Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 282: dream puppet

Bihu Villa.

The corpses in the hall were scattered all over the place, but there was one thing in common. Their stomachs were cut open, and their intestines and other internal organs were all slid out.

"Be careful, since it is a sacrifice, there may be sacrificial monstrosity in the villa." A Master Fu reminded.

"Can you tell what kind of sacrificial **** it is?" Eunuch Ao asked with a trace of panic on his face.

Master Fu and the detective pondered for a while, then quickly shook their heads.

"I can't see it, it looks a bit like an enchantment sacrifice." Master Fu thought for a while.

Only enchantment-type sacrifices will trigger the ban on sacrifices when they want to flee.

"It's not an enchantment-type sacrifice, or it's not just an enchantment-type sacrifice." Yan returned and said solemnly, "They won't just imprison us in Bihu Villa."

Everyone's expressions changed, and Yan's return made sense.

"In any case, first think about confirming what kind of sacrifice this is." Yan Guilai paused and said, "Five people in groups, search separately, and find out possible sacrifice formations as soon as possible."

When there is sacrifice, there is usually a sacrifice formation.

And this formation is in the villa.

The villa is not large, it is divided into two layers, the outer layer is the reception hall and the tavern for eating, and the inner layer is the accommodation room, about a dozen rooms.

Everyone just searched separately for a while, and even without entering the inner layer, they found the sacrificial formation in the tavern.

All the tables in the tavern were swept away, and olive-shaped formations were painted with blood on the wooden boards.

Both ends of the array are pointed, and a circle is left in the middle.

The formation has black smoke rising up.

Everyone quickly gathered in the tavern and looked at this formation.

However, no one dared to act rashly, because the formation that should have been hidden was set up in a conspicuous place like the tavern, which showed that the formation was not afraid that someone could destroy the formation.

The five talisman masters approached cautiously without Yan Huihui's instructions, and began to study the sacrificial formation.

If they want to leave Bihu Villa, they can only crack the sacrifice formation.

"The formation has not been completely formed yet." Master Fu said happily as he looked at the lines of the formation.

"It's really not formed, the summoning has not yet arrived, and it should be too late to destroy it." The second talisman also said with a look of excitement.

Most of the sacrifices are to summon monsters, which are often difficult to control, and will harm others if they are not careful.

"Then quickly find a way to solve it." Grandpa Ao shouted sharply.

He's had enough of this **** place, it makes his hair stand on end.

The masters did not speak, but lowered their heads and studied.

Zhou Fan and the others didn't understand these things, so they could only spread out to guard the five talismans.

It didn't take long for the five Talismans to turn pale, and they whispered and quarreled.

"What are you mumbling about? What's going on now?" Eunuch Ao said with some dissatisfaction.

"Just say what you want." Yan returned calmly and said, in fact, he didn't have much expectations just now.

Zhou Fan looked at Master Fu's face, and his heart sank, obviously the result was not ideal.

"Two adults, we can't decipher... They summoned the dream puppet." One of the talisman masters said with fear.

Dream puppet?

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment. He had never heard of this strange name, but Yan Guilai and Eunuch Ao's expressions instantly turned ugly.

"It's actually a dream puppet." Li Jiuyue next to Zhou Fan also frowned, "No wonder it's an olive-shaped formation..."

"Do you recognize Meng Pup?" Zhou Fan hurriedly asked Li Jiuyue in a low voice.

There were also whispers in the crowd.

"Dream Puppet is a very special kind of weirdness. It doesn't have any consciousness, and it is more like a curse. Because of this, once it starts to summon, it cannot be reversed." Li Jiuyue explained Zhou Fan with a solemn expression.

"What kind of curse?" Zhou Fan heard that it was a curse, and his face changed slightly.

"When the dream puppet appeared, I wanted to leave the cursed place of the dream puppet. Now it seems that this cursed place is a villa. Only two people stepped into the two ends of the olive-shaped formation. The dream puppet turned, and it fell towards the place. On the other side, the other side will be dragged into the nightmare, it will be difficult to break free, the body will be put away by the dream puppet, and the other person will be able to lift the curse and be moved out."

"What if I walked into the formation alone?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"Then it will fall to the only one." Li Jiuyue said.

Just as Li Jiuyue finished explaining to Zhou Fan, the Master Fu also explained loudly to everyone, which was similar to what Li Jiuyue said.

For the first time, some of the warriors who heard of Wei Jingmengou showed fear on their faces.

"Isn't there a way to break the curse of the dream puppet? Can it be lifted by killing it the moment it arrives?" Someone asked unwillingly.

"No." Master Fu said with certainty, "Mengou is a monster that is identified as a black resentment, but it is a kind of law-type weirdness. The most difficult thing to break in the world is the law, you should also understand, don't say Black resentment level, even Baiyou level weirdness, if it involves the law, it is difficult to deal with."

Master Fu's words reminded Zhou Fan of the Black Wandering Dead Scorpion, which is also somewhat similar to the law-type weirdness. This type of special curse can't be resisted by his purple-gold and eight-armored armor.

Just as everyone was talking, black smoke gathered in the circle in the middle of the formation, forming a red-black human-shaped puppet. The puppet's eye sockets were hollow, and the puppet had dense twisted lines. It hung motionless in the center of the formation. Inside.

"Two adults, we have to make a decision as soon as possible. Mengou has already appeared. Within a stick of incense, if we don't step into the formation, Mengou will default to drag everyone within the cursed range into the nightmare." Five One of the masters was sweating profusely.

"There's still time, you haven't told those people what it will be like to enter the nightmare." Yan returned his face and calmly said.

"Being dragged into a nightmare by a dream puppet doesn't necessarily mean you will die... According to the awakened warrior, once you enter the nightmare, you will know your name, but you will not remember why you appeared in a strange place. To break free from the nightmare, you can only come out when the time is up, but during this period, you cannot be frightened by the nightmare and die, if you die, you will really not be able to wake up.”

"At that time, the body of the person who can't wake up will completely belong to the dream A talisman explained.

"Is there a high probability of waking up?" A martial artist who didn't understand couldn't help but ask.

Master Fu discussed this issue with each other, and soon Master Fu shook his head and said: "We are not sure about this, it seems to be due to people."

Hearing this unreliable answer, someone in the crowd turned ugly.

Zhou Fan looked at the dream puppets in the formation, and he frowned slightly. It was obvious that these people seemed to be the test objects of the masked people.

Of the fifteen people, only seven were able to escape the curse and go out safely, while the remaining eight were about to venture into nightmares.

"You already know the situation we are facing, and I have no way to deal with this dream." Yan returned and said in a deep voice, "After we go out, maybe the enemy will be waiting for us outside, and Mengou chooses people and strengths. It doesn't matter."

"However, I still recommend that pairs with similar strengths, step into the formation and gamble, and live and die in their own destiny. In any case, for pairs with similar strengths, there is a strong one who can get out of here safely, so as to ensure our safety to the greatest extent. combat power."

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