Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 732: off-road starts

In the plaza under the Bai Yugao stage, the examinees looked at the three examiners of Zhongtian with disbelief, and some even questioned loudly.

Because this destination Qianhuan Snow Mountain is too dangerous, if you are not careful, you will stay on the snow mountain forever.

They hope that the academy can change the exam questions.

Zhongtian let the examinee open his mouth to question, he listened silently for a while before he said solemnly: "Quiet."

Everyone fell silent.

"Qianhuan Snow Mountain is known as the first dangerous place in Gaoxiang County. You don't need to tell me how dangerous it is. I have been to Qianhuan Snow Mountain before." Zhongtian said slowly: "Qianhuan Snow Mountain is three thousand feet high, and I didn't reach the top. It turned back halfway through.”

The faces of the candidates changed slightly. Most of them had never been to the Qianhuan Snow Mountain, but Zhongtian was a saint and his strength was unfathomable.

"Actually, I don't think any of you can reach the top. I suggest that you climb as high as you can, and do what you can. You don't have to act reluctantly to avoid risking your own life." Zhongtian continued.

"And this exam allows you to bring powerful entourages. I think some of the questioners also have this aspect in mind. Neither the Gaoxiang Academy nor the three of us have the right to revise the exam questions."

"If you are really worried, you can give up and withdraw from this test, everyone, now the cross-country test has begun."

After Zhong Tian finished speaking, he and Yuan Hai and the old lady Zhang Li retreated from the white jade platform.

There was chaos in the square.

Soon some people left with their squires, but there were also disputes with their employer candidates.

Because Qianhuan Snow Mountain is too dangerous, some powerful squires have the intention of retreating. Faced with the squires who want to retreat, most of the candidates are begging hard, and even forced to make some promises.

Once the talks collapse and the entourage leaves, candidates can only choose to go on the road alone or find other candidates who are single and form a team together.

But in any case, it is inevitable to get into trouble.

"I didn't expect it to be Qianhuan Snow Mountain." Huang Bujue frowned and sighed.

Lord Huang, don't you want to retreat? Zhou Fan's eyebrows jumped, but he still didn't ask.

Because if Huang Bujue gave up firmly, Zhou Fan would not be able to stop him.

Zhou Fan looked at Gu Yan again, Gu Yan took a sip of the wine red gourd and remained silent.

Master Gu, don't you also want to back down? Zhou Fan said in his heart that something was wrong, he coughed lightly, and when he was about to say something, Gu Yan smiled bitterly: "It's a loss, a loss."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's a loss for just charging you 100,000 Xuan coins." Gu Yan shook his head again and again.

"Would you like me to add some more for you?" Zhou Fan asked with a pained face. He also knew that it was indeed less than 100,000 yuan to let a Qi Gang accompany him to such a dangerous place as Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

"What to add? Am I such a poor person?" Gu Yan took another sip of wine and said, "As much as you say beforehand, even if you lose, you have to go."

Huang Bujue continued: "This trip is indeed troublesome, but I promised you, even if it is troublesome, I will go, but the ugly words must be said ahead."

"Master Huang, please speak." Zhou Fan asked with a serious face.

"I don't care how high you want to climb when you reach Qianhuan Snow Mountain, but if I think it's too dangerous, I'll stop and go down the mountain immediately." Huang Bujue said solemnly.

"Yes, what Huang Shiyi wants to say is exactly what I want to say, you can take risks and continue to climb up, but we will not work hard with you, let me tell you first, lest you feel uncomfortable at that time, if you feel No, I can refund the one hundred thousand profound coins to you." Gu Yan nodded slightly.

"I can pay you back for the merits, and I won't be able to make appropriate compensation as your squire." Huang Bujue said the same.

Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said, "I don't think there is a problem with such conditions."

Zhou Fan also knew that it was impossible to demand Huang Bujue and Gu Yan to accompany him to the end, it was unrealistic.

"Since you agreed, then we can go." Huang Bujue smiled.

"It's a pity." Gu Yan shook his head: "According to the rules of the cross-country test, once the cross-country test starts, we can only leave the academy along the route given by the academy, and we can't go back to pick up or accept the items given by anyone, otherwise , I'll go back and bring some spirit wine, after all, it's Qianhuan Snow Mountain..."

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly, not only can't take anything in the academy, the cross-country test destination has already begun, and after they leave the academy, they can't enter any human settlements and accept help from anyone on the way.

Otherwise, they should go back to Gaoxiang City first and prepare well, or use the message symbol to let people bring something to them, but these are limited, and candidates can only rely on themselves and their entourage.

All candidates have made a ghost oath. Even if they did not commit a foul, a foul by a squire is considered a foul by the candidate. The ghost oath is a kind of oath, and it is almost impossible to avoid bypassing the ghost oath.

Zhou Fan thought about these things, and he glanced at the direction of Insect Niang. Insect Niang brought her two squires, she smiled and nodded at Zhou Fan, then said a few words to the two squires beside her, then turned and left .

Teams cannot provide any form of help between teams. If they contact and talk rashly, they may accidentally violate the ghost oath and lose their qualifications for the exam.

"Let's go too." Zhou Fan said to Gu Yan and the two.

There's no point in staying here, it's better to set off as soon as possible.

Zhang Li Xiaohu was called to the front of Mr. Zhang Li.

Of course, there are Zhong Tian and Yuan Hai next to Mr. Zhang Li. Mr. Zhang Li did this to avoid suspicion. In fact, strictly speaking, he should not see Zhang Li Xiaohu.

But the cross-country test rules do not stipulate that the examiner cannot see the candidate, so even if he does, it is not a big deal.

"What are you looking for from me? I'm still busy on my way." Zhang Li Xiaohu said impatiently, "Could it be that when you are old, you still like that set of farewells that hurt spring and autumn sadly?"

Mrs. Zhang Li didn't take it seriously, he just said solemnly: "I called you here to tell you to give up when it's time to give up, even if you can't get into Class A, it's not that our Zhang Li family can't train you, don't do it for one Class A lost their lives, it's not worth it."

"Do you mean that the Zhang Li family is willing to put all the resources on me?" Zhang Li Xiaohu said with joy: "If that's the case, then why am I going to Qianhuan Snow Mountain? I'll listen to you and don't go. already."

Mrs. Zhang Li's face turned dark and said: "You know this is impossible, don't the rest of Zhang Li's family want resources? Put it all on you, how unqualified the owner of my family is, I'm not telling you not to go, But don't be too impulsive, if you are in danger, back down, Qianhuan Snow Mountain is very dangerous..."

"Did you call me here to nag these few words?" Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted and turned and walked away, "For the sake of money, the birds are killed for food, and it's a big deal, so what if you don't work hard? If you lose , that would be a huge loss.”

Grandpa Zhang shook his head with a wry smile.

Soon Du Ni from the academy came Before Zhongtian could speak, Du Ni first opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Teacher, don't you want me to sacrifice my life to feed the blame?"

"What the **** is it?" Zhongtian's eyes twitched slightly, "I called you here because I wanted to tell you that if something is not right..."

"Then get down from the snowy mountain quickly, I know." Du Ni was obedient.

"I want to say that if something is impossible to do, then fight for it again, and then quit if it really doesn't work." Zhongtian said helplessly.

"It's very dangerous to fight for it again. If you don't get it right, you will send the white-haired person to the black-haired person, and you will never see me again." Du Ni's face changed slightly.

"Get out of here." Zhongtian resisted the desire to beat Du Ni, "You should grasp the scale of it yourself."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will come back alive." Du Ni grinned and left.

Zhong Tian and Mrs Zhang Li looked at Yuan Hai again.

Yuanhai just smiled slightly, he didn't call a party over because he didn't need it.

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