Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 621: no nightmare

"Let's go in and have a look." Gu Yuquan's face was puzzled.

The warriors poured into Yangzhai City again and scattered to check.

Zhou Fan took Team Thirteen and looked at the crack on the corpse on the ground. It was caused by the Nightmare Spirit when it was born, but where did the Nightmare Spirit go?

The warriors explored various places such as Yangzhaili Ya, Yangzhaili Yiluan's mansion, houses, manors, streets and alleys, but all they saw were corpses.

This is a dead city. Only corpse flies and maggots revolve around the rotting corpse. The evil thoughts emitted by Nianmao have no effect on these small and incompetent insects.

Nightmare spirits are all gone.

Confirming this fact, the warriors looked around, trying to find traces of the battle with the Nightmare Spirit.

But the outbreak of evil thoughts left the entire city scarred and devastated by battle, and it was difficult to find clues about the disappearance of the Nightmare Spirit.

No martial artist is happy, and there is only a faint fear in his heart.

It was a hundred thousand nightmare spirits, and they just disappeared. No one could be happy until the reason was found out.

Gu Yuquan and the others quickly exited Yangzhai City with Team Thirty-three and closed the gate.

Let ordinary warriors stand by on the outskirts of Yangzhai City, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and the warriors above the marrow washing section are quickly called to an open space.

Gu Yuquan looked at the more than 30 warriors in front of him, and he said solemnly: "The situation is unknown now, everyone can talk about their views."

After being silent for a while, the warriors opened their mouths to talk about their opinions. So many warriors said a word to each other. If the three Siping envoys of Gu Yuquan did not lead the scene, the quarrel would have turned into a pot of porridge.

Zhou Fan listened quietly, not in a hurry to say anything.

Soon the views of the warriors were mainly divided into three types.

The first thought that some expert was sent from above to quietly solve the biggest trouble in Yangzhaicheng.

The second thought was that some powerhouse passed by and silently killed all the nightmare spirits in the city.

The third view is the most pessimistic, thinking that for some reason, the Nightmare Spirit was able to escape from the corpse by ten feet, and all the Nightmare Spirits in a city escaped.

After listening to the opinions of the warriors, the three Siping envoys glanced at each other, and Song Xiuwei shook his head and said, "The above will not send experts, if they do, they will definitely notify us in advance."

"It is impossible for the Nightmare Spirit to escape from the corpse. This is not in line with common sense, and we have already arranged some monitoring personnel at the border of Yangzhai. There are not many people, but these are 100,000 Nightmare Spirit. None, this is impossible." Huang Ye said with a frown.

The first type and the third type were rejected on the spot, leaving the second type. An unknown expert passed by and shot and killed 100,000 nightmare spirits in the city.

But these are 100,000 Nightmare Spirits. Those masters can sneak across the border of Yangzhaili without being discovered. The number of people will definitely not be too many. Could such a situation happen?

Possibly, but the probability is still small.

"Why do they do this? Killing human nightmare spirits will not benefit you much." A martial artist questioned.

"Could it be for the property of the city?" Another guessed.

"He solved 100,000 Nightmare Spirits for us, why not give them the property in this city?" Song Xiuwei said coldly, "We didn't do a careful calculation just now, but apart from the losses caused by the outbreak of evil thoughts, the merchants' family There are a lot of property, and there are still a lot of talisman pills from the government."

"Those people are obviously not here for gold and silver treasures, nor for talisman pills."

Everyone was silent for a while, Song Xiuwei's judgment could not be wrong.

Not for the gold, silver, jewelry, talisman, and pills, but for what?

In this world, there may be people who practice the Dao for the sky, but it seems that it is too rare to slaughter a city of nightmare spirits quietly for the sake of Tianxing Dao.

They are not very convinced.

In the case of too few clues, their discussions could not lead to any results, and even the powerhouse passing by to kill the Nightmare Spirit was just speculation.

Gu Yuquan's three Siping envoys put aside the warriors under him, and went to the other side to discuss softly.

"What do you guys think about this matter?" Gu Yuquan asked with a frown.

The absence of 100,000 nightmare spirits has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that without this battle, Yiluan Division can avoid resource consumption and personnel damage. The disadvantage is that the reason for the disappearance of the 100,000 nightmare spirits is unknown. , and some cannot be explained to the above.

If they reported it directly, saying that the 100,000 Nightmare Spirits that Luoshui Township Yiluan Division had solved, but in the future if it was revealed that false reports of military exploits would be exposed, the three of them would suffer.

Moreover, the 100,000 Nightmare Spirits are not necessarily dead. If one day they suddenly run out of nowhere, they will feel embarrassed just thinking about it.

"Report truthfully and let the people above take care of it." Song Xiuwei said in a deep voice.

"I also agree with what Master Song said. In order to avoid accidents, we can let some warriors stay here and watch before the decision is made." Huang Ye Laodao also nodded.

Gu Yuquan pondered and nodded slightly, agreeing to such a method of disposal.

After the discussion, a team was left to garrison outside the city, and the rest of the teams started to rush back to the camp. After discussing the specific rules, they would come over to deal with Yangzhai City.

Before setting off, Zhou Fan looked at this dead city where no one survived. He had feelings and regrets in his heart. This is a hundred thousand nightmare spirits. If it is still there, even if he can't get all of them, he should be able to gain a lot from it.

Too bad it was a waste of time.

Who would have killed these 100,000 Nightmare Spirits?

Zhou Fan didn't know either.

Yiluansi in Luoshui Township was busy sweeping away nightmare spirits, and they didn't expect that human nightmare spirits, the least valuable ones, would be robbed.

Therefore, no one would think of monitoring Yangzhai City in advance.

It's too late to say anything now. These 100,000 Nightmare Spirits should never be found again. Zhou Fan turned his head back and stopped watching. At this moment, a thought occurred to him: Could this be done by that puppy?

With the strength of the it wants to make these 100,000 nightmare spirits disappear without a trace, which is a very simple thing.

But this is an unverifiable guess after all... It can't be said that it cannot be verified, he can find the black dragon and exchange it for a time retrospective bead.

It's just that when he thought that it would take 2,000 big gray worms, the corners of his mouth twitched, and the Yangzhai City was too big, and the range that the retrospective beads could see was too small. this idea.

Besides, even if he really showed him that it was done by a puppy or an expert, it wouldn't make much sense.

It is impossible for him to tell the truth to Gu Yuquan and the others. It seems that it is better for Gu Yuquan and the others or the Yiluan Division of Gaoxiang County to investigate this kind of thing. He will not participate.

Zhou Fan looked at Yan Guilai who was walking with him again. Yan Guilai sighed several times and said that he only arrived yesterday. He originally wanted to participate in this last day's task and get some credit, but this is the case. result.

Yan's return is truly a waste of time.

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