Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 723: martial arts selection

The key to martial arts is the choice of martial arts. What martial arts should I choose? How do I know this... Zhou Fan thought for a while, and he said, "Don't I have the seeds of martial arts? Will this conflict when choosing martial arts?"

The Twenty-Four Veined Dead Tree Sutra provides the seeds of dead wood martial arts, but there is no exercise for stepping into the martial arts section.

Zhao Yazhu snorted coldly: "The advantage of the martial arts seed is that it is planted in the link stage, so once you step into the martial arts stage, you can use any martial arts to activate this martial arts, which is equal to A warrior can have two martial arts."

"A martial artist can choose at most one martial art. It is impossible to practice two martial arts with different refining paths at the same time. If you choose one martial art, you must give up the other."

"If you want to have two martial arts, you can only do it by breeding martial arts seeds in the link section in advance. This is the advantage of planting martial arts seeds in the link section!"

Zhou Fan was overjoyed, he understood it, and he was glad that he had chosen the Lianmai section with the seeds of martial arts, so that he could have one more martial arts than others.

With one more martial art, there is one more method in battle, and sometimes this is enough to decide the outcome.

"Then what kind of martial arts or martial arts do you think is better?" Zhou Fan thought and asked again.

"This kind of question shouldn't mean much to you now." Zhao Yazhu sneered: "Because even if you add the gray worms that the little guy collected for you, you only have a few thousand big gray worms, let alone choosing, even if You can't even afford any top-grade martial arts exercises."

"Do you care if I can afford it? If I don't have the big gray worm, I can go get it. It's my business, you just need to tell me." Zhou Fan said calmly.

Zhao Yazhu glanced at Zhou Fan, she put down her hand, and thought for a moment: "I used to stay in a mysterious realm for a hundred years because of a bottleneck. segment."

"In the end, I found that the mysterious realm is closely related to the third stage of qi refining. After 30 years of research, I was able to find a breakthrough opportunity and overcome the difficulties. Therefore, when it comes to understanding the third stage of qi refining, the world can surpass mine. Very few."

Hearing this, Zhou Fan's face became a little subtle. Heilong once said that her position was changed because her dragon blood was the strongest blood in time, and the ship was calculating Heilong's dragon blood for him.

Is Zhao Yazhu's appearance at this time also because of her deep understanding of the third stage of Qi refining?

Zhao Yazhu noticed the change in Zhou Fan's face, "What are you thinking?"

"I just find it strange. You said that you can't break through when you stay in a high realm. Why did you find a breakthrough opportunity from the third stage of Qi refining?" Zhou Fan asked casually, unwilling to say what he was thinking.

Zhao Yazhu sneered and said: "Of course you don't understand, some realms are mysterious and mysterious, and wonderful and wonderful. After the realm reaches a certain level, even if there is a cultivation technique and enough pills to help, it may not be able to break through. This requires opportunity. "

"Opportunities don't just fall from the sky while sitting at home, you need to get in touch with your own ideas, study more and understand slowly, and looking back to study the previous realm rank, that's a very good way, even a very low-level rank will hide it. There are so many unimaginable mysteries.”

When Zhao Yazhu said this, she realized that she was talking too much, she immediately shut up, and turned to say: "According to the statistics of good people, there are 108 kinds of the strongest martial arts in the world, from strong to weak. This kind of statistics The ranking may not be accurate, but it has certain reference value.”

"Is my dead wood potential energy list on the list?" Zhou Fan asked quickly.

Zhao Yazhu raised her eyebrows slightly. She didn't want to answer this question, but this question was about martial arts. She had already been paid, so she couldn't answer without answering.

"Is it that powerful?" Zhou Fan said with a look of surprise.

He knew from the "Twenty-Four Veined Dead Wood Sutra" that the dead wood power is very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Zhao Yazhu said with a cold face, "It's normal."

"This is the ninth place, how can you say it's normal?" Zhou Fan laughed: "You are jealous!"

The fat on Zhao Yazhu's face shook, and she sneered: "Is the ninth dead wood stance very powerful? Back then, in order to study the martial arts section, I took great pains to collect the fifth, fourth and first on the martial arts list. Wu Shi Duan Gongfa, these three martial skills are many times stronger than your dead wood stance? Do you disagree that I say it is normal?"

"Do you have the number one martial arts technique?" Zhou Fan's eyes lit up.

Qifu also looked at Zhao Yazhu with a look of anticipation. Zhou Fan had a chance to get it, and she naturally had a chance to get it.

"What's so surprising about this?" Zhao Yazhu said with a look of course: "But it took me a lot of time to collect the first martial art. This practice belonged to an ancient sect, and this sect has good strength. , I fought with their sect ancestors, and I was more than willing to hand them over."

Zhao Yazhu paused for a while when she said this, and her face showed a look of conjecture: "This martial arts section is called "Beautiful Sea", and after I studied it carefully, I realized that the first place in the martial arts of the sea is definitely Well deserved, if only I had gotten it in the Links section."

"What is the strength of this martial arts?" Zhou Fan asked curiously. Judging from the name of the practice method, "Beautiful Sea", it was completely incomprehensible.

"The creator of Qiangzai Kungfu took the Weihai as inspiration, and let the practitioners of this practice develop the Weihai martial arts." Zhao Yazhu said solemnly: "Even if this is just a martial arts But the creator is absolutely amazing, and when he created this practice, I am afraid that the realm is not lower than mine."

"If you don't live in the Weihai for a long time, you will never be able to create the Weihai martial arts. Those who can survive in the Weihai are all monks with a high level of realm."

"Where exactly is the Weihai Sea? Is it dangerous?" Zhou Fan asked silently.

"I don't know." Zhao Yazhu shook his head and said, "It looks like a sea, but many monks think it's not a sea because of its weirdness, but an unknowable monster."

Not the sea but the unknowable monster? An unknowable monster who looks like a sea?

Zhou Fan and Qifu both had expressions of surprise on their faces.

"If you only look from the outside, it looks like a small lake, but when you enter the sea, you will find the vastness of the sea, as if it is boundless, no matter which direction you fly, you can't escape the sea. range." Zhao Yazhu's face showed a rare dignified expression.

"It's not an illusion, and it's not that the illusion caused by disorienting you is constantly spinning in circles, and the space there seems to extend infinitely."

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