Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 708: come home at night

During this process, Zhou Fan did not do anything, because it was not necessary.

Both Bai Xuanyu and Zhang Lixiaohu showed strong enough strength, and Yelaitianxiang's peculiar singing played an important role.

With the three of them leading, those candidates dared to fight back, which was another surprise to Zhou Fan.

The candidates who participated in the tea party in the field were all warriors with physical strength and above, and there were thirty to forty people.

This is nothing but a **** level and a Baisha level monster.

If so many warriors from Yiluan Division or warriors who have been adventuring in the wild all the year round would have already launched a counterattack.

These young geniuses from aristocratic businessmen are too pampered, Zhou Fan thought with disappointment, of course, Zhang Li Xiaohu, Bai Xuanyu and Ye Lai Tianxiang, who seemed to dare to fight back, still showed enough. Strong fighting skills.

Bai Xuanyu's face was ashen, he looked up at the rope that was still floating in the air, with vigilance in his eyes.

The manor was a mess.

Those who did not take part in the battle also returned to the manor.

There was silence for a while.

Bai Xuanyu observed it for a while, but still stepped forward and grabbed the rope, pulling it hard, the rope fell in a circle, and soon fell completely to the ground.

The top is empty.

Where did the man named Zhang An escape?

"Bai Xuanyu, Zhang Li Xiaohu, what's going on? You two are trying to kill us, right?" The young man surnamed Zhu stood up and accused with a sullen face.

Many people in the manor looked at Bai Xuanyu and Zhang Li Xiaohu with bad eyes. They wondered whether it was Bai Xuanyu and the two who set up a game and wanted to kill them in the manor, thereby reducing the competition for the A-class exam. .

"You have to ask Bai Xuanyu. I was just invited by Bai Xuanyu. The matter here has nothing to do with me." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a cold face. He was not afraid of the people present, but he did not want to take the blame for Bai Xuanyu.

"This tea party is indeed organized by me, and has nothing to do with Brother Zhang Li." Bai Xuanyu said frankly: "But I organized the tea party, but do you think there is something wrong with my brain? If I kill you, I will be able to hold your family accountable. ?"

The young man surnamed Zhu snorted coldly. He also felt that Bai Xuanyu would not do such a stupid thing, but he still said: "Who knows if you will do this because you think others will not doubt you? You have to give us this matter anyway. A statement!"

"Brother Zhu is right, even if it is the Bai family, you have to give us an explanation." Sun Yuanqing stood up and said with a stern face.

On the surface, the five great families of Gaoxiang live together peacefully, but there are also many battles underneath. Sun Yuanqing will of course not give up this opportunity if he has the opportunity to step on the Bai family.

With Sun Yuanqing taking the lead, many warriors who were not too afraid of the Bai family spoke up.

Bai Xuanyu said with a cold face: "Don't worry, everyone, if I'm going to lose more, tonight I lost a deceitful dancer and a Lei Sha puppy, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, give me some time, I will definitely I'll give you an explanation."

"That sounds nice, then how long does it take Young Master Bai?" Sun Yuanqing sneered.

Zhang Li Xiaohu didn't intervene, he just stood with his hands behind his back, with an attitude of not helping each other.

That's because it's unnecessary. The Zhang Li family has always been high in Gaoxiang City. No family is comparable to the Zhang Li family, and he doesn't need to suppress the Bai family.

"In half a month, no matter whether I find out who did it or not, I, Bai Xuanyu, will give you a suitable explanation." Bai Xuanyu glanced at everyone in the field with a gloomy face.

Sun Yuanqing nodded noncommittally, and she didn't speak again.

The same is true for the young man surnamed Zhu and others. After all, they are the core disciples of the Bai family. If they push too hard, they are the ones who suffer.

The tea party has become like this, and there is no point in staying any longer. Bai Xuanyu promised so, and everyone was ready to leave here.

If Bai Xuanyu didn't say anything after half a month, it would be the loss of the Bai family's face. The family's reputation is the most important, and even Bai Xuanyu would not dare to destroy his reputation.

"Young Master Zhou, Miss Li, are you all right?" Yelaitianxiang came over and asked with a caring expression.

"We're fine, thank you Miss Yelai for your concern." Li Chungniang replied with a smile.

"That's good." Ye Lai Tianxiang had a faint smile on her face, she nodded gently towards Zhou Fan and left.

Sun Yuanqing came over again with a look of apology to apologize to Zhou Fan and Zhou Fan. After all, Li Chungniang was invited by her.

After a few words of conversation, Bai Xuanyu also came over, also apologizing to Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang, but he just said one sentence and went to apologize to the other warriors who came over.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang didn't stay here for long, they quickly left the manor and walked to the carriage where Li Chungniang came.

"Miss, are you alright?" The groom Liu Sanhuo bowed and asked, obviously he also heard the movement in the manor, but he didn't go in without the signal from Li Chungniang asking for help.

Li Chungniang shook her head and said with a smile, "It's just some little things that spoiled the fun."

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang got on the talisman, and the groom Liu Sanhuo waved his whip, and the talisman moved slowly.

"I don't know who put the cover on that Bai Xuanyu?" Li Chungniang chuckled.

Bai Xuanyu was devastated tonight. No one would be stupid enough to put such a trick on himself. If Bai Xuanyu didn't have a deeper intention, 99% of the time, it would be a shame.

Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "I'm afraid this matter has been planned for a long time. The slanderous dancer and the Leisha puppy belong to Bai Xuanyu. I don't know when the slanderous dancer died, but the Leisha puppy will suddenly enter from infancy. At the mature stage, I am afraid that I have already moved my hands and feet."

"Yes, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all." Li Chungniang also nodded and said, "If Bai Xuanyu moved faster, maybe he could find some clues."

"However, there are still too few people coming to the tea party tonight, so Big Brother Zhou accompanies me for nothing." Li Chungniang frowned lightly: "I haven't collected much useful Not bad already." Zhou Fan smiled and shook his head: "That Zhang Li Xiaohu, Bai Xuanyu, and Yelaitianxiang are all powerful opponents for the ten places in the Class A exam, and I saw them take action."

Even if the real strength is not fully exposed, but if you can see some of their strength, this trip will not be in vain.

"That night, the fragrance of heaven..." Li Chungniang thought for a while and said, "Her singing made me confirm that she is indeed from a big family in Xiaoleizhou. This night's family is also a deceitful family. Tian Lai's deceiving ability can launch special attacks through sound."

"As for the specifics, I'm not sure. After I go back, I can have someone check it out, and I'll tell Big Brother Zhou later."

"Night Lai Tian Lai?" Zhou Fan wrote down the name, "Isn't she from this nearby county of Gaoxiang County?"

"No, Ye Lai's home is in Xiaoleizhou City. It's a long way to come here. It should be because he wanted to avoid a strong competitor and was assigned here." Li Chungniang chuckled: "Ye Lai Tianxiang still looks good, just I don't know how she is as a human being, if Brother Zhou likes her, no matter whether he is from a family background, he and Brother Zhou are a good match."

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