Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1961: pig raising

"What way?" Qiu Yingwei asked.

"Let's learn from each other in the city." Chen Jiudian said.

Chatting in the city? Qiu Yingwei quickly realized that there was the Qianzong Alliance's most powerful defensive formation in the city, and the formation might not kill the cultivator of the Profound Opening Realm, but it was not useless, at least it could save Chen Jiudian's life at a critical moment.

I didn't expect you to be such a cowardly leader... Qiu Yingwei thought so, he said, "I'm afraid he won't agree."

If it were him, he wouldn't dare to promise to learn from others' sites.

Chen Jiudian sneered: "If he refuses to agree, I can take this opportunity to push his invitation to learn from him. What else does he have to say?"

"Leader, I don't think he is a reasonable person." Qiu Yingwei froze for a moment and said, he felt that doing so would be better than refusing at best, because the result would be the same and would anger Zhou Fan.

"Don't worry." Chen Jiudian said with twinkling eyes: "If he is arrogant and unreasonable because of this, I have other ways to deal with him."



After Zhou Fan confirmed that no one was following him, he stopped. He didn't stay in Qianzongcheng because he didn't want to fall under surveillance. This was not a good thing for him. Of course, it might leave the impression of leaving in fear. But compared to this, he is still willing to leave first. After all, is he afraid? After three days, when he goes back again, those people will know.

He guessed that Qian Zongmeng would definitely try to find out Feng Hongyan's life and death and his origin.

He didn't hide his name this time, nor did he use illusion to modify his appearance, just considering that his purpose was to eliminate hidden dangers for the barbarian star realm, hiding his identity would not help him accomplish such a purpose, and there was no need to hide his identity.

He thought about it seriously, and after confirming that what he did in Qianzongcheng was not a big problem, he didn't think about it any more, but began to cultivate with anticipation.

When it was about to get dark, Zhou Fan stopped cultivating. There was a hint of disappointment on his face, which was no different from comprehending the law in the barbarian star world. He quickly shook his head. This kind of thing is not simple, if it is true If you change the place, you will be able to cultivate it immediately, that's amazing, you can only take it slowly.

He lit a bonfire and arranged a talisman for the night.

When it was time for dinner, Xiao Ling appeared on time and ate the marinated roast duck leg. This little **** was lazy about everything, but he was very active in eating.

Zhou Fan didn't bother to talk about her anymore, he just ate silently. After eating, he sat down to digest the food. He looked up to the sky. Because of the dark night, even if he opened his eyesight, he could barely see the huge outline.

If the Xiazhu star realm hadn't been accompanied by cultivators of the Dao Realm, I'm afraid it would be dangerous this time, but I don't know if the Xiazhu star realm was destroyed by this weirdness, what would happen to the other nine star realms?

Zhou Fan let his thoughts wander for a while, and then he restrained his thoughts and glanced at Xiao Wan, who happened to see Xiao Wan who was full and patted her round belly, and let out a long sigh of relief.

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, and he pulled out the Star Frost Rusted Blade. The rust on the rusted blade he was holding instantly dissipated, and the light of the blade reflected on his face, making it look a little brighter.

Xiao Ling said with interest: "Master, do you want to practice swords?"

If the master is practicing the exercises, it is the most boring, and then practicing the magic method, but if the master is practicing the knife, it is worth seeing, and it can be used as a snack for her after dinner.

"No." Zhou Fan said lightly, "I want to kill."

"Who to kill?" Xiao Ling asked in a daze.


Xiao Ling was startled, "Master, why are you killing me, I haven't made trouble recently."

Zhou Fan gestured with a knife and said, "The pigs will be slaughtered if they grow fat and fat. If they continue to be kept, it will be a waste of food."

Xiao Ling glanced at her tummy belly, which was swollen and swollen because she had just eaten, and she cried, "Master, please don't, no matter how fat I am, I'm still a little kid.

When she thought of the master using his knife to open her stomach, her short legs trembled, not because she was timid, but because the master's eyes were too scary.

Zhou Fan sullen, not letting himself laugh, he said solemnly: "Do you know that you are afraid? From now on, you are only allowed to eat three duck legs a day."

Now Xiao Qian can eat nine duck legs a day, and there are many duck legs in the storage bag, but every time she comes out, the duck legs in the storage bag will be eaten up.

There is that cultivator's storage bag with so many duck legs... Zhou Fan can't help laughing every time he thinks of this.

"Three duck legs a day?" Xiaoxuan cried, ", you, you should kill me."

Zhou Fan: "..."

Zhou Fan reprimanded Xiao Ling for such a desperate behavior. When Xiao Ling waited to confirm that the owner was only trying to scare her, she breathed a sigh of relief and accepted the master's reprimand, she was used to it anyway.

After a few reprimands to see that Xiao Ling didn't care, Zhou Fan felt a little helpless in his heart. This little bastard's face was getting thicker and thicker, and his education was really a failure.

He didn't pay any attention to He pulled out the knife not only to scare Xiaoxuan, but for more important things.

He stretched out his left arm, with the strength of his physical body, even the Star Frost Saber couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

Of course, there is a premise for this, his physical body does not run the real essence to defend.

Zhou Fan didn't hesitate, he poured his true essence into the Star Frost Saber, chopped off his left palm with one blade, and blood spurted out from the broken wrist.

Xiao Ling was stunned. Could it be that the owner was so angry that she started to self-harm?

Zhou Fan's face was indifferent, the blood gushing out of his broken wrist. The blood stopped in an instant, his left palm was growing back quickly, and soon returned to normal, and even the bones of the left palm on the ground completely melted into a pool of blood.

It is normal for the broken left palm to disappear. This is the case with any monk who can regenerate from a broken limb. Once a new limb grows, the old limb will melt. This is a kind of conservation law.

Living beings are not weird, living beings must obey the laws of heaven and earth.

After the left palm grew back, Zhou Fan slashed the left palm with a knife. He kept repeating this action, enduring the severe pain of the palm being chopped off, and watching the continuous growth of the palm, he tried this method to understand what was wrong. The rule of extinction.

According to the Bronze Book, Pluto's anti-wheel body originally contains the law of immortality. Since his body has the law of immortality, of course he wants to use it.

Xiao Qian shivered, she didn't understand why the master was playing with her own palm, but the way the master chopped off her palm and stared at her being reborn from the severed palm looked so cruel and perverted.

Oops, the master used to have only occasional problems with his brain, but now people are starting to develop in a perverted direction?

Wait, he's tired of self-mutilation in the future, what should he do with me?

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