Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 256: fantasy

"Two adults, why are you here?" Xiaojia was stunned for a moment, then quickly laughed.

"We should ask you this question, why are you here?" Zhou Fan stared at Xiaojia coldly.

"I lost a copper coin, so I came here to look for it after I put it in the hall." Xiao Jia said with fear in his eyes.

"You lied, we saw you enter Tian Feng's house." Li Jiuyue said coldly.

Xiaojia rolled his eyes, the fear on his face faded away, "It looks like you two are following me."

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were shocked. This was a little different from what they had negotiated. They thought that Xiaojia would always deny and refuse to admit it, but now there is a tendency to admit it.

"You're ridiculous." Zhou Fan's face turned cold, and he put his hand on the handle of the knife.

Before knowing the strength of this monster, it is more appropriate to be careful. I just wanted to deceive him, but this monster dared to admit it directly, and things were a bit abnormal.

"I didn't expect you to find out." Xiaojia sighed regretfully, "It's all the fault of that idiot, who was possessed by my fellow school."

"You were afraid that he would implicate you, so you reported him?" Zhou Fan gave Li Jiuyue a wink.

"Yeah, or what do you think? Am I being weird to you humans?" A smile appeared on Xiaojia's face.

At the moment Xiaojia showed a smile, Zhou Fan's knife was already unsheathed and slashed.

His knife had already attached two small flame talismans in advance, and the scarlet blade reached Xiaojia in the blink of an eye.

It's just that Xiaojia's body suddenly twisted into a ball and became illusory, and the knife fell and slashed in the air.

Xiao Jia is gone.

Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, his wrist flicked and he slashed horizontally in front of him, drawing an arc-shaped knife light.

Zhou Fan did this to prevent being attacked by the disappearing Xiaojia, but the knife didn't hit anything.

"It's the phantom seed in the charm." Li Jiuyue's face was slightly condensed, and the golden long sword in his hand was already unsheathed. I didn't expect that there was still a charming phantom in Tianliang City.

Charismatic phantoms have the ability to twist their bodies to hide in the air.

"It's up there." Zhou Fan glanced around and finally found Xiaojia standing in the corner of the room.

Xiaojia looked at Zhou Fan and smiled and said, "Don't underestimate me, if those three Si'an make me fearful, as for you, it's impossible to catch me or kill me."

After speaking, the figure of the child slowly dissipated under the refraction of the dim sunlight, leaving only a faint laugh.

"Charming illusion, their strength may not be strong, but they have the ability to transform into the air. Looking at this illusion, his strength may not be high, but with his natural ability to transform, it is really difficult for us to kill it, unless Only when we can reach the speed segment can we keep up with his ability to move in illusion." Li Jiuyue sighed.

Zhou Fan retracted the knife and scabbed it. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I can only report to Yiluan Division, and it will be solved by Yiluan Division."

Said so, but Zhou Fan has given up hope. After the identity is exposed, the Charm Seed either escaped from Tianliang City or will hide in a new identity...

This kind of nonsense is really tricky.

When the last ray of light disappeared in the dark night, the child jumped off the roof and landed in front of a house in the East Square. His eyes radiated a faint white halo and looked around before he opened the door and walked in.

"Why are you here at such a time? Aren't you supposed to go back to the host's house?" A woman's voice came from the darkness of the house.

"My identity has been exposed, and I can no longer go to the host's home." The child sighed, "I thought that if the unruly slander was successfully resolved, I would be able to hide in peace and drink human blood and eat human flesh. A pair of newcomers pierced through."

"Hee hee, then you're really unlucky and can only think of changing your identity. I don't dare to keep you here for too long. Those spy detectives run around like dogs all day long, and you will implicate me too. If you can't find a suitable host, you can only go back to the secret passage and hide." The woman said with a smile.

"I understand." The child's voice was a little heavy, "It's just why there have been so many chaotic swindles in the city recently, the secret way is in the hands of our wise men, and where do those wicked men with too low intelligence come from? of?"

"If it weren't for these messy things, how could I be seen through?" The child said with some hatred.

"Who knows? Those brainless monsters are so annoying. It's not like we carefully forage for food according to the rules. We always break the rules wantonly, and we can't communicate with them. If we are not careful, we will be involved..." The woman sighed faintly. tone.

"By the way, I heard that Wuyan was killed by Yan returning." The woman suddenly changed the subject.

"What? When?" The child's surprised voice sounded from the darkness.

The two monsters whispered and communicated.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue hurried back to the Yiluan Sifu to report the matter before it was considered a real low value.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue both lived in Xifang, and they were on the way. Zhou Fan's house was on the edge of Xifang. He separated from Li Jiuyue here and went back to their respective homes.

Li Liangtai was restless in the hall, until he heard the servants report that Li Jiuyue was back, he quickly walked out of the hall, and happened to see Li Jiuyue coming, and he respectfully shouted: "Big..."

Li Jiuyue snorted coldly, and the word 'person' behind Li Liangtai swallowed hard. He changed his words and said, "Nephew, you are finally back, how is it today?"

Li Liangtai was very wary of this young man from outside, but he was also very worried about Li Jiuyue's career as a wrestler.

Originally, he also proposed this morning that Li Jiuyue bring all the warriors in the mansion, so that even if he encounters a powerful monster, he can protect him completely.

Otherwise, if Li Jiuyue had an accident in Tianliang City, his family would probably suffer as well.

"Don't worry, uncle, today is very good." Li Jiuyue said with a smile.

"That's good, I'll have people prepare food and drinks..." Li Liangtai said with a diligent expression.

"Uncle is too I just need to prepare some home-cooked dishes in the future." Li Jiuyue shook his head and said, "Hey, by the way, why haven't I met my uncle's family?"

Li Liangtai's face froze, that's because he hid his family, especially those beautiful concubines, he was afraid that Li Jiuyue would make a fool of his concubine on a whim, and what would he do when the time came. it is good?

"Oh, I let them go in and out from another courtyard, for fear of disturbing my nephew." Li Liangtai thought so, and explained quickly.

The Li family compound is very large, and there are three entrances and exits in the outermost layer alone.

"How about that?" Li Jiuyue's face showed dissatisfaction. "I'm your nephew. Let those beautiful aunts come over and see me. I want to toast to your aunts and do the etiquette that the younger generation should have."

Li Liangtai shook his hands, but his face smiled like a flower, "Then I will ask them to come over, they are all concubines, if the nephew doesn't dislike it, just say whatever you like, and bring them all back to replace them. It is also their luck that the nephew warms the bed."

"Uncle... Actually, I was just joking. What are you doing so seriously?"


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