Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 797: Not give up

Starless night.

The girl stood in front of the dividing line between bright red and snow white, and she opened her mouth to sing.

Not far away stood two old women, squinting their eyes slightly admiring the emotion contained in their young lady's singing.

The voice was soft and uninterrupted.

There are invisible notes jumping in the night.

The girl sang and stepped into the bright red snow. The corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, showing a smile, and then she turned around and walked back.



"Give up, we can't make it through." Eunuch Zhang's sharp voice echoed in the dark night.

"This height is fine." Eunuch Huang frowned slightly. He looked at the bright red world with a look of fear in his eyes.

In the afternoon, they arrived here and tested that it was a phantom.

But as they moved forward, the phantom became more and more terrifying, and they had to retreat.

Now both Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Huang have the intention of withdrawing.

Wrinkled deeply and did not speak, he just raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at the bright red ice and snow, and said nothing for a long time.

Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Huang persuaded them for a while and then closed their mouths.

"You can wait for me here tomorrow morning or leave." Wrinkle Shen said after a while.

"Are you sure you can continue to climb forward?" Eunuch Zhang said in surprise, "Don't risk your life."

"Yeah, not this time, but next time." Eunuch Huang sighed: "The wrinkles are deep, you may not know that Eunuch Ao's godfather is also the director of our department, Long Da, who said that as long as people don't die There will always be hope, Class A is of course important, but not as important as your life."

"Even if you can't get into Class A, it doesn't mean you won't be as good as those in Class A in the future..."

"No, you don't understand." Wrinkled Shen's cold face eased. He also knew that Eunuch Zhang had good intentions, but what he said was still very firm.

"If he was here, he would definitely not stop here. I have fallen behind in that inexplicable essay test, and I absolutely cannot stop here."

"Otherwise, there will be no chance to see his back."

"And I can't just look at his back forever, I want to surpass him!"

"I must step out of this step!"

In the dark night, he walked towards the bright red snow world, his bones clacked like fried beans, but he still stood in the bright red snow world.

He was isolated from the inside and outside, and clearly stood there, but it gave Eunuch Zhang the feeling that he had disappeared from this world.

Looking back at the pair of eyes that were as cold as iron, Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Huang were both silent.

They were all wondering where did Grandpa Ao find such people?

However, Eunuch Ao has always been unlucky. When he was low, he went to the door of Eunuch Long and became Eunuch Long's first godson. Then Eunuch Long, who was destitute, flew to the sky, and he was able to follow the chicken and the dog to the sky.

Now that such people have been found, Eunuch Zhang and Eunuch Zhang sighed inwardly. As long as there is a wrinkle deep to accompany Eunuch Ao into the palace, even if the chief executive is gone, Eunuch Ao can still be prosperous, and his luck is good. how important.



"You two have to refund your money when you go back." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a cold face.

"We will definitely retire." Zhang Sanlisi replied with a bitter face.

"At least half way back." Zhang Li Xiaohu said calmly.

"We're afraid we can't be the master." Zhang San and Li Si looked at each other and said, "You have to listen to the old man."

"If you can't be the master, you have to accompany me to continue walking." Zhang Li Xiaohu's face tightened again, "And he said that he is a peerless master, and he will not be able to walk here. What if you don't refund the money?"

"Half of it? We'll pay for it ourselves." Zhang San gritted his teeth.

"Yes, if the old man doesn't retire, we will pay for it ourselves." Li Si also nodded.

"That's about the same." Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a smile.

If he refunds half, then he can get back 121,194 plus half a Xuan coin.

"Little Master, then we'll go back tomorrow. Anyway, we've already walked 2,750 feet today, and some people can't even walk 10 feet after 2,700 feet." Li Si said flatly.

Now he just wants to coax Zhang Li Xiaohu back.

The bright red snow world was too dangerous.

"That won't work." Zhang Li Xiaohu shook his head and said, "I mean you two can go back, but I have to keep climbing."

"But little young master, that evil illusion is too powerful, can you handle it?" Zhang Sanlisi's expressions changed slightly, and they almost said in unison.

"As long as you can make money, what can't you think of?" Zhang Li Xiaohu said with a displeased face: "This is a big deal, you let me give up here, it will kill me!"



"Don't talk about it." Xiong Feixiu waved his hand impatiently and said, "You must come up with a way for me."

"I, Xiong Feixiu, have acted in my life and have never been weaker than others. How can I stop here?"

"There will definitely be a lot of candidates blocked here, but if I can move forward, they will be thrown away by me."

"If you can't do anything, how can you be worthy of my grandfather's usual kindness to you?"

The two old men were grimacing, and they had nothing to do, but Xiong Feixiu was not someone who could persuade him.

Tomorrow they can only work hard and take Xiong Feixiu as far as they can go. I just hope that this domineering young master will stop putting his feet in their mouths to punish them.



He was standing on the snow covered in white bandages. The snow was illuminated by luminous beads, and he could see that the bright red world was completely different from the snow-white world.

His eyes lit up and he muttered to himself, "It's just right, so you don't have to be afraid that those who walk in front will reach the summit first, no, they shouldn't be able to reach the summit."



The young scholar was reading under the luminous talisman with a scroll in hand. After reading the book of sages for a while, he hummed, "I wonder if Zhou Fan and his party were stopped here?"

"Who knows, maybe they have already gone down the mountain." An old professor of the academy said with a smile: "This evil illusion is not simple."

"This is the so that I can distance myself from the group and surpass Zhou Fan." Du Ni said with a smile.

"Du Ni, it's not a gentleman who wants his opponent to stop so much." The second professor, who had not spoken, frowned.

"But that's what I think in my heart, can't I say it?" Du Ni snorted: "Can I still say that I hope they will reach the summit smoothly? Then I'm not a hypocrite?"

"Besides, I didn't curse them, so how could I become a villain?"

"Even if you think like this, you can't say it. In the beginning, people are inherently evil, and reading is to make us sensible and reasonable, and become humble gentlemen." The professor retorted.

"No, people who suppress their desires for too long will only become fools. Reading is not to allow themselves to become that kind of moral fake saints. I sing loudly if I want to sing loudly. I dance if I want to dance. I am free and free, as long as I don't interfere. Others, who can control me?" Du Ni debated with a serious face.

"Your crazy theory is not advisable..."

"Your sour Confucian theory is outdated long ago..."

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