Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1970: Difficult to distinguish between true and false

Zhou Fan looked at his six sons. At least three of these six sons were fake, and maybe all of them were fake.

If it's all fake, where is the real son? It is not surprising that he may be isolated from other invisible parts of the ship by casting spells.

"Xiao Bai, you are supervising each other now, and no one is allowed to move without my order." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I will ask you questions separately, and you are not allowed to speak until you answer, understand?"

"Understood, Dad." The six responded in the same way.

No matter how powerful a monk is, it is impossible for a monk to read out the thoughts in his mind unconsciously, so Zhou Fan is not afraid that the thoughts in his or the three Xiaobai brothers’ hearts will be read out, just ask if it is true or not.

Zhou Fan walked to Xiaobai on his left and asked, "Do you still remember the secret words I told you? The Pagoda Town River Demon."

He had thought about the possibility that there would be a leader who might hide the real Xiaobai and lie to him with a fake one, so he prepared some secret words.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger." Xiaobai replied.

Zhou Fan asked again, "I have a pet that is delicious and lazy. What's her name?"

"Xiao Wan." Xiao Bai said without hesitation.

This should be true... Zhou Fan walked over to another Xiaobai and asked, "What is the secret word blushing?"

Xiaobai: "Refreshed."

Zhou Fan: "Why is it yellow again?"

Xiaobai: "An anti-cold wax."

Zhou Fan was startled and said, "Who taught you the power of the law to control your body?"

"Master Yingjiu." Xiaobai replied.

How come this is all right... Zhou Fan frowned slightly, does the guide really have the ability to read the answer in his heart, this is absolutely impossible, even if the guide has this ability, the ship will not agree.

But what's going on?

Both of the little whites have the correct answers, which is really weird.

If you can't figure this out, the two Xiao Hei and the two Xiao Lan don't need to ask any more. Zhou Fan thought about it and said: "Two Xiaobai, you two go to the other side to discuss."

Xiaobai has mastered the law of the wind, so he can't be fake and master the law of the wind, and he can tell the truth after one fight.

And if one of the Xiaobai is faked by the leader, then the fake Xiaobai can't do anything to the real assistant Zhou Xiaobai, maybe he will be exposed without hitting the opponent.

Even if he is unlucky enough to meet a guide who can act on his assistant, it doesn't matter. He doesn't worry about Xiaobai being injured in the battle. After all, even if he dies on the boat, as long as he doesn't jump into the river, he will at most just exit the gray river space.

The two little whites answered yes and walked to the other side of the empty deck, standing opposite each other and looking at each other.

The space on the boat is large enough, and the deck on the boat can withstand even the laws. Zhou Fan said that he can start, and the two little white figures moved quickly.

The two little whites were using the wind to accelerate them, waving their hands, and the wind blades constantly shot out, attacking each other.

There was a gust of wind on the boat.

Zhou Fan just flicked his fingers and used a defensive technique to isolate these gusts of wind. His face was slightly condensed. These two little whites used the law of wind, and they were not simple copies. understanding.

Zhou Fan did not master the law of wind, but he saw Xiaobai practiced countless times, so it is not an easy thing to deceive him with other laws.

The two little whites were very calm during the battle, but they didn't mean to keep their hands, and the usage of the law of wind was very insidious. They were all attacking each other's vital points. This is completely the way Yingjiu taught. .

The two Xiaobai's fighting styles look exactly the same.

The more Zhou Fan looked at it, the more suspicious he became. He looked at the two little blacks and the two little blues behind him, "Which of them do you think is true?"

He asked this question with a sense of temptation. He wanted to see how the two little blacks and the two little blues answered?

As a result, the four all shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, the expressions of the two little blacks were almost the same, and the expressions of the two little blues were not much different.

The two Xiaobai fought hard to distinguish between high and low, Zhou Fan said, "It's alright."

The two Xiaobai were obedient and stopped immediately, but looked at each other vigilantly.

Zhou Fan looked at Xiaobai on the left and said, "Do you think he uses the Law of Wind?"

Xiaobai was silent for a while and said, "Yes."

Zhou Fan looked at Xiaobai on the right again and asked, "Do you think he uses the Law of Wind?"

"Yes." Xiaobai on the right hesitated and said the same answer.

Zhou Fan smiled, things became more and more strange, this was beyond his expectations, that leader was really a good trick, he still couldn't understand how the other party did it, he sighed and said: " Xiaobai, do you have a way to prove that the other party is fake?"

The two little whites were silent, they quickly shook their heads and said that they couldn't do it.

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Fan chuckled lightly, "You go back to your original position first, and I'll think of other ways."

The two little whites returned to their positions and stood still.

Zhou Fan looked at his six sons. The strangest thing about this matter was that both Xiaobai knew the answer to his and they all used the law of wind. How did the leader do it? what about?

Is he caught in an illusion?

This is impossible, he is good at the law of illusion, and according to so many guides who have appeared before, even Yingjiu who is also proficient in the law of illusion cannot let him fall into the illusion, it is not that he can resist such illusion, but It's the rules made by the ship that don't allow the guide to use illusions directly on boarding people like him.

After ruling out the possibility of falling into an illusion, he continued to think about how it could lead to such an indistinguishable phenomenon?

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of the Puppet Breeding Monsters, and the Puppet Breeding Monsters thought of the God of Rejuvenation. Could this be...

After thinking about it seriously, Zhou Fan felt that this was the most likely situation. He tentatively called out, "Senior, I have found the answer."

"Let's hear it." It's still the same voice, but unfortunately I don't know which direction the voice came from.

Zhou Fan looked at the three brothers Xiaobai from the two teams, he smiled and said, "I think they are all real."

The three Xiaobai brothers in the two teams were all stunned. They didn't expect Dad to say this.

"Why?" the voice asked.

"Because they are too similar, there is no flaw." Zhou Fan said slowly: "I fell into a misunderstanding of thinking before, I always thought that some of them were fake or all of them were fake. I have thought about it, but Why don't you think about it the other way around, maybe they're all real."

"Congratulations, you have three more sons." The man laughed mockingly.

"No, I still only have three sons." Zhou Fan said: "Senior's methods are very powerful. I guess the predecessors used a very rare method to create such a situation. This is a copy of Xiaobai's three people. The power of the laws of thought and everything else."

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