Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue stopped joking and hurriedly went to the main hall of the Yiluan Sifu.

In the main hall, not only Yan returned, but also monk Yuanhui and father-in-law Ao, and the three envoys of the four security were rarely gathered together.

A dozen or so people came from the Lux Talisman.

Seeing this, Zhou Fan and the two knew in their hearts that there must be something big happening in the government office, otherwise it would not be the case, so they found a corner and stood there and waited patiently.

No one spoke in the hall, just silently waiting.

The powerful talisman masters were also invited over one after another, and soon Zhou Fan and the two discovered that not only the powerful talisman masters, but also four or five detectives were also called over.

The main hall is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and in the end there are only thirty or forty people.

Of course, there are more than this number of people in Yiluansi in Tianliang. In fact, there are many Luxuries and Talismans who can't come back for a while in the wild.

After confirming that they were all together, Lu Boyuan, the staff in charge of counting the number of people, went to the three Yan Guilai who were sitting in the chairs and reported back.

"I called everyone here to perform a mission in the field." The voice of Yan returning echoed in the hall, "The content of the mission is kept secret for the time being."

Zhou Fan looked at the three serious-looking Si'an envoys, and what he subconsciously thought was that it might be related to the power of the masked people.

Yan returned her eyes slightly cold, paused for a while, and continued: "The people who clicked the name below will go with me and Grandpa Ao to carry out the task..."

Names were called out, and Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue were among them.

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that such a dangerous mission in the wild would not be the turn of these two newcomers. Who knew that Yan returned or mentioned their names.

Li Jiuyue's face also showed surprise.

However, Zhou Fan soon knew that in Yan Guilai's eyes, his strength was a very good fighter, and it was no surprise to let him follow him. As for Li Jiuyue... Sifu has always been dispatched by a group of two fighters, Li Jiuyue is estimated by him. dragged down.

Zhou Fan glanced at Li Jiuyue apologetically.

Li Jiuyue's mind changed, and he quickly understood, he just smiled and whispered: "Staying in the city is very boring anyway, it's just right to go out for a walk, Brother Zhou, don't worry, my strength is a bit poor, But my father was afraid that I would die accidentally, but he paid a lot of money to buy me several useful life-saving things."

"There is no one in the government that can compare to me in the ability to save one's life."

Zhou Fan thought about it too, Li Jiuyue and other local tyrants are very rich, and there are probably a lot of things to save their lives, so there is no need to worry too much about him.

The roll call is still going on. Si Luan obviously attaches great importance to this operation. Fifteen people have been named, including eight fighters. The lowest level is Tie Yin Shi, and the highest one even has two silver seals in the speed segment. Lux.

Among the remaining seven, there are five talismans and two detectives.

Such a lineup made many people on the field change their colors.

Even if the cocoon tree appeared last time, the short-handed Yiluan Division just dispatched three top-notch people. This time, there were actually two Si'an envoys leading the team, two speed-segment silver seals, and a number of Luxe Talisman detectives. !

What kind of tasks can use such a lineup?

"The rest of the people who haven't been named will stay in the Yiluan Sifu for me, and they are not allowed to go out at will, and the field activities will be temporarily suspended for a long time." Yan returned and said solemnly: "If there is any strange incident in the city, it will also be handled by Master Yuanhui. Designate the Master Li Shi to handle it, and all the affairs in the government office will be handled by Master Yuanhui."

"No one must disobey orders, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

Yan returned to do this, apparently to keep the operation secret.

Zhou Fan and fifteen people quickly received the talismans and various medicines issued by the Yiluan government.

The Yiluan government has never taken back the things issued by these tasks, which is a kind of reward to the task performers.

Of course, there will be rewards after the task is completed. Like this task, the level is very high, and the rewards are naturally richer.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, otherwise there will be no warrior willing to join the Yiluan Sifu to do such a dangerous thing.

After Zhou Fan's faceless lesson last time, he spent some points afterward to ask the military craftsman of the Yiluan Division to make him a suitable giant sword.

One stayed at home and the other at Yiluan Sifu, just in case.

Zhou Fan easily carried the forged giant saber on his back, and he might even use the golden talisman at the critical moment.

Due to the unknown nature of the mission, Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, but still did not bring his brother, and asked a small official in the mansion to take care of him.

After everyone made some preparations at the Yiluan Sifu, in order not to attract attention, Yan Guilai and Ao Gonggong led seven or eight people and walked out through the East City Gate separately.

After crossing the East Jade Bridge, the two groups of talents gathered in the field.

Because the mission was kept secret, no one asked where the destination was. They just followed Yan back and Ao Gonggong towards the front.

After walking for a while, Yan returned and waved a gesture. The two detectives in the team took the lead in running towards the front, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

What the scouts are best at is field observation. It is their turn to survive in the wild. Even Master Fu is not as experienced as them. They often act as scouts in the team when they accompany them to perform tasks.

Most of the Chidao near Tianliang City can occasionally encounter warriors, but when Yan returned, they chose the sparsely populated Chidao to avoid martial artists in the wild as much as possible.

After walking for an hour, they left Chidao and came to a hidden hillside.

Zhou Fan and the others watched Yan return and Eunuch Ao go out of the field. They were already some distance away from Tianliang City, so there was no need to keep the mission secret.

Zhou Fan glanced around and saw no buildings. This should not be the destination of the mission.

"Our mission this time is to control Bihu Villa." Ao Gonggong said in his thin voice.

Bihu Villa?

Zhou Fan and the others were stunned for a moment~www.readwn.com~ Many people showed solemn expressions on their faces.

Zhou Fan knew that he guessed wrong, Bihu Villa is not far from Tianliang City, which is nearby.

After Zhou Fan arrived in Tianliang City, he was learning about the situation in Tianliangli every day, and he also heard about places like Bihu Villa.

It was a wild villa. The villa was open in the wild, and the warriors who wandered in the wild could stay in the villa if they had money. The villa protected them from being disturbed by strange things. It was similar to a post station or an inn in the wild.

Those who dare to do business in the wild have things like Weigu that can resist the strange invasion.

The owner of the villa, Lin Jie, is a stamina fighter. He has five or six explosive fighters under his command to take care of the villa for him.

Above the speed segment is the physical strength segment. Martial artists in the physical strength segment are very rare masters in Tianliang. Lin Jie also has a certain reputation in Tianliang. Such a person is not easy to deal with.

Zhou Fan and the others looked at Yan Guilai and Eunuch Ao, and wanted to hear them explain why they had to deal with Bihu Villa?

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