Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 260: spread

A **** smell filled the room.

The three of Zhou Fan reacted and rushed out of the room immediately. Their hands quickly reached into the talisman bag, and they took out the forbidden evil talisman and stuck it on their arms.

The talisman was attached to his arm, and there was no abnormality. Zhou Fan and the three were relieved.

But looking at Wang Er's corpse, which was broken in two, their faces were very embarrassed.

That scene just happened too fast.

Now I can confirm that this must have been a bizarre act.

That red line is a curse or a poison or something.

The arresters rushed over, surrounded the room, and used a test talisman and other means to test it. After confirming that there was no strange existence in it, Zhou Fan and the three walked in again.

Li Jiuyue was not used to this kind of **** scene, so he turned his head and twisted back.

Zhou Fan and Ge Zhaotou squatted down. They looked at the corpse that had been cut in two. After a while, they invited another worker to come over.

Zuo Zuo said that Wang Er seemed to have been cut off by a sharp weapon, and no toxins were detected in his body.

Zhou Fan shook his head helplessly, there are too few clues, I am afraid that he can only go here.

Tianliang Liya was in charge of the aftermath. Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue stood on the side and watched for a while, then they said goodbye to Ge Zhaotou, and asked Ge Zhaotou to inform them if there was any news.

Back at the Yiluan Sifu, Zhou Fan went to ask the Talisman in the Sifu again.

It's just that the masters shook their heads and said they didn't know after thinking about it seriously.

The talismans didn't know that this was most likely the work of a new monster, so we could only let the detectives in the office record it and study it slowly.

There will be new kinds of weirdness, not too weird.

In the afternoon, Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue went out to eat and came back. After a period of time together, the two got along very well.

Apart from being a bit sloppy, Li Jiuyue doesn't have many of the problems of a wealthy businessman. He is optimistic and easy to talk about, but this easy talk can easily turn into nagging.

However, in Li Jiuyue's nagging words, Zhou Fan could occasionally hear some extremely interesting insights from the outside world from Li Jiuyue's mouth, and it was not a complete loss.

Li Jiuyue said that these experiences were recorded by his father in rare books collected from the outside world. If Zhou Fan is interested, he can bring him a box next time he goes home...

While the two were laughing and talking, Ge Zhaotou flew all the way into the side hall, his face as if stagnant by hailstones.

Zhou Fan and the two stopped talking, Ge Zhaotou has always been steady, and with such a posture, I am afraid that something very serious has happened.

There were nine men of different ages standing in the lobby of Tianliangli Ya. Their faces were terrified.

Zhou Fan looked at the nine men with a solemn expression. In the morning, he thought that the matter had been temporarily over. Who knew that blood lines would appear on so many people before long.

"There are also five women in the innermost room, and blood lines also appeared on their waists." Ge Zhaotou said with a heavy face.

Tianliang City hasn't had such a serious curse incident for a long time.

"Which room are those women in? Take me over to take a look." Li Jiuyue said suddenly.

"Brother Li, don't make trouble, men and women can't get married. If you look at their waists, maybe you can only marry them all." Zhou Fan said speechlessly.

"It's okay, my family can afford it." Li Jiuyue said proudly, but he quickly shook his head again, "I don't want it anymore, maybe there is an aunt in there."

Zhou Fan rubbed his brows helplessly. At this time, he really wasn't in the mood to joke.

Ge Zhaotou also ignored Li Jiuyue, who was not very serious. What he valued more was Zhou Fan's ability.

Of course, Young Master Li has amazing financial resources and can still provide a lot of help in battle.

If such a big case is only handed over to Zhou Fan and two fighters, it would be very unsafe, so Tianliang Liya not only asked the arresters to invite Zhou Fan and two people, but also invited another group of fighters and two talismans to come.

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue came a few steps earlier, and the other group of fighters and two talismans almost stepped into Tianliangliya.

On the side of Tianliang Liya, Ge Zhaotou was assisting the masters and talismans of the Yiluan Division.

The seven people went to a room to discuss together. Ge Zhaotou introduced the situation with a serious face. Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue generally understood the situation. After the introduction, Ge Zhaotou concluded: "Wang Er, who has been killed by the Bloodline Curse, is Found a blood line on his waist yesterday morning, and then this morning he cursed and died."

"Therefore, it can be guessed that the onset time of this bloodline spell may only be twelve hours. I just made a registration, and the next person who is about to reach twelve hours is probably still one hour away from now. Our actions should be Hurry, or someone will be killed by this curse soon."

The bloodline curse that Ge Zhaotou said was named temporarily by them, and calling this kind of thing a curse was just a guess.

After Ge Zhetou finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Fanqi.

"Two bosses, I would like to hear your opinions." A man dressed as a scholar smiled. He had a thumb-sized wooden gourd around his waist. This small gourd looked like a piece of jewelry. Wu Chengcai, the bronze seal of Luan Sifu.

Next to the man dressed as a scholar sat a black-faced middle-aged man, his partner Tie Yin Li Shi Mu Jianyuan.

As for the two masters, one is surnamed Wei and the other is surnamed Shi.

"I heard Zhou Lishi say this curse before, but I have never seen a curse similar to that in a book." It was Master Weifu who spoke.

"This is likely to be a new curse issued by a new monster." Shifu Shi Yinghe said, "Since it is a new curse, it is impossible to study the method of breaking the curse for a while, we may use the traditional method to break the curse. Give it a try and see if it works?"

"It's useless, we just used the Yamen's spell release but after the spell release talisman burned, the bloodline still exists." Ge Zhaotou said solemnly.

"If the spell-breaking talisman doesn't work..." Shi Fushi showed a wry smile on his face, "The only solution for now is to find that stalker and kill it."

Kill the monster under the curse, and the curse will not be solved.

But the question is where is that monster hiding?

It's okay to hide in Tianliang City. If it leaves Tianliang City, the consequences for those who have been cursed will be disastrous.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and there was a man's voice in the house: "I can only try my best to find it."

No one's mouth was moving, Zhou Fan glanced at Mu Jianyuan next to the scholar Wu Chengcai, Mu Jianyuan said these words, he seemed to know ventriloquism, and the mouth on his face never opened his mouth.

"I have asked the arresters to record the statements of those who have been cursed, and ask them where they have been from yesterday to now, who they have seen, and what have they done?" Say.

Zhou Fan and several people nodded, hoping this would be useful.

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