrow." He cheered for himself.

Still nothing the next day.

"It's only two days. I'll keep working hard tomorrow." He comforted himself.

After the third day passed, Zhou Fan fell silent. He couldn't lie to himself any more. He didn't ask for three days to master a law, but he had to gain something, not every day without any progress.

This feeling of zero feedback is so frustrating.

"There is absolutely no problem with my talent, there should be a mistake in the method."

Zhou Fan sighed silently. There are two ways he can think of now. The first is to accept the instructions of the bronze book, and the second is to go to the Secret Pavilion to see if there is any experience in the Secret Pavilion to enter the Tong Xuan Realm.

He thought about it, and soon had an idea in his heart.

In the middle of the night, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat. After a few simple conversations with his children, he called out the bronze book and said frankly, "I can't comprehend the laws these days."

The silver pen drew a smiling expression on the bronze book, "Then are you going to accept my guidance?"

"How much do you want?" Zhou Fan asked the most crucial question.

"I ask you to move the boat a hundred thousand feet forward," said the bronze book.

"It's impossible." Zhou Fan said, "I can let the boat go 10,000 feet at most."

Let the boat move forward ten thousand feet, and the big gray worm will double again, that is, 80 million big gray worms, but if it goes well, he will enter the Tong Xuan realm, and then there will not be much of what he wants on the river. , it is not unacceptable to advance ten thousand feet.

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