Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 258: Willingness

Wrinkle Shenshen and Eunuch Ao looked at each other silently, Eunuch Ao was ready to wait for Wrinkle Shenshen to speak, if Wrinkle Shen Shen did not speak, he would not speak.

"You have a way to make me win?" Wrinkled Shenshen's voice was hoarse, he really wanted to win.

It's just that Zhou Fan left him behind again and again, and even he doubted that it would be difficult for him to surpass Zhou Fan in his whole life.

"Your talent is poor, but it doesn't matter. There are always some pills or exercises that can ignore your talent. We have a cultivation technique that we think might be suitable for you." Eunuch Ao said calmly.

"There is such a practice in the world?" Zou Shenshen showed disbelief on his face.

"You're just a country warrior, how much do you know about the world?" Eunuch Ao showed a proud expression on his face, "Our family is from the Imperial Palace of the Great Wei Dynasty, which is full of good things in the world, so the practice of ignoring talent will naturally have , it’s just that there are a lot of restrictions on cultivation.”

"This is the secret of getting started with that practice test." Grandpa Ao took out a booklet and handed it to Wrinkled Shen, "Three days later, our family will come back to check for you. Tell you more."

Zou Shen took the booklet, he glanced at the booklet, there were no words on the cover, he looked at Grandpa Ao again: "What do you want me to do for you?"

No merit and no reward, Wou Shen Shen knew very well that Eunuch Ao would not help him for no reason, he had to know what Eunuch Ao wanted him to do first.

"You can rest assured, our family won't let you deal with the people in your own village, as long as Zhou Fan doesn't betray the Yiluan Si, the Great Wei Dynasty, or even let you deal with Zhou Fan, and stage some kind of drama, Our family only needs you to help me with things." Grandpa Ao said slowly, "But it doesn't make much sense to say this now, it's all based on the fact that you can pass the entry test."

Ao Gonggong turned and left.

Zou Shen stood quietly, he looked at the booklet in his hand, he was thinking that he was just a small martial artist, there is no need for a person of this position to design him like this, so let's practice it for now .

Three days later, Eunuch Ao, who came back again, looked at Wrinkle Shen with a surprised look, because Wrinkle Shen had successfully entered the entrance!

"Okay, very good." Eunuch Ao was all excited. He really had nowhere to go after stepping through the iron shoes. He was able to find someone who his godfather couldn't even find.

Since he came out of the palace, he has found a lot of warriors to try, but none of those warriors have failed. He thought that this practice was not good at all, and now he finally found a warrior who can get started.

The most difficult thing about this left-handed practice is to cultivate a sense of qi. As long as you can cultivate a sense of qi, it means that this person has the talent to learn the complete exercise.

Wrinkle Shenshen still had a cold face. He did not feel any difficulty when he practiced this exercise, but he was skeptical about Eunuch Ao saying that this so-called exercise could ignore the growth of talent.

After Eunuch Ao got excited, he calmed down and looked at the deep wrinkle, as if he had seen a rare treasure.

After the godfather got this practice, he didn't know how many little eunuchs or warriors he tried, but they all failed. Now that he was lucky enough to find it, he couldn't give up.

"You told me that this exercise has strict cultivation conditions, what are the conditions?" Wrinkle Shenshen wanted to figure this out the most.

"Our family knows that you may not believe it, but we dare to say that this practice is definitely one of the few top-quality exercises in the world. Its vastness spans the two realms of martial arts. You can even rely on it. Going to the end of the monks..." Eunuch Ao said with a solemn expression.

"I want to know the conditions for its cultivation." Zou Shen Shen reiterated that such a powerful technique must have strict conditions, and it might have to pay a very heavy price.

"It's a wish-strength exercise. Before you practice, you are asked to make three great wishes with a certain part of your body, and then you will lose that part of your body." Grandpa Ao said hesitantly.

"What part?" Wrinkle asked with a deep frown.

"Your descendants." Eunuch Ao knew what he was going to say after all, but he said it slowly.

Wrinkled Shenshen's face suddenly turned cold, so he had become a **** like Eunuch Ao, he couldn't accept it.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, this practice is said to be created by a certain **** senior and a Buddhist master. It's not a vicious practice, it just makes you lose your treasure temporarily, as long as you can realize yourself Your baby can still grow back, it is your blessing to meet the training qualifications, I don’t know how many warriors can’t practice even if they want to…” Eunuch Ao quickly persuaded.

"Can it really grow back?" Wrinkle asked in deep stunnedness. If it could grow back, it would be something to consider.

"Of course it can." Eunuch Ao affirmed, "As long as you have seen the exercises, you will know, and as long as you realize your ambition, it will grow again."

"However, the magic of this practice is that the bigger the vow, the faster the practice, so you have to think about these three great vows, and you can't stand too low, otherwise you haven't reached the advanced realm. As soon as I repaid my wish, I practiced this practice in vain." Grandpa Ao added, "This practice can only be practiced once in a lifetime, and cannot be practiced again."

Zou was deeply silent. He was considering whether to practice this kind of exercise. If he didn't fulfill his ambition, his life would be ruined.

"You can think about it, our family will come again, if you want to practice this practice, you have to make a ghost oath, never betray our family, be our family's most loyal subordinate, and our family will I'll pass on you." Eunuch Ao said with a serious face.

He didn't want to pay such a high price and get nothing, and it was impossible for Wrinkle Shenshen to get something for nothing.

"No, I'll practice, but you have to make a ghost oath to ensure that what you said is true. Even if I become your subordinate, I won't let me do things that go against my conscience." Zou Shen Shen said coldly.

He has never been a hesitant person, and when he decides, he decides!

"This is no Our family is not a bad person." Grandpa Ao said with a smile on his face. He could imagine that Wrinkle Deeply practiced this magical practice and made rapid progress, maybe he will be able to do it soon. surpass him.

At that time, with Wushen Shen's help, he will be able to defeat Yan and return at the Yiluan Sifu, and even return to the palace very soon, and he will go with the future super-master of Wushen Shen.

At that time, the godfather will definitely be happy for him to find a strong aid.

"Do you have any ideas about the first wish?" Eunuch Ao asked again. The most important part of this unique practice in the world lies in the wish.

The grandeur of the wish will determine what realm the cultivator can reach.

Of course, the bigger the wish, the more difficult it will be to realize it. If you don't think it's good, you won't be able to grow a baby for a lifetime.

It is difficult to balance this well, Ao Gong Gong is eager to make a deep wish to become the 'strongest warrior in the world', which is in his interests.

"I've already thought about it, my long-cherished wish in this life is to go all out to fight him and defeat him!" Zou Shenshen's eyes showed the most enthusiastic obsession.

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