Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 739: foothills

Zhou Fan just smiled at Huang Bujue's praise, thinking that if they are as strong as me, then I should not take the test.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan did not ask how Zhou Fan did it, but they had a clear understanding of Zhou Fan's strength, which reassured them a lot, at least if they encountered any danger in the future, they didn't need to Because he has to worry about Zhou Fan, he can't use his hands and feet.

A martial artist who can kill a blood demon-level monster in such a short period of time is at least as powerful as a martial artist of martial arts.

If there is any enemy that can kill Zhou Fan before they can solve the trouble in their hands, then all they can do is run for their lives.

So it is obvious that Zhou Fan does not need them to be distracted.

The three of them dispersed and rummaged through the rotten and smelly corpse of the old corpse of Xue to find a stomach bag the size of a palm. This stomach bag was the only valuable and most precious material on the old corpse of Xue.

The three gathered together. Even though it seemed a little dangerous just now, the result was not bad. The blood demon-level material alone could make the three of them make a lot of money.

Zhou Fan also felt a little bit. If there was no Huang Bujue and Gu Yan, he might be able to kill the three-headed Xue Lao Zhe, but with Xue Lao Zhe's strange stomach evasion method, he would definitely fall into a hard battle. In the end, there might be some injuries.

Of course, if it was too difficult, Zhou Fan would not foolishly fight with the old corpse Xue, but chose to run away.

However, he felt a little pity, because Huang Bujue and Gu Yan shared the risk for him, but Huang Bujue and the two took away the gray worms and the precious stomach bag of the two old Xue corpses.

Nothing is perfect in this world.

"Do you know what this stomach bag is for?" Gu Yan asked again with a smile, interrupting Zhou Fan's thoughts.

"I know that it is a main material that can be used to make storage bags." Zhou Fan recalled.

"Yes, this is its main purpose, but the refining of the storage bag requires more than just materials, the most important thing is the refining of the refiner." Gu Yan sighed: "Although the storage bag looks quite It's convenient, but it's too expensive, and it's not impossible for a warrior to use it, but it's not as simple as a Taoist monk..."

In fact, I have a storage tool that martial artists can use... Zhou Fan answered silently in his heart, but his book of storage is too tricky. If he can't remember the answer, he will not be able to play within that day. Open, so you can only put some valuable, but not too urgent things.

The three put away their respective materials, and they looked back subconsciously. The ghost burial coffin was still behind the three of them, and the battle just now could not affect it.

"It's really haunted." Zhou Fan muttered angrily.

There was a mess around where they were, trees collapsed, cracks appeared on the ice surface, and there were pits of different sizes.

However, sooner or later, it will be covered by snowflakes. The three of Zhou Fan did not stay in place, but walked forward immediately. With such a big movement here, it might attract some candidate teams or strange people to come over.

The ice forest was dark and cold, the three of them walked silently, and the ghost burial coffin behind them slowly followed behind them.

Zhou Fan listened to the sound of the black iron sledge rubbing against the snow, and he lamented in his heart: It seems that it is not the old corpse of Xue, or else the ghost burial coffin should have left.

In fact, it can't be the old corpse of Xue. The doom of the lifeless person is at the level of life and death crisis.

Zhou Fan can only hope that he doesn't come today, or else he will be in big trouble.

All the way forward, solve some of the strange things that suddenly attacked them, until sunset and dusk, the three people finally walked out of this seemingly endless ice forest.

The wind and snow in the world outside the ice forest gradually stopped, and the setting sun shone on the snow, reflecting the snow in a dim red, a quiet and beautiful sunset snow scene.

But outside the wilderness, few warriors are in the mood to appreciate such a beautiful scenery. After all, danger may come at any time.

Qianhuan Snow Mountain is close at hand, and the snow mountain looks like a majestic snow wall, but the snow wall is slightly inclined and looks pitted, as if covered with scars.

The open space at the foot of the mountain is vast and desolate, and there is no trace of vegetation growing.

The three of Zhou Fan looked around, and there was no one on the white snow.

But they all knew that the foot of the mountain they saw from the ice forest was actually a vast ring-shaped area, and there must be a lot of candidate teams preparing to climb the mountain hidden here.

Because the test takers' team should be about the same distance, no one would choose to risk climbing the dangerous Qianhuan Snow Mountain in the dark, and they would all choose to rest here.

However, those candidate teams carefully hid back to the edge of the ice forest, secretly peeping at the silhouettes that might appear around them. If the opportunity was right, maybe they would prepare to hunt down other candidate teams like experienced hunters.

They are all martial artists. In the face of huge interests, even young candidates will not hesitate to eliminate other competitors.

At this time, it was like hiding in a black forest. No one dared to shout loudly and reveal their position. Doing so was no different from courting death.

"I, Xiong Feixiu, are here, who would dare to fight me!" A child's arrogant voice came from the east.

Zhou Fan couldn't help covering his face, he almost forgot, there will always be people who do not follow the rules and act rashly.

"Are they all timid people?" Xiong Feixiu continued to shout.

"This bear child..." Huang Bujue didn't know what to say.

"No one should dare to rush over." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, because everyone is afraid that this is a trap, but there will definitely be people who can't help but try.

Zhou Fan ignored the matter, Xiong Feixiu's arrogant child relied on his own squires, but in this environment, such an approach would be a bit too bold. , it was too late for him to cry.

As for this is a trap set by Xiong Feixiu?

Zhou Fan still thought it was unlikely that Xiong Feixiu's mentally handicapped child would not have such an idea at all, unless his two squires gave him advice, otherwise...

It's just that the two squires that Xiong Feixiu brought were very strange, as if they were dumb.

Zhou Fan was thinking about something, and he and Huang Bujue returned to the ice forest.

They found a hidden place, and after discussing a few words in a low voice, they scattered to investigate the surroundings.

After reaching a certain range, Zhou Fan and the others returned to a hidden place in the ice tree. The three people who came back from the investigation all shook their heads, indicating that there was no sign of the candidate team's activity in their direction.

The three of them relaxed and sat down.

Zhou Fan took out the four talismans from the talisman bag. He circled around and stuck the four talismans on the four ice trees.

The talisman emits a faint white light curtain, and the light curtains emitted by the four talismans are connected to form a simple enchantment.

In this enchantment, all light can be blocked, but from the outside, you can see the ice forest as usual.

Zhou Fan took out the luminous talisman from the talisman bag and put it on the iron bead, and the originally dark space became translucent.

He then took out the talisman that could dispel the ghostly shadow and melted it into the luminous talisman.

In this way, the overnight work is considered preliminary preparation.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. Fortunately, he prepared enough small things such as various auxiliary talismans, otherwise, it would be difficult tonight at the foot of the densely packed team of candidates.

First of all, at the temperature of the ice forest, it is impossible to make a fire at all. Even if you bring a special burning wood, you can ignite it, but the effect will be greatly reduced. Instead, the luminous charm is more suitable, even if the price of the luminous charm is more expensive, but in In this case, what's the point of spending some money?

The second is that even if you prepare the Luminous Talisman, you may not dare to use it. The combination of the Luminous Talisman and the Nether Flame Talisman can dispel the shadows hidden in the dark, but it may attract attacks from other candidate teams.

So there must be a way to block the light.

Otherwise, you can only use other means to spend the night in the dark night, which will be very troublesome.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were not surprised by Zhou Fan's arrangement. They didn't know how many talismans Zhou Fan was carrying, and he also carried a particularly large package on his back.

In fact, if you let them know that Zhou Fan's talisman bag still has a storage book that is almost full of supplies, they will be shocked.

After finishing the arrangement, Zhou Fan could still hear Xiong Feixiu's scolding faintly. He shook his head with a wry smile, and told Huang Bujue and Gu Yan about the strange behavior of the two squires beside Xiong Feixiu.

Gu Yan sat cross-legged on the snow to drink. He glanced at Huang Bujue. He usually concentrates on winemaking and seldom pays attention to chores. He can only vaguely guess some things, but he is not quite sure as he thought.

But in the ups and downs of the officialdom for many years, Huang Bujue, who knew many children of aristocratic families, would definitely know more than him.

Huang Bujue chuckled and said, "This is not a strange thing. In some aristocratic families, they will order their servants and servants not to interfere with the behavior of the family's or they will be executed."

"There are two reasons for this: First, they are afraid that the words of the servants will affect the children of the family unknowingly, and even gain the purpose of manipulating and controlling the core children of the family. The second is that they are not afraid that the children of the family will do wrong and suffer setbacks."

"If there is a smooth flow of life and no small setbacks, then in the face of the setbacks that affect the life and death of the family's honor, such a person's mentality will easily collapse, or die or fall into despair."

"Those patriarchs of aristocratic families generally think that small setbacks and small failures are nothing at all. As long as they don't die, they will grow up slowly, but if they can't bear small setbacks and small failures, such people are not worth cultivating at all."

"That's why the two servants of the Xiong family let Xiong Feixiu act like this. Anyway, with the two of them watching, Xiong Feixiu wouldn't die."

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, and he felt a little confused. No wonder the two squires didn't say a word when he fooled Xiong Feixiu. I'm afraid they would like to trick Xiong Feixiu by themselves.

Only an aristocratic family has such courage and confidence to cultivate their own children.

The family cannot be underestimated.

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