How was it in the dream?

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan's inquiring eyes, Huang Bujue frowned and said: "In the dream, my hands have been pinching my neck, making me feel difficult to breathe, that's all."

Neck with both hands?

Zhou Fan and Gu Yan were both slightly startled.

"It's like a very ordinary nightmare, but I couldn't see who the owner of those hands was, and I didn't struggle to get rid of those strange hands, so I let him keep strangling my neck." Huang Bujue thought for a while and added.

"In a dream, can you remember who you are?" Zhou Fan asked with experience.

"I haven't thought about this." Huang Bujue shook his head and denied it.

"Zhou Fan didn't have a dream, but Aunt Huang, you have such a nightmare, then you have to be careful, Aunt Huang." Gu Yan's face changed slightly: "You guys continue to sleep, wait for half an hour, I will try Wake you up again."

This may waste some sleep time, but it is better than not knowing the danger, just like Huang Bujue, maybe let the hands keep pinching, maybe the soul will be disintegrated.

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue did not speak any more, but lay down and continued to sleep.

Zhou Fan was a little uneasy, but he knew that he was in a period of doom for a lifeless person. After he fell asleep, some unforeseen dangers might occur.

But anyway, he still wanted to sleep, he began to adjust his breathing, and soon fell asleep.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, and he found that it was already dawn.

Zhou Fan sat up from the snow, surrounded by a vast red.

He was slightly startled, and then he realized that the snow was bright red.

Bright red snow?

He raised his eyebrows slightly, he remembered that the snow was not bright red, but what color was the snow?

He can't remember.

Zhou Fan stood up from the ground and looked at the gray sky. He started walking in one direction and shouted, "Is there anyone?"

"Is there anyone, answer me?"

It seemed that he was the only one left in the red snow.

Even the occasional snow plants are bright red.

Gradually Zhou Fan stopped shouting, he knew it was futile.

He forgot how long it had been before he saw a dense forest of bright mangroves.

Each tree is more than ten feet tall.

He walked over with a smile on his face, there might be people in the woods.

When he got closer, he realized that the wrinkled veneers of the bright red trees were all twisted faces in pain.

Every tree has countless faces.

Zhou Fan trembled all over, he turned and ran, until he was far away from the bright red forest, he stopped breathing, and he looked back, and found that the bright red human-faced forest was no longer visible.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to drive in the opposite direction.

But after walking for a while, he saw a bright red forest again.

Difficulty is the Forest of Human Faces you have seen before?

He shook his head in disbelief, and looked carefully towards the forest. The closer he got, the more familiar he felt, and then he saw again that the wrinkled veneer on the tree was composed of human faces.

As if he had fallen into an ice cave, the temperature of his body was getting lower and lower.

At this moment, the whole world collapsed.

Zhou Fan opened his eyes and saw Gu Yan and Huang Bujue squatting on the snow pit and looking at him.

Zhou Fan sat up, he felt as if his head was split open, the pain was terrible, but the pain was disappearing quickly.

"Are you okay?" Huang Bujue asked.

"It's not a big deal." Zhou Fan shook his head: "Did something happen after I fell asleep?"

"That's not true, but it's very difficult for you to wake up this time. Aunt Huang Shi and I called you for a while before you woke up." Gu Yan frowned.

This is very abnormal. Even if a warrior falls asleep, he will often remain alert outside the wilderness. As long as someone calls, he will wake up immediately.

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly, and it took a while to wake him up? That means that the dream state he fell into is relatively deep, otherwise such a situation would not have occurred.

"Have you had a nightmare, what did you dream about?" Huang Bujue asked.

Zhou Fan told Huang Bujue and Gu Yan in detail about his nightmare.

Bright red snow? Wood skin?

After Huang Bujue and Gu Yan heard this weird dream, their expressions changed slightly.

But a dream is a dream, and the two of them don't know how to explain it.

"Do you remember who you are in your dreams?" Huang Bujue asked.

"There is no such awareness at all." Zhou Fan said solemnly.

"If there is, if you enter the same dream again, don't enter the forest in the end. Since you will encounter it no matter which direction you go, just stay where you are." Huang Bujue suggested.

"I think so too, but it doesn't seem that I can control it." Zhou Fan smiled wryly and shook his head: "What about you? Did you have a nightmare this time? Wait... You said that you will enter the same dream again, don't you..."

Zhou Fan looked at Huang Bujue with a shocked expression.

Huang Bujue said with a heavy face: "Yes, I entered the same dream just now, still strangling my neck, I can't see who the owner of those hands is, but I feel that he is getting harder and harder, I can feel that he wants to. strangle me."

"If this is the case, it is very likely that no matter whether we wake up or not, as long as we continue to fall asleep, as long as the dream has no result, we will still appear in the dream." Zhou Fan speculated: "It's just that we never know this information. "

"This is something that can't be helped. We came here in a hurry, and we don't know anything about Qianhuan Snow Mountain." Gu Yan said: "You two, be careful, continue to sleep, and I will call you again after half an hour."

Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue were silent for a while, but lay down again.

"I just hope that I don't appear in that dream again. There is something wrong with that strange forest of human faces. The nightmare I had was probably much more serious than Mr. Huang... No, I can't say that, I can only say it's complicated. After all, Lord Huang has been strangled all the time, in terms of danger, Lord Huang is more dangerous..."

Zhou Fan thought about these things in his heart, and soon fell asleep.

Still bright red Not far away is the bright red forest with the bark of human face.

It made his eyes dizzy.

He shook his head, subconsciously moved away from the bright red forest, and walked towards the third direction beyond the two forests.

It's just that he soon discovers a terrifying reality: No matter which direction he goes, he will come across the bright red forest.

Exactly the same human-faced bark forest.

He stood blankly, thinking that this forest was either moving or that the snow world was actually surrounded by the human-faced bark forest.

Where should he go?

He stared blankly at the bright red forest in front of him, and a voice in his heart kept warning him not to enter the forest.

In fact, he thought so too.

The cry of a child could be heard in the forest.

The sound is in the ear.

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