Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 253: real rich

The cul-de-sac was silent.

When Xiaojia saw Tian Feng kneeling on the ground, he put his hands on the ground and trembled all over.

Xiaojia was shocked at the time. He wondered if the school was sick. Just when Xiaojia didn't know what to do, Tian Feng moved again.

Tian Feng stretched out his trembling hand to undo the layers of jute scarves. The scarves were undone. Xiaojia saw that the corners of his lips were gone, and even his teeth were hollowed out.

Xiaojia screamed out in fright. He quickly covered his mouth. He could imagine that if the other side of Tian Feng's face was in the same situation, then Tian Feng's mouth would have no lips and teeth, and it would become a hole. .

Tian Feng struggled and let out a low roar, and a green thread as thin as a hair burst out from his mouth. The green thread was as long as it touched the ground, and green liquid flowed down the thread to the ground.

Xiaojia trembled when he saw this, he took a step back, didn't dare to look any further, and ran away secretly.

"After I ran away, I went all the way to the yamen...that Tian Feng..." Xiaojia stammered a little when he said this, "It must be a joke, catch him quickly."

Even the children in Tianliang City know that once they find something strange, they will immediately report to the yamen. It is not a strange thing that Xiaojia will appear here.

"The school will leave the hall at noon, let the children go back to eat, and then continue in the afternoon. There is still some time before going to the hall." Ge Zhaotou explained to Zhou Fan and the two. Xiaojia said it so clearly, then this is obviously Weird and messed up, it can only be handed over to Zhou Fan and the two of them.

"Xiao Jia, did you tell anyone about this?" Zhou Fan looked at the child and asked.

"No." Xiaojia shook her head quickly, "I came all the way here."

"Then you haven't gone back yet, will your parents worry about you?" Zhou Fan said softly.

"My parents are not home at this time, so they left me something to eat." Xiaojia replied.

Zhou Fan glanced at Li Jiuyue, wanting to see if Li Jiuyue had anything to ask, but Li Jiuyue looked back inexplicably and seemed to be asking what do you think I did?

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, he shouldn't have any expectations for this partner, he took out a test talisman from the talisman bag, put it on the table and pushed it over, he looked at Xiao Jia with bright eyes and said: "Poster on myself."

Xiaojia glanced at Ge Zutou with some fear, and Ge Zutou nodded: "Don't worry, we won't hurt you, it's just because you're afraid you'll get caught in some dirty things."

In fact, the yamen has already tested Xiaojia for the first time, but what Zhou Fan wants to do is his business, it's just a trivial matter.

Xiaojia put the test talisman on her body, but the test talisman didn't respond.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and took back the test talisman from Xiaojia.

"Ge Zhaotou, the two of us are the Yiluan Division who only entered today. How would you deal with this situation?" Zhou Fan looked at Ge Zhaotou and asked.

Ge Zhaotou was not too surprised by Zhou Fan's inquiry, he said calmly: "If the fighters don't refuse, usually Tianliang Liya will try to clear out the people around the monsters for you, and then you will take action against the monsters."

"Then I'll trouble Ge Zhaotou." Zhou Fan laughed. With Tianliang Liya's help, it could save them a lot of trouble. Of course, he wouldn't refuse.

"Then let me arrange it." Ge Zhaotou turned around and walked out.

"Xiaojia, I'm afraid that slander will come to harm you. Before the matter is resolved, you will be by our side, you know?" Zhou Fan said gently to Xiaojia.

"Yeah." Xiaojia nodded lightly.

Li Jiuyue glanced at Zhou Fan suspiciously, it would not be better for this child to stay in the cool sky, why should he take it with him?

However, Li Jiuyue did not ask in person.


The sound of chewing on flesh and bones came from the dimly lit room, and after a while, there was the sound of satiation and satisfaction.

He stood up, wiped the blood from his face, and began to wrap a jute scarf around his face. He had to go to court, or he would be suspected.

He didn't want to leave the city so soon.

The child with a jute scarf on his face wanted to push open the wooden door, but he suddenly stopped because something was wrong.

The sound from outside and the house next door disappeared.

His eyes became cold and he started to back away.

He walked into the darkness and tried to touch the wall, which had purple lightning licks and licks, spreading towards his hand.

He let out a low growl, and he knew he was trapped.

"It hasn't come out yet, it seems to have been discovered." Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were ambushed in a corner, he said with some regret.

The four sides of the house and the roof were affixed with the lightning ban talisman prepared by Tianliang Liya. If there was a thunder ban talisman for a while, even the blasphemy would not be able to break through.

Scattered around stood Tianliang Liya with a vigilant look on his face.

"In order to avoid Night Changmeng, we can only rush in and kill it." Zhou Fan took out the Star Frost Rusted Sword, and took out two small flame talismans, ready to stick to the sword.

"Hey, wait." Li Jiuyue said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan frowned and stopped. Could this Li Jiuyue be afraid to go in?

If so, he can go in alone, after all, he needs to collect gray worms, which is a bit of an adventure.

"Brother Zhou, are you the Little Flame Talisman?" Li Jiuyue glanced at the Little Flame Talisman in Zhou Fan's hand.

Zhou Fan was a little puzzled.

Li Jiuyue directly took out two yellow paper talismans, which were painted with white runes, "You are too risky, it is safer to use this."

Li Jiuyue slapped the talisman into Zhou Fan's hand, and then he drew out his long sword.

The whole body of the three-foot long sword is golden, and the body of the sword is engraved with a golden dragon pattern. This sword looks really too coquettish.

Li Jiuyue took out two of the same talismans and slapped the golden sword. The talismans lit up with a dazzling yellow light, and the white runes were densely covered with the sword, and there were a series of romantic flows.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, looking at the light, it was obviously a talisman of the top grade Huangjie.

Li Jiuyue had already rushed out with a sword. He didn't even break out. When he ran to the door of the room, he kicked the wooden door to pieces.

"Weird, where are you going?" Li Jiuyue shouted, and then rushed in.

There was a bang bang bang fighting A strong wind blade spread out from the wall of the house, hitting the yellow mud bricks flying out.

If it weren't for the blessing of the Thunder Ban Talisman, the house would have fallen apart long ago.

The catchers were stunned, it was the first time they had seen such a reckless warrior.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a while, he casually pasted two talismans, and rushed over.

Just rushed to the door, the fighting inside has stopped.

Li Jiuyue walked out with a smile on the child's head.

The child's mouth turned into a large hole, with countless green threads spewing out of it.

The child's eyes were wide open, apparently in disbelief.

"Brother Zhou, you're too slow, this blood-level quibble made me mess up." Li Jiuyue said proudly.

Zhou Fan's face was weird. He looked at the two talismans of the high-grade yellow rank in his hand again, and then said with a serious face: "Brother Li, I have made a deal with you as a friend."

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