Xiong Feixiu was one of the few people who still led his squires forward in the evil realm after 2,700 meters.

The two old men sandwiched Xiong Feixiu on the left and the right. The two old men were engraved with mysterious runes, exuding a blue light, covering the three of them.

"Those idiots are estimated to be kept out of evil." Xiong Feixiu sneered with disdain: "I, Xiong Feixiu, are destined to be number one, and will be number one in the future!"

The two old men grimaced, my young master, your confidence is too inflated.


Wen Xiao was climbing slowly, his speed was neither fast nor slow, the skin under his clothes was still wrapped by the white bandages, but there were tiny golden bugs crawling in and out of the gaps in the white bandages, and the bugs emitted fine, mosquito-like noises. The voices, the low voices of the insects gathered together, making people feel stuffy when they heard it.

But Wen Xiao's face was indifferent. This was his way of fighting against evil illusions, and the sound of insects could resist the erosion of evil illusions for him.


Du Ni had already bid farewell to the two professors in the morning, and went on the road alone. Now he is climbing up like a scholar. His rolled-up trouser legs are wrapped in black mud, and he looks like a farmer working from the farmland.

But he didn't care, but muttered with a bitter face: "This off-road test is really perverted, and I don't know what the sage thinks. If it is really dangerous, I'd better retreat as soon as possible, and work hard now, I hope this time Don't lose to one more line."


If you look from the Xuanguang Jade Wall, you can see eleven candidates who have climbed more than 2,700 meters. Thirteen swords are the slowest, he gets up the latest and leaves the latest, and the height he now climbs is also ten. One person minimum.

He still looked lazy, he took three steps and stopped, and pointed out diagonally like a sword, and then took three steps. Judging from his speed, it is estimated that after the cross-country test, it would be difficult to climb a hundred hundred. Husband……


Dongfangfeng’s body is sapphire in color. He climbs up silently. His plans are very big. Whether it is the Gaoxiang Academy, the secret disciple of Baixiang Temple or Zhang Li Xiaohu, he doesn’t really care about it. He is destined to revitalize the Dongfang family. Man, it's impossible to lose to those guys in cross country, he has to win!


In the snowstorm, there was a fat man dragging a black wooden barrel forward. The barrel was the same height as him and thicker than his waist. He had a bitter face, and from time to time he turned his head to look at the barrel: "Barrel, barrel, you can't. Drop the chain at a critical moment, now it's all up to you."

"I told you not to come to Gaoxiang County. It would be nice to stay in Feihe County. You don't have to climb such a dangerous snow-capped mountain. Grandma really hurt me."


Young geniuses are making their last efforts, and Zhou Fan is no exception.

Before noon, he had already climbed a hundred zhang, and within this hundred zhang, he had been corroded by evil illusions several times, but all of them were destroyed by the first needle of his illusory nine-needle secret technique.

I have to say that the illusory nine-needle secret method is even easier to use than he imagined. Just the first needle can make him support a hundred feet.

Even the pain of that needle stabbing his heart made him grin every time.

But this still made Zhou Fan feel excited. The first needle has such an effect, it may climb three hundred feet up, maybe nine needles are not needed, then it is only necessary to be wary of strange surprises.

Thought so, but Zhou Fan still did not relax his vigilance. He had already taken out the second long needle of the nine needles for use.

It is now 2,800 meters high.

Looking up, you can faintly see the outline of the mountain top surrounded by bright red clouds.

The bright red cloud made Zhou Fan's face become solemn. He didn't know what other candidates thought, but he would rather have a lower grade than try to climb to the top. The ghost burial coffin has never left, and the danger he will face is very likely. Right on top of the mountain.

While Zhou Fan was on guard and thinking about these things, his vision blurred again.

The ghost is back.

Zhou Fan proficiently inserted the first needle into the Tanzhong point, and the pain of the needle piercing the heart hit again, Zhou Fan endured the pain, and his face changed slightly.

Because the vision becomes a little weird.

He saw an old woman in black. The old woman was holding a black cloth umbrella. The wrinkles on her face were folded together, dense as a linear irregular vortex.

The old woman was smiling at him, and the smile oozes panic.

Pimples appeared all over Zhou Fan's body, and the tiny skin particles that appeared were getting bigger and bigger, swelled into granulation, and had a tendency to turn into a tumor. Zhou Fan felt that his body was collapsing.

The blood of the Dragon God boiled slightly, trying to stifle this cold and strange power.

Zhou Fan gritted his teeth, endured the erosion of the evil illusion, took the second light green long needle from his clothes, and pierced the six-inch Juque point above the navel.

Just like the pain of a sharp awl piercing his thigh, the superimposed pain of the second and first needles of the illusory nine needles made Zhou Fan cry out in pain.

But the peculiar power revealed by the illusory needle instantly made the old woman holding the black umbrella disappear, and the abnormality of her body quickly recovered.

After Zhou Fan confirmed that the evil illusion had receded, he moved his fingers slightly and pulled out the two long needles.

He was relieved from the pain.

"This is too terrifying." Zhou Fan's face showed a look of fear, not only afraid of the evil horror, but also afraid of the severe pain of the illusory nine needles.

This is the second stitch.

Zhou Fan has some doubts, is there really someone who can survive the stacking of nine needles?

No wonder Zhao Yazhu and the illusory nine-needle secret method mentioned that the ninth needle should be used with caution, otherwise it will really hurt people's souls.

Zhou Fan hurriedly climbed forward again, and now he was only at the level of 2,820 feet, so he was forced to make a second shot.

Hopefully the third needle will be used later.


Just as Zhou Fan was climbing, some of the eleven candidates had to give up going down the mountain.

It was Dongfangfeng, his eyes were red, and cracks appeared on his sapphire body.

"How can I just stop here~www.readwn.com~ I'm not reconciled!" Dongfang Feng growled, he tried to lift his feet forward to climb up, but the evil illusion became more and more serious, and the sapphire body had broken pieces. trend.

A look of fear appeared on Dongfangfeng's face. He withdrew his feet and was silent for a while before sighing and walking down the mountain.

Zhong Tian and others under the Xuanguang Jade Wall looked at Dongfangfeng's downward moving light spot, and Mrs. Zhang Li calmly asked, "How many zhang did he score?"

"Two thousand eight hundred and seventy feet." An instructor gave the exact number.

This was accurately measured by the height of the Profound Light Jade Talisman and the Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain.

"This result is already very good." Zhongtian smiled.

Mr. Zhang Li didn't care, he looked at the light spot that represented Zhang Li Xiaohu, and he was more concerned about how far Zhang Li Xiaohu could go.

Now everyone knows that 2,800 feet is another dividing line.

After Dongfangfeng, there was a second candidate whose grades stopped in a short while.

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