"You bald guy, don't think you want to flatter me when you know I'm from the Xiong family." Xiong Feixiu suppressed the smile on her face and said with a small face.

"Don't dare, don't dare, where is the Xiong family that I can climb high, with the talent of Young Master Xiong, even if I beat the horse, I can't catch up with Young Master Xiong." Zhou Fan shook his head repeatedly: "I don't know if Young Master Xiong is looking for that Zhou Fanyou. What's the matter?"

"I want him to withdraw from this exam." Xiong Feixiu said with a cold face.

"Why?" Zhou Fan muttered.

"Because he was so good in the literary test, I'm afraid it will affect my winning the first place in the Class A class." Xiong Feixiu said confidently.

"But Young Master Xiong, he has already won the first place in the literary test. I think he is definitely not willing to withdraw from the test." Zhou Fan thought for a while.

"Let him retire is to give him a chance." Xiong Feixiu said with raised eyebrows: "If he doesn't retire, when the cross-country test starts, I will let my squires beat him until he retires."

Zhou Fan glanced at the two old men standing behind Xiong Feixiu. The two old men had natural coffin faces, cold and indifferent. No matter what Zhou Fan and Xiong Feixiu said, they didn't show any expressions.

"Excuse me, Young Master Xiong, even if you beat Zhou Fan out of the exam, aren't there still many people in front of you in the literary exam..." Zhou Fan said.

"I only got the eleventh place in the essay test this time. The idiot I invited is too stupid. What kind of broken poem did you write at the end..." Xiong Feixiu complained, and he sneered again: "The top ten must be given to me. Quit the test, if you don't, when the cross-country test starts, I want them to look good!"

"Zhou Fanwen was the first in the test. Of course, I was the first to get him. If I got rid of him, it was Du Ni who was second, and so on. I could get as many as I could."

You are too domineering, you really have the ability... Zhou Fan thought silently, and he smiled: "I understand what Young Master Xiong means, Young Master Xiong wants to use this method to make the competitors who may compete with you for the first place. All the warriors are done, and the gap between your score and that of Zhou Fan is too big, so start with the highest score, is that the reason?"

"Hey, you're quite a smart person. You understand my thoughts so quickly." Xiong Feixiu smiled happily.

Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Young Master Xiong, you want to be wrong."

"What's wrong?" Xiong Feixiu asked with a frown.

"How many points does the literary test account for?" Zhou Fan said sternly: "And didn't the dean of the academy say it? There are three martial arts tests, each of which is based on the elimination system. , but off-road is definitely the best time to rule out competitors.”

"As far as I know, Zhou Fan's martial arts strength was mediocre. Whether he can support him to the end is a question. You are just wasting time. You should engage with opponents who are strong in martial arts and have good scores in the literary test, so that you can put yourself on the line. maximize the advantages.”

Xiong Feixiu suddenly realized, he nodded again and again: "You are right, I really want to be wrong, so who do you think I should engage first?"

"Did Bai Xuanyu trick Master Xiong to come to Zhou Fan just now?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's him." Xiong Feixiu nodded slightly: "And he promised that he only wanted to enter the A-class class, not to compete with me for the first place, so I spared him."

Bai Xuanyu is the tenth place, just one place higher than Xiong Feixiu, and the difference between the two scores is not too big.

This Bai Xuanyu is too shameless... Zhou Fan's heart was on fire, but he said calmly: "Young Master Xiong is from Juxiong County all the way, maybe he doesn't know who is the most powerful among the warriors?"

"Of course I am the strongest." Xiong Feixiu said with some dissatisfaction.

"Uh, I mean, excluding Young Master Xiong, how can Young Master Xiong drop his status to compare himself with those of us?" Zhou Fan sneered. 【¥ Aiqi Literature...! The novel is better and updated faster]

"You're right, if you exclude me, who is the most powerful?" Xiong Feixiu asked.

"It's Bai Xuanyu." Zhou Fan said solemnly: "This person is not only scheming, insidious and treacherous, but he has already stepped into the martial arts level, and he is only a step away from the Qi Gang level. I don't think except for Young Master Xiong, he will not any adversary."

"He already has martial arts?" Xiong Feixiu's eyes showed surprise, "If he has martial arts...then...then..."

This bear child must have no martial arts skills, otherwise he would not be so stammering, Zhou Fan guessed in his heart, in fact, this is normal, this child is about seven years old at most, even if the talent is outstanding, it is impossible to arrive at martial arts so quickly. Know the segment.

Unless you sacrifice potential and constantly use elixir to improve your realm, most people will not do such silly things.

"No." Xiong Feixiu looked suspicious: "How did you know?"

Zhou Fan said with a slightly condensed expression: "You don't believe it, Young Master Xiong. Only I know this secret among the candidates present. This is what I saw with my own eyes. Once Bai Xuanyu was besieged by three martial groups, he easily defeated the three. A martial artist."

"Isn't this what martial arts section is?"

Zhou Fan glanced at the two old men behind Xiong Feixiu again. His words may not be full of mistakes, but it's okay to lie to children. Adults won't be so easily fooled. Why didn't these two stand up and question him?

However, if the two old men could really speak, they should have persuaded Xiong Feixiu not to do such hateful things from the very beginning...

"If it's really martial arts..." Xiong Feixiu gritted his teeth, "I'm afraid this person has the highest level among the candidates, higher than me, no, we must get rid of him."

"Young Master Xiong should be careful, it is not so easy to get rid of Bai Xuanyu, even if he is strong, he is eloquent and likes to use words to deceive people. If Young Master Xiong meets him in the wild, don't listen to his nonsense. , go up and play with him directly!" Zhou Fan reminded with a kind face.

"You're right, he's really good at talking~www.readwn.com~ Xiong Feixiu nodded again.

"Master Xiong, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave." Zhou Fan cupped his hands and said, "I hope I meet the cross-country test, and I hope that I will spare my life by raising your hand."

"You are really good. You told me so much valuable information. If you really encounter it, you will definitely let you go." Xiong Feixiu said with a grin.

Zhou Fan quickly got into the crowd. He let out a long sigh of relief. He didn't care whether the bear boy believed these idiots or not. Even after he left, the two old men reminded Xiong Feixiu that it didn't matter. He could fool the bear boy for the time being. Just fine.

Zhou Fan's face became solemn, and the thing he was most worried about happened. Because of the reason of being the first in the literary test, he was targeted by some caring people. would be too conspicuous.

At the same time, Zhou Fan kept searching to see if Huang Bujue and Gu Yan had come?

Really miscalculated, I just agreed with them to wait here at the academy, but I didn't expect that there would be so many people at the entrance of the academy... Zhou Fan sighed lightly, he could only be patiently looking for people.

Soon his eyes lit up, and he saw Huang Bujue.

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