Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1958: Amane toxin

Zhou Fan used his words to perfunctory the bald old man. He occasionally looked up at the sky, and there was a huge and indescribable gray-black object suspended in the blue sky.

In fact, at the moment of teleportation, he noticed the abnormality in the sky, but he did not feel too strange in his heart, because he already knew from Liubeihai and the Secret Pavilion that there would be such a thing.

This gray-black giant cannot see the end at a glance. In fact, the Xiazhu star realm is so big that no matter where you are, you can see this gray-black giant. Its body is so huge that it covers half of the sky of the Xiazhu star realm.

Xia Zhu Xingjie called it Tianyin Floating Corpse, which was the corpse left by the powerful monster that caused Xia Zhu Xingjie and brought catastrophe to Xia Zhu Xingjie.

Xiazhu Xingjie called that strange thing Tianyin, and rated it as unknowable.

Of course, this is only the rating of the Xia Lord Star Realm, and this rating may be downgraded, but judging from the destructive power of this strange, even if it cannot reach the unknowable level, it can be rated as quasi unknowable.

Tianyin had never appeared in the Xiazhu star realm before, and Zhou Fan also tried to ask Bronze Book, but Bronze Book said that he had never heard of such a strange thing.

If it is really a new-born monster... This is a very rare thing. The stronger the monster, the more stable it is. The unknowable level monster is unknown, but there may not be any one that can be rated as unknowable for thousands of years. A level of weirdness appeared.

"Does Zhou Daoyou know about the floating corpse in Tianyin?" Seeing that the bald old man couldn't get any useful information, he simply gave up. Seeing that Zhou Fan occasionally looked up at the floating corpse in the sky, he asked in a small talk.

"Of course I do." Zhou Fan said with a condensed expression, "The story of Tianyin's invasion of the Xiazhu Star Realm has already spread in the major star realms, how could I not know? It's just that I don't know how the Xiazhu Star Realm is going to deal with it. Tianyin floating corpse?"

It is impossible to let Tianyin's floating corpse float in the sky all the time.

The bald old man smiled wryly: "This question, Daoyou Zhou, stumped me. It seems like a little monk like me doesn't know what the big men want to do, but I heard that the problem with Tianyin's floating corpse is not only because the body is too large, but also because of the ubiquitous sky. Toxins."

"Heavenly Sound Toxin?" Zhou Fan revealed a look of surprise. The news that Jie Laohui got from the Secret Pavilion was of course not exhaustive due to the price. It was the first time he heard about the Heavenly Sound Toxin.

The bald old man thought for a while, and took out a small pure white porcelain bottle from his storage bag, "It contains Tianyin toxin. If Daoyou Zhou doesn't mind, I can do a test for Daoyou Zhou."

Zhou Fan was vigilant in his heart and responded with a smile, "Please do it yourself."

The bald old man pulled the cork off the bottle, and a wisp of gray-black smoke floated out of the bottle.

The bald old man's face was calm, and he let this wisp of smoke melt into his left cheek. Sigh, the bald old man's left eye socket began to flow out bright red blood, the eyeball was rapidly decaying, and a thin gray-black line drilled out from the pupil.

The bald old man's body is full of vitality, his left eye socket is no longer bleeding, the gray and black thin lines have turned into powder and drifted away, and the rot of the eyeball is slowly being repaired. of.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, this is Tianyin toxin." The bald old man explained with a solemn expression: "It evolved from Tianyin's death and turned into a floating corpse. If it wasn't for the monks who had entered the Taoist realm, he would not have been able to kill this thread of Tianyin that had sneaked into his body. Toxins."

"Even if there are too many toxins in Tianyin, even monks will feel dangerous. As for ordinary people and warriors, if they are poisoned by this toxin, it will be difficult to save them."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, this was indeed a bit overbearing, a toxin that even a blood-changing martial artist could not resist.

"There are not many Tianyin toxins now, but if you want to deal with Tianyin floating corpse, you must first solve the problem of Tianyin toxin. If you use ordinary methods such as dismembering or burning Tianyin floating corpse, the toxin on the floating corpse will explode. , I don't know how many people will die by then." The bald old man sighed.

"The unfortunate part is that Tianyin's floating corpse is too big, and the lucky part is also here." The bald old man continued.

"Why did you say this?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Because it's too big, it's impossible for a mad person to detonate all Tianyin toxins by attacking Tianyin's floating corpse." The bald old man explained.

This requires a large number of monks to do it, but there are still very few lunatics who like to hurt others and not themselves.

"And in order to avoid this extreme situation, all our forces have deployed certain means to guard in the sky. If you go out, you can fly in the sky, but don't get too close to Tianyin's floating corpse, otherwise it may cause misunderstanding." The bald old man kindly reminded.

Zhou Fan said with a smile that he understood, and then the two chatted about other topics. Most of the bald old men told Zhou Fan some common sense to pay attention to when coming to the Xiazhu star realm.

While the two of them were talking, a monk came over and said to the bald old man, "President Qiu asked me to take the guests to the reception Zhou Fan stood up and said goodbye to the bald old man, and sat down with the monk. On the flying treasure ship, the flying treasure ship flew up, and under the treasure ship was Qianzong City, and the streets were crowded with people.

Zhou Fan retracted his gaze, the cultivator had no intention of talking to Zhou Fan, so Zhou Fan simply closed his eyes.

The treasure ship flew at a high speed until it stopped in front of a white jade building. In front of the building was the word "Welcome" written. The culture of each star realm may be different, but the words are not much different.

Zhou Fan followed the cultivator into the Baiyu Building. The hall was quiet and elegant, with a dozen good-looking maids standing on either side. Both Zhou Fan and Zhou Fan came in and bowed their heads in salute.

A middle-aged man sitting in the main seat of the hall stood up. He smiled and cupped his hands and said, "The guests from the Barbarian Star Realm are the one who neglected us."

Zhou Fan hurriedly said he didn't dare, and then the middle-aged man asked Zhou Fan to take a seat, and the maid immediately came over to pour tea and water, and brought fresh Lingguo dessert.

The middle-aged man and Zhou Fan introduced each other, and Zhou Fan knew that the middle-aged man was Qiu Yingwei, the deputy leader of the Qianzong League.

Zhou Fan didn't know how many deputy leaders of the Qianzong League besides Chen Jiudian, the main leader, but being able to be the deputy leader is absolutely a powerful person.

After the two chatted for a while, Qiu Yingwei smiled and said, "I don't know what Daoyou Zhou came to Xiazhu Star Realm for? If you need anything, just let me know. If you can help, I will definitely be happy."

"I'm afraid that fellow Daoist Qiu will be disappointed." Zhou Fan said with a smile: "I'm just here for a tour this time. After all, I've always stayed in a small place like the Wild Star Realm, and my vision has become lower."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is humble." Qiu Yingwei laughed and said, "The Barbarian Star Realm is outstanding, even if it's not as good as the Xiazhu Star Realm, it's not much worse. Some time ago, Fellow Daoist Feng went to the Barbarian Star Realm to travel. I wonder if Fellow Daoist Zhou has met him?"

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