Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 229: battle of long and short

"When I fought with that Zhou Fan, I had already measured the upper limit of his strength. Before he exploded, it would be 20,000 jins. If he exploded again... I estimate that he is in the high explosive range, it should be twice as explosive. That's 60,000 jin, can your "Eighteen Irons" hold up?" Zhang Yian asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Yi'an's face was bumpy and blue, and his eyes were like toad eyes. With his serious tone, it looked a bit funny, but all the warriors in Hongyao Village couldn't laugh.

Especially Cui Yu, even if Cui Yu burst out with all his strength, it would be 30,000 jins. His strength is definitely not comparable to Zhou Fan. He murmured in his heart, how exactly this kind of strength madman has been trained, it is really too terrifying.

Zhang Yian asked if he could hold on, and he obviously knew that he would definitely lose in the competition, so he pinned his hopes on Cui Yu's fighting technique "Eighteen Irons".

Although they are both in the resistance stage, in terms of defense, Zhang Yi'an is far inferior to Cui Yu. Zhang Yi'an is confident that Cui Yu's defensive power is one of the best in all the villages in Tianliang.

Zhang Yi'an patiently waited for Cui Yu's reply. As long as he could withstand the attack of the giant monster Zhou Fan, he would have a chance to win.

Cui Yu thought for a while in silence and said, "First of all, the other party can't use the talisman, but even with such a strong blessing on the weapon, I am afraid that 60,000 catties can break my eighteen iron, but I can say that even if The damage caused to me by breaking the 18th iron with a knife is not enough to make me lose my combat effectiveness."

"I'm not sure how many knives I can take from him, especially since he's likely to target my injuries."

A smile appeared on Zhang Yi'an's face, "That's enough, you remember that your goal is to make a quick decision. If you drag it on, your opponent's continuous huge strength will be enough to defeat you."

"So the best thing to do is..."

"Swap injuries for injuries." Cui Yu said, "Even if he is injured, he will lose his combat effectiveness as quickly as possible!"

"That's right." Zhang Yian nodded, this was what he thought, "Even if Zhou Fan is also fighting against him, he can't stand the force of Captain Cui's hand."

"I know what to do, Zhang Cunzheng, do you have anything else to say?" Cui Yu asked again.

"No more." Zhang Yi'an shook his head, "Captain Cui, please, if you lose this battle, then the dream land of our Hongyao Village for many years will fall into the hands of others."

Cui Yu's face was solemn, and he stepped out with a horse lance in his hand. He couldn't lose.

Zhou Fan glanced at Ma Leng in Cui Yu's hand, and he also pulled out the Star Frost Rusted Saber. In this game, it is the weapon that needs to be compared.

When Cui Yu saw the rusted knife in Zhou Fan's hand, the corners of his eyes jumped, and he resisted not making a sound to remind Zhou Fan to change the knife. The less his opponent, the better.

On the contrary, Sancun warriors are used to the rusty knife in Zhou Fan's hand, knowing that although this knife is rusted, it is not as useless as imagined.

Cui Yu's whole body swelled suddenly. His limbs and body suddenly swelled. The special thing was that layers of red-black iron filings appeared on the outermost skin.

This is his anti-duan exercise "Eighteen Iron"!

All the talisman warriors in Sancun understood that this Cui Yu must be another warrior who fought against Duan.

At the moment when his body exploded, Cui Yu stomped his right foot, and a small crater appeared on the ground. His whole body had already shot at him, and the horse lance had no pretentiousness!

Just like Ma Leng is running with people, he can let Ma Leng hit Zhou Fan when he is a zhang away.

Zhou Fan's hands and feet became red and bulging. He swelled up, and the Star Frost Rusted Knife in his hand slashed out, hitting the lance.

With a ding sound, the lance collided with the blade, sending out a series of sparks, and the lance was slashed to the left.

Cui Yu had anticipated this for a long time, and the others took several steps in a row, but still continued to move forward, facing the blade.

Cui Yu's right hand trembled slightly, and Ma Leng, who was 18 feet tall, was pushed inward by him. Under the action of the giant force, the lance suddenly bent into a slingshot and shot back, and the lance swept towards Zhou Fan's upper left arm.

Zhou Fan glanced at the bouncing lance, and the thin knife in his hand was about to slap, but Cui Yu was already approaching, and he brazenly threw his left fist, blocking the long thin knife abruptly.

This change was a little unexpected to Zhou Fan, and he didn't have time to think about it. The Star Frost Rusted Knife had already slashed on Cui Yu's left wrist, stabbing it.

At the same time, Zhou Fan was also captured by Cui Yu's lance, and Zhou Fan's left upper arm had a small black line entwined. The lance swept across the black line, bringing up a shallow spark, leaving a trail.

The two hit Juli moved several steps in opposite directions, one left and one right.

The five fingers of Cui Yu's left hand spread out. This knife did not break his "Eighteen Iron", but it gave him a certain shock, and the whole left arm was a little numb. The power is not small, but it has no effect, indicating that Zhou Fan is probably already fighting against Duan Martial Artist, which is really not good.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly. He glanced at his rusty knife. After all, a rusted knife is a rusted knife. No matter how tough it is, its sharpness is too bad.

This is just a momentary change of mind. The two stepped on their feet again and again, stabilized their bodies, and turned their heads and swung their weapons.

The weapons slammed into each other with a ding sound, and they were separated by a touch.

Cui Yu took a few steps back and deliberately opened up the distance. With a long shot and a short shot, Ma Leng waved, the front of the front was black and light, and the tip of the pin was a little bit of cold star.

And Zhou Fan responds to all changes without change. Wherever Ma Leng swipes, the long knife can appear. A thin knife is like a phantom, much faster than the waving Ma Leng.

The knife and the horse lance collided one after another, and the blade and the lance trembled slightly under the influence of the huge force.

All the spectators held their breath and stared at the battle on the field seriously. Whether it was Zhou Fan or Cui Yu, they could be said to be the first-class masters among them. Such battles were really rare for them.

Zhang Yi'an clenched his fists with both hands, his heart was burning like fire, the longer it dragged on, the lower Captain Cui's winning rate would be, and Zhou Fan hadn't even exploded with all his strength.

Even now the horse lance in Cui Yu's hand has been repeatedly hit by the thin knife and shaken to a great extent, and Cui Yu has fallen into a disadvantage.

Zhang Yi'an was anxious, and Cui Yu was even more anxious than Zhang Yi'an. Of course he wanted to fight quickly, but when he and Zhou Fan distanced themselves, his Ma Lan could no longer get close.

The rusty knife completely blocked his Ma Lan's offensive, the blade light swayed, not to mention Ma Lian, I am afraid that if a basin of water is thrown, the water droplets will not be able to pass through the defense line formed by the knife light, this knife is too fast.

Cui Yu had never seen such a fast knife. He used to use a horse lance to hit short weapons, and he was always invincible, but now he realized that short weapons were so tricky.

Cui Yu knew that if he dragged on like this, his outbreak would be over. He didn't know what his opponent's explosive technique was and when it would end. If his opponent's end wasn't over, he would be in trouble.

Cui Yu gritted his teeth. He knew that even if he was seriously injured, he would defeat Zhou Fan. He pulled his right hand back, and Ma Lan was pulled back by him, away from Zhou Fan's thin knife.

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, and saw that Cui Yu had already half-held the lance and rushed into the attack range of the thin knife.

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