Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 215: Burning Valley

At the new Chidao, the three migrating villages began to set up camp under the drums.

Zhou Fan led Xiaoliu to patrol the outermost periphery, and he couldn't let Xiaoliu, like a child, leave his sight.

This is not just a request from Master Huang Fu. In fact, Zhou Fan is not at ease. After all, the origin of this little girl is really strange now, and Zhou Fan is not sure about her relationship with Xiaoliu.

Only after asking the fog can we confirm what is going on. It’s just that the number of times he entered the gray river space today has been used, and I’m afraid we will have to wait until tomorrow.

When it was time to eat, Zhou Fan communicated with others before taking Xiao Liu back to eat.

Compared with Xiaoliu's changes, the changes of the dude did not surprise Yiyimu and the others.

During the meal, the Daliu couple greeted the little girl and asked her to eat more.

Zhou Fan just reminded the two of them not to touch Xiaoliu as much as possible, and didn't care much about the rest.

Originally, Zhou Fan was worried about what if this Xiaoliu didn't eat?

But his worries were superfluous. The little girl's appetite was very good. She ate nine bowls of rice all at once...

The amount of food was so large that everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhu Chunmei's eyes turned red again, feeling that her daughter was so pitiful.

Zhou Fan thought that maybe it was because she just broke out of the cocoon, but she followed Zhou Fan without shouting hunger.

After the meal, Zhou Fan took Xiao Liu to go on patrol.

By the end of the night, Xiao Liu had fallen asleep on Zhou Fan's back.

Zhou Fan did not continue to patrol, but took her back to the tent.

Zhou Fan put Xiao Liu on the bed and covered her with a quilt.

Zhou Fan began to drink cold flame wine to cultivate Yan Yang Qi, and he did not forget to focus on Xiao Liu when he was cultivating.

Under the dim light, Xiao Liu on the bed turned over, she smacking her lips and exhaling in a sound sleep, and a golden illusory flower suddenly condensed in the air.

The little flower was fleeting, but Zhou Fan still saw it.

His face changed slightly, and he stopped cultivating Yan Yang Qi.

The sleeping Xiaoliu took a deep breath and exhaled again, and the little golden flowers bloomed until they dissipated.

Zhou Fan watched Xiao Liu breathe out in silence, then he took out the test talisman and put it on Xiao Liu.

When Xiaoliu exhaled the golden flower for the third time, the test talisman showed no sign of burning.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

But the fact that Xiaoliu was breathing golden flowers while sleeping was not known.

Zhou Fan paced around the house for a while, he took out a straw mat, rolled it up on the ground, lay on the grass and muttered to himself: "Fog, help me enter the gray river space, and give you two little gray worms... "

But after waiting for a while, he still failed to enter the Grey River space.

Zhou Fan can only sigh, it seems that he can only enter once a day, he can only give up this practice, close his eyes and rest.

The next morning, when Zhou Fan got up, Xiao Liu was already sitting by the bed, staring at Zhou Fan blankly.

Zhou Fan smiled at her. Xiaoliu would be in a daze most of the time, and sometimes she would only speak. She seemed to be thinking about something, but she didn't seem to think about anything.

The temporary camp in the early morning became busy, and it didn't take long for them to start pulling out of the camp and re-starting the road.

It was very safe to walk on the footpath all the way until noon, when they finally reached the Burning Valley.

There was silence, and then many people in the three villages cheered, and some even burst into tears with joy.

The journey of several days seems to be short, but the hardships along the way are extremely difficult, as if decades have passed. Hundreds of people have died in the three villages, and now they have finally reached their destination.

On both sides of the Burning Valley are the majestic crimson mountains, and in the middle of the plain there is a river called Huochuan Stream passing through, and there is a wide and fertile flat land.

If there are rivers and flat land, it is suitable for farming and survival. The key is that it is close to Tianliang City. It only takes half a day to reach Tianliang City along the footpath without crossing the field.

Such a place is a godsend for the three villages.

After the excitement, the migratory team maintained a certain level of calm. Instead of letting the villagers walk around, they played drums here and asked the villagers to camp on the bank of Huochuan Creek.

The warriors of the three villages gathered to discuss the next thing.

Everyone was very determined, and the top priority was to carefully explore this place and choose a place suitable for building the village.

Soon, each of the three villages sent an expedition team to explore the Burning Valley.

Zhou Fan and Zou Shen took the expedition team from Sanqiu Village to the east of the Burning Valley. Zhou Fan didn't want to come here. After all, he still had to take Xiao Liu with him.

But Lu Kui was in charge of training the new team members, while Luo Haetian was busy dealing with the affairs of the village, so Zhou Fan could only come over with Wushen.

Fortunately, the speed of this kind of exploration is not fast, and Zhou Fan is not worried that Xiaoliu can't keep up. Even if he can't keep up, Zhou Fan can at most carry Xiaoliu on his back.

Exploring the unknown in the wild was originally a very dangerous thing, but with experts like Zhou Fan and Wrinkle Shenshen, and my brother's early perception of danger, this danger has been greatly weakened.

Compared with the low hills, the Burning Valley is much smaller, but it should not be a problem to accommodate three villages.

The mission of the expedition team only needs to go to the Crimson Mountains and come back.

However, Zhou Fan and the others quickly stopped, because they saw an abandoned village. Most of the village had collapsed and turned into dust. What could be left behind was already broken walls, and the broken walls were covered with blue wisteria vines.

The village was overgrown with weeds and looked desolate.

Zhou Fan and Zou looked at each other deeply, they had never heard that Fengu Village existed before.

Why is this village like this?

Have you been attacked in a weird way?

Zhou Fan and Zou had a deep discussion. They did not venture into the deserted village, but took the expedition team to bypass the deserted village until they reached the Crimson Mountain. They also did not go in, but retreated.

After Zhou Fan and the others returned, the warriors from the other two villages also returned with the expedition The warriors from the three villages who participated in the exploration team began to report on the exploration situation. At present, they did not find it too dangerous. The places suitable for building villages are also marked.

After Yan Longjing from Mangniu Village finished his report, he glanced at the six Talisman Masters and hesitated before saying, "Elders, we also found some abandoned village houses."

Yan Longji said this, and the only warrior in Yinfu Village also said that he found this abandoned house.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. The three village exploration teams were exploring in different directions, but they all found the barren village. Have there been multiple villages here?

If so, why did those villages not exist here?

Zhou Fan also opened his mouth to report this situation.

The atmosphere between the warriors became a little subtle, and they all looked at the six master masters.

There used to be villages living in this Burning Valley. It’s not surprising that the aboriginal warriors in the three villages didn’t know about it, but the six talisman masters should know it, but why didn’t they mention it?

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