Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 237: Zhou's mortal enemy

"Afan, are you going to Tianliang City to be a wrestler?" Gui Feng said in a daze after hearing this.

"I'm thinking about it, so I want to hear what your parents think." Zhou Fan smiled and said that he would discuss with his family about important matters in the past.

Gui Feng looked at her husband, Yi Yi Mu, with a worried look in Yi Mu's eyes, he thought for a while and said, "Afan, are you worried about our safety? Actually, the Burning Valley is safer than the Low Hill Plain. , When the village is built, then there is no need to worry about this problem."

"It's not just because of this." Zhou Fan shook his head, "I'm a little reluctant."

Since he came into this world, his parents can say that they have cared about him very much. If he leaves, they might worry about him.

"Afan, the man should go everywhere. If you want to go, then go. Don't worry about the family. We will take care of ourselves." Liangcheng is not far from here, if you have time, you can always come back to the Burning Valley."

"Afan, mother doesn't want you to leave, but..." Gui Feng showed a tangled look on her face, and then she was relieved, "My father and mother can no longer drag you down, it has already dragged you down too much."

"Father and mother, we are a family, there is no drag on it." Zhou Fan shook his head to deny this statement.

"You can go if you want, you really don't have to worry about us." Yi Mu said here and paused again, "Is the piece of jade still at home?"

Zhou Fan took the piece of jade pendant from his neck. The ring jade pendant was green and green, and there was no seal engraving on it. It looked like an ordinary piece of rough jade.

But this piece of rough jade can predict the approaching of the strange in advance, but Zhou Fan is rarely useful, because he has always been with the old man, and the old man is more useful than this jade pendant.

Just because this jade pendant was handed down from the family, his parents kept asking him to wear it, so he just wore it.

In Zhou Fan's eyes, since this jade pendant is a family heirloom, it is the most precious thing in the Zhou family. It is a symbol of the family. If it wasn't for saving him, Zhou Yimu would never be willing to hand it over to Zhang He. .

Zhou Yimu took the jade pendant, he looked at the jade pendant and hesitated and said: "The jade pendant is passed down from generation to generation in our family, you wear it, I still want to tell you something, this is your grandfather who passed the jade pendant to I said it when I did."

Zhou Fan's face was serious and he listened carefully.

"Your grandfather said that our ancestors of the Zhou family fled to Sanqiu Village. The ancestors of the Zhou family fled because the Zhou family had a deadly enemy, and this deadly enemy was very strong. The Zhou family fled here in order to avoid him. It doesn't matter, but when you arrive in Tianliang City, it is inevitable that people will be confused, so this sapphire pendant should not be easily seen, understand?" Zhou Yimu said slowly.

Zhou Fan was slightly taken aback, "Father, it's a matter of how many generations, I'm afraid this mortal enemy is no longer there? Or is our Zhou family still confirming his existence?"

"Your grandfather said that the ancestors said that as long as the Wei Dynasty does not fall, this mortal enemy will be there." Zhou Yimu said softly.

"Are you saying that the mortal enemy of our Zhou family is the Great Wei Royal Family?" Zhou Fan's face showed a look of surprise. The only power he could think of that could keep the Great Wei Dynasty standing was the Great Wei Royal Family.

Zhou Yimu looked around nervously, and then said in a low voice, "It shouldn't be, don't talk nonsense, I also thought about it back then, and asked your grandfather, but your grandfather denied it."

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly and said, "What kind of mortal enemy would that be? Besides, how much hatred can you remember for so many years?"

How many generations the Zhou family has passed down, Yiyimu can't figure it out. According to Yiyimu, the Zhou family has always been sparsely populated and has no branches. It is not easy for such a family to be passed down.

"I don't know, don't ask, I'm just in case, just remember." Yi Yimu shook his head and handed back the jade pendant to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan could only nod to show that he remembered and put away the jade pendant, but he was a little suspicious in his heart. He felt that there was something in Yi Zhou's words.

But Zhou Fan didn't question him. In any case, he knew that Yi Yimu wouldn't hurt him. In the future, if he wanted to say something, he should have said it. Zhou Fan was not willing to persecute him.

Zhou Fan left Zhou Yimu and his wife in the tent, and he turned around to find Xiaoliu, who gave him a headache.

Seeing Zhou Fan walk away with his own eyes, Gui Fengcai turned to look at Zhou Yimu with worry on his face.

Not only was he worried about the danger of Lux, there was also some kind of worry hidden in his heart.

Yi Yimu naturally knew what Gui Feng was worried about, he just shook his head and said: "When Afan grows up, it's like the chicks in the nest will one day spread their wings and fly high, but this day comes earlier than we thought. I can't stop him, and I shouldn't stop him. As for that... it's been so many years, it's just a past event, and no one will remember it anymore."

Hearing that Zhou Fan was about to leave the Burning Valley, Xiaoliu burst into tears. She grabbed Zhou Fan's jacket and choked with tears: "Afan, take me there, let's go together."

Zhou Fan looked at this little girl who might be his own sister, and he shook his head very sadly and said, "Xiao Liu, I'm going to work, I can't take you there, and you're leaving with me, what about your parents?"

Xiaoliu was stunned for a moment, her parents were very good to her, she was really reluctant to leave her parents, but she was even more reluctant to leave Zhou Fan, but she was entangled.

Zhou Fan coaxed her for a while, and promised her that she would definitely come back once a month. Xiaoliu cried for a while, knowing that things had not changed, and then she sullenly stretched out her fingers and hooked Zhou Fan, telling him to remember to come back.

After coaxing Xiaoliu, he told Huang Mao about the matter to the two Fu Masters, Lu Kui, Wrinkle Shenshen, Luo Haetian, and Shouhou.

The six people had different expressions when they heard that Zhou Fan was leaving the village to join the Yiluan Division

"Afan isn't joking, are you really ready?" Lu Kui didn't care about the presence of so many people, but instead called Zhou Fan's name as if there were usually only two people.

Lu Kui knew very well that a wrestler was a very dangerous profession. He had his own family to take care of, and he never thought of joining the Yiluan Division as a wrestler.

"Yeah, Captain Zhou, you have to think about it. Lux's salary is very high, but the job is not so easy." Luo Kaitian couldn't help but persuade him. He also never thought about becoming a Lux, and it was just a matter of taking care of his family. One of the reasons, key, is that the work is too dangerous.

Wrinkled deep and cold face, I don't know what to think.

The two talismans of Huang Mao were originally from the Division of Yiluan. Whether they supported Zhou Fan in joining the Division of Yiluan as a wrestler or not, their position was very embarrassing and could only be silent.

The thin monkey looked sad, he didn't understand the danger of Lux, and he was sad that Afan was leaving.

He originally thought about being able to fight side by side with Afan, but no matter what Afan thought, he would show his support.

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