Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 801: beast in forest

Zhou Fan was not at ease, he chopped out several axe again, and stomped Wang Shifu's head off before he was relieved.

As for the other Wang Shiliu Zhoufan who was shot to death, he ignored it, because after Wang Shiliu fell, there was no response.

If he hadn't died, he wouldn't secretly watch Zhou Fan kill Wang Shifu.

After killing the two, Zhou Fan gasped for breath.

Just lying down on the snow and waiting and the violent and short fight was very exhausting.

Zhou Fan gasped as he collected the arrows from Wang Fifteen and Wang Sixteen.

As for the hunting knife and the axe, he did not take it anymore, because he already had it, and it was useless to take it again, on the contrary, the arrow was more important.

"They look the same. Listening to them, it seems that they have a special ability to find me, and they will evolve an abnormal state..." Zhou Fan concluded and quickly left the wooden house, "And I don't know if there are any... …”

Soon Zhou Fan saw a snow forest. The bright red snow forest was not big, so he walked in.

He took a turn in the snow forest and gained a general understanding of the surrounding environment.

After that, he climbed up the tallest tree in the snow forest and watched against the snow.

Soon he saw a group of people riding horses in the wind and snow east of the snow forest.

"One, two, three, four... Twelve, thirteen, fourteen." Zhou Fan's face became solemn, he did not expect fourteen to come as soon as this meeting came.

After all, only two came last time.

Zhou Fan was not discouraged, he slipped down from the tree and ran towards the east.

Soon he ran to the edge of the snow forest to the east. He hid behind a tree and saw the group of people dismount and come on foot not far away.

They looked exactly the same as the three people he killed, they were all men with long hair and beards.

That is, the weapons carried on the body have changed, and cold weapons such as swords and shields, spears, swords, hunting knives, axes, etc. are carried or hung on their backs.

However, the fourteen people were all equipped with bows and arrows, and they held bows and arrows and aimed at the direction of the woods.

Fourteen powerful hunters are slowly walking towards the snow forest, but they have not yet entered the range of Zhou Fan, and suddenly retreated.

This made Zhou Fan's pupils shrink, and he started to step back.

"Do you need to be so cautious?" Wang Shi asked with a smile, "Even if he's an awakened dreamer, and we have fourteen of us together, what can he do?"

"It's not a matter of escaping or not. He can kill fifteen or four people, and we can enter the dream together, which means that it is unusual. If we are careless, even if we can kill him, it will be damaged. Is it you who lost?" Wang Yi asked.

"I don't want to." Wang Shi restrained his smile.

The others also nodded slightly.

They returned to the horse herd, and then drove the horse herd to the front, while the fourteen of them followed behind the horse herd, so as to avoid cold arrows in the snow forest.

Their tracking hunch told them that Zhou Fan was hiding in the snow forest, and they were not afraid that Zhou Fan could escape their tracking.

After the fourteen people entered the snow forest, they were relieved to see that no cold arrows were shot.

But the fourteen people did not drop the horses, but continued to move forward slowly by leaning on the horses.

Cunning Fourteen.

Others may feel hopeless.

But Zhou Fan did not, his heart was as cold as iron, and there was a constant voice in his heart telling him: Kill everyone who appeared in front of him.

With the support of the trees, he stared at the moving horses and people.

"This is too troublesome, and it greatly limits our speed." Wang Shisan felt quite unaccustomed.

They used to play the game of hunting the dreamer, but they had never been so careful and aggrieved.

Wang Yi ignored Wang Thirteen's complaints. He was the leader of the Eighteen Brothers, and he was more cautious than the other brothers.

He just searched for Zhou Fan's figure.

Zhou Fan did not escape from the snow forest in his hunch, so he must be hiding in the dark and staring at them looking for opportunities.

The relationship between the prey and the hunter may change. Wang Yi doesn't want to be the prey, he is just the hunter.

call out!

An arrow shot out from the woods, and it was shot at Wang Shiyi, who was in the outer periphery.

The arrow came so suddenly that Wang Shiyi couldn't react at all, and was pierced through his neck.

The other thirteen people lowered their heads one after another, leaning on the horse's belly, alert for the second arrow.

Wang Shiyi's face turned pale, blood appeared one after another, and his pupils turned bone white. He tilted his head, and he didn't pull out the arrow. He was still alive.

Having become a walking corpse, he lost his mind and just ran in the direction of the cold arrow.

call out!

The second arrow was fired again.

The arrow was nailed to Wang Shiyi's forehead, and he fell to the ground in disbelief.

The remaining thirteen people used this to stay away from the horses, hide behind the trees, and draw bows and arrows.


A bow and arrow passed through the wind and snow and pierced into the direction where the cold arrow was shot.

They also skillfully used the shelter of the trees to slowly lean in the direction of Leng Jian.

In order to prevent the prey from escaping, Wang Yi made a gesture, and there were eight people running on both sides in two groups, forming a surrounding trend with Wang Yi and the other six.

From time to time, cold arrows are shot from the jungle, but Wang Yi and the others are very shrewd and never give cold arrows any chance.

They also shoot arrows from time to time, delaying the prey's breakthrough.

The cold arrows gradually stopped, and no cold arrows came out again.

"He has no arrows." Wang Er said.

The arrows in the hands of the person in the dream can only come from Wang Seventeen, Wang Sixteen, and Wang fifteen.

Since entering the snow forest, Wang Er has been counting Zhou Fan's arrows, and he confirmed that Zhou Fan has no arrows.

Knowing that Zhou Fan had no arrows, the thirteen people laughed wildly and came out of the hiding trees generously.

Zhou Fan without arrows is like a sick tiger without claws, a piece of fish that they can slaughter on the chopping block.

It's just that before they got close, another arrow shot out, nailed to Wang Jiu's head, and pierced through Wang Jiu's head.

Wang Jiu, who had penetrated his head, couldn't even corpse, so he fell to the ground.

The twelve hurriedly hid behind the trees, and then avoided the second arrow.

Wang Yi stared at Wang Jiu's body and said solemnly, "Wang Er, what's going on?"

" How can he still have arrows?" Wang Er couldn't believe it, "Could it be that at this time, he still has time to recover the arrows we shot?"

This is simply impossible, otherwise it is easy to be shot by the stray arrow.

"We were fooled. A lot of the wooden arrows he shot just now were ineffective." Wang Twelve picked up an arrow and said with a darkened face.

The arrow in Wang Twelve's hand was a wooden-cut arrow. The arrow was very crude, and the lethality of such an arrow was almost zero, but their attention was always on Zhou Fan, but they didn't pay attention to such details.

Otherwise, Wang Jiu wouldn't have to die.

Now none of them are sure how many arrows Zhou Fan still has in his hand.

"Don't care how many arrows he still has, let's slowly surround him and see how long he can hide?" Wang Yi shouted sharply.

His voice was loud, this was for the rest of the brothers to hear, but also because even if Zhou Fan heard it, it was useless.

In his eyes, Zhou Fan was just a dying beast.

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