Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 734: worst of times

In fact, when Bai Xuanyu was talking to the old man just now, Zhou Fan knew that Bai Xuanyu might want to escape.

But Zhou Fan couldn't even remind Xiong Feixiu, not because he was afraid Xiong Feixiu would deal with him.

But it is limited by the ghost oath. Once he speaks, it is a violation of the ghost oath to intervene in the two teams, and the Xuanguang jade talisman on his body will be directly broken and lose the qualification for the examination.

So Zhou Fan could only watch the three of Bai Xuanyu escape, but couldn't do anything.

However, Zhou Fan also summed up an obvious truth from the contact between Xiong Feixiu and Bai Xuanyu. If you can't beat the cross-country test, you can try to escape. Not difficult.

Especially for Zhou Fan, he has a teleportation-level movement technique. If he is not bound by some special restraints in advance, it is generally difficult for ordinary warriors to catch up with him.

"That boy from the Bai family is a bit unlucky. He was targeted by the Xiong family." Huang Bujue smiled and said.

"How strong is the Xiong family in Juxiong County?" Zhou Fan quickly asked Huang Bujue for advice.

"The name of Juxiong County comes from the Xiong family. The Xiong family is the first family in Juxiong County, and its status is the same as that of Zhang Li's family in our Gaoxiang County." Gu Yan replied.

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, no wonder that Xiong Feixiu was so arrogant, to deal with this kind of arrogant child, it is better to avoid it.

Zhou Fan has no intention of following up. Whether Bai Xuanyu can escape or not, his revenge is more than half of his revenge. This matter has nothing to do with him for the time being. The most important thing now is to go to Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

The three of Zhou Fan identified the direction and continued on the road.

On the way, Zhou Fan also took out the prepared map of Gaoxiang County from the package, and together with Huang Bujue, they studied the route in front of Qianhuan Snow Mountain, so as to avoid encounters with other teams as much as possible and arrive as soon as possible. Thousands of Magical Snow Mountains.

"It will take three days to reach Qianhuan Snow Mountain, even if you follow the footpath. If you don't take the footpath, you will pass through the wilderness and avoid some more troublesome and dangerous places. Even if it is a straight line, it will take three and a half days. Or four days." Zhou Fan said while looking at the map in his hand.

"Don't be in a hurry, although this cross-country test needs to reach Qianhuan Snow Mountain as soon as possible, in the final analysis, the competition is not about time, but the height of Qianhuan Snow Mountain." Gu Yan said to the point.

"Master Gu is right, even if you go to Qianhuan Snow Mountain, no matter it is six days or seven days, it is enough for any candidate. After reaching a certain height, I am afraid that you will not be able to climb up, no matter how much time is left. Use it." Huang Bujue sighed.

Zhou Fan understands these reasons, and he also knows that since the academy says that the grades are calculated by the height of the climb, there will basically be no candidates who can reach the top.

After all, even Zhongtian only turned back halfway through. Even if Zhongtian didn't say clearly why he wanted to turn back, he thought it had a lot to do with the danger of Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

"Then there is only one question now. Do you know anything about Qianhuan Snow Mountain? I hope to prepare as much as possible before going there." Zhou Fan looked at the two and said.

"I have never been to Qianhuan Snow Mountain, and all I know about Qianhuan Snow Mountain are hearsay." Huang Bujue shook his head.

"I went to Qianhuan Snow Mountain in order to collect herbs and make wine." Gu Yan said calmly.

Zhou Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, Gu Yan has been to Qianhuan Snow Mountain, which is a great thing for him.

"But don't be too happy." Gu Yan added with a smile, "I just wandered around the foot of the mountain, but I haven't tried climbing, and at most I know a little about Qianhuan Snow Mountain."

Zhou Fan couldn't hide his disappointment, but he quickly cheered up and said, "It's better than knowing nothing."

In Zhou Fan's package, there were also several books, which he collected when he purchased them before. They were all introductions to the dangerous land of Gaoxiang County. Among them, he remembered that there were also records of Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

But dangerous places always change quickly, especially in the Qianhuan Snow Mountain where few warriors have set foot, the records in the book may not be detailed or credible.

If you really believe in the records in the book, this is definitely a very dangerous thing, and what Gu Yan has experienced in person is always more credible than the book.

Gu Yan prepared his words, and then started to describe the Qianhuan Snow Mountain to Zhou Fan.



High Elephant Academy.

The three examiners of Zhongtian returned to the square.

At this time, in the square, all the candidates of Class A had already left with their squires.

A sapphire wall with a length and width of three feet was erected near the White Jade High Platform.

The jade wall is flawless.

"Let's start." Zhong Tian smiled and sat on the chair in the middle of the white jade platform.

Mrs. Zhang Li and Yuan Hai were both sitting beside Zhong Tian.

The students and teachers of the academy below were busy immediately. They brought in pieces of bright red round jade and embedded them into a series of pits on the edge of the sapphire wall.

Each piece of round jade is inlaid, and the mirror-like surface of the sapphire wall is rippling with a layer of cyan ripples.

After all the round jade stones were inlaid, the sapphire wall lit up with a clear light.

Small spots of light appeared on the sapphire wall, and names appeared on the spots.

That was the name of all the candidates who took the cross-country test this time.

The sapphire wall is called Xuanguang Jade Wall, which echoes the Xuanguang Jade Talisman carried by the candidates.

The Xuanguang Jade Talisman is not only an identity mark, but also has various mysteries, one of which is to allow the green jade bi to see where the examinee is now.

Another talisman is attached to the back of the sapphire jade bi, and mountains and rivers appear on the jade wall. This is the area where Gaoxiang County is located.

It can be seen that all the light spots on the sapphire wall are moving fast or slow towards the same place.

If necessary, you can even consume the bright red round jade, hook up with the Xuanguang Jade Talisman, and see the scene of a candidate outside the wilderness.

But the bright red round jade is very precious and hard to come by. If it were not for special circumstances, the Academy would not consider doing it.

The three examiners looked at the light spots and names on the Xuanguang jade wall, and remained silent for a while, Yuanhai put his hands together, and said with compassion, "Amitabha, even if Dean Zhong asked them to do what they can, but outside the wilderness, especially the thousand In such a dangerous place as Huanxue Mountain, the danger may be imminent, and I don’t know how many geniuses will fall in this cross-country test.”

The meaning of blame in Yuanhai's words is clearly expressed. This is obviously not in line with Buddhist compassion, especially these geniuses are very precious to the Great Wei Dynasty.

Zhongtian's face was calm and he said, "The road was chosen by themselves, and they can't blame anyone, and besides, everyone is mortal." (Note 1.)

"Everyone has one death." Mrs. Zhang Li sneered, "Yes, mortals will die, and more will die in the future, not to mention mortals, even if they are children of noble families, not many will survive."

"What can be done?" Zhongtian asked in a cold voice, "No one wants them to die. The Great Buddha Temple doesn't want them, the aristocratic family doesn't want them, and the Academy doesn't want them either, but we have to do it."

"I have some understanding of why the above questions are asked. I think it is not only my teacher who insists on it, but also because it must be done. It is not cruel to them now, and it will be more cruel to them in the future. They must grow up as soon as possible."

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li were silent again, because the topic between the three was too heavy, and also because Zhong Tian said the real intention of doing so.

Leaving aside the literary test, the cruelty of the martial arts test in the Class A major test was both unexpected and reasonable.

"It's still too cruel." Yuan Hai sighed softly, closing his eyes and slowly reciting the scriptures.

"I want to know how much time is left?" Mrs. Zhang Li looked at Zhong Tian and asked tentatively.

As the No. 1 family in Gaoxiang County, Zhang Li's family naturally has its own channels, but everyone who is qualified to know knows that the catastrophe is coming, but they don't know when the catastrophe will come?

Zhongtian is different. He is the apprentice of the sage of the academy. If he is most likely to know when the great calamity will come, the Great Wei Dynasty is no more than ten fingers, and the sage with high realm is naturally one of them.

Grandpa Zhang Li knew that it was because he didn't want some people to have selfishness that should not have been raised, thus affecting the layout of the Great Wei Dynasty to deal with the catastrophe.

But he still wanted to know, so that he could make plans for the Zhang Li family as soon as possible. This is selfishness, but who doesn't have selfishness?

Grandpa Zhang Li didn't think he was wrong, all the great family patriarchs wanted to know when the great calamity would come.

Yuan Hai also stopped reciting the scriptures. He opened his eyes and looked at Zhong Tian as well.

Zhongtian stared at the Xuanguang Jade Wall, he said solemnly, "I don't know, the teacher said he doesn't know either, I don't know if it's true or not, but I think the teacher won't lie to me, even if the teacher says he doesn't know, then there should be no one in the Wei Dynasty. The real time of its arrival can be accurately calculated."

"It may take ten or twenty years to come, or it may only be two or three years, March or April, or even tomorrow, or it has already come."

"Since no one knows, then I advise the old man not to think too much. It will come when it should come. Anyway, we have been preparing for it. When it comes, we may not be fully prepared, but we will not be completely unprepared. , even if we don't want it to come, we'd rather all preparations be in vain."

"Why don't you think about it?" Mrs. Zhang Li smiled He had trouble sleeping and eating.

"Amitabha, may the Buddha bless me, Dawei, and everything is safe." Yuanhai sighed softly.

Zhongtian glanced at Yuanhai, his lips moved, but he still did not open his mouth to say that very ironic sentence.

Yuan Hai noticed Zhong Tian's eyes, and he just said slowly, "Did Director Zhong want to say that the Buddha is dead and there is no **** in the world, so there will be no Buddha's blessing."

"It's just that you said that, I didn't say it." Zhongtian sneered, but he really thought so in his heart.

"We have always believed that Buddha is still alive, and he has not appeared, but the time has not come." Yuanhai said with determination.

Zhongtian didn't answer, because arguing with the monk on this topic was the stupidest thing to do. He looked up at the cloudless sky and sighed in his heart.

This is the worst of times.

Note 1 Mortals are all mortal from "A Song of Ice and Fire", but the meaning is different from the song of ice and fire. The meaning of the song of ice and fire is that everyone has one death, and here only refers to mortals.

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