Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 812: Snow Mountain Mutation

The clatter of the animal's hooves on the ground and the rustling of the black iron sledge dragging the burial coffin broke the silence on the top of the mountain.

The monsters under the ice and snow giant opened their eyes one by one and turned their heads to stare at the ghost burial coffin.

They made a weird low-pitched roar at the ghost burial coffin, and then rushed towards the ghost burial coffin.

The top of the snow-capped mountain boiled like water.

Next to the ghost burial coffin, the three little black shadow beasts as big as puppies rushed out. Their bodies continued to grow, and in an instant they became giant black shadow beasts three feet tall, slaying those monsters. past.

The huge rumbling sound spread from the top of the mountain to the surrounding area, like thunder falling from the sky.

All the candidates and squires who were still walking down the mountain looked up in amazement, and their eyes were puzzled, but they quickly lowered their heads and flew under the snowy mountain.

They are not fools, and they understand that something must have happened at the top of the snow mountain, which is definitely not a good thing for them.

Only Zhou Fan faintly knew some inside information, he heard the thunder-like sound, and he ran faster.

Then he saw that there were constant monsters running out of the snow and snow everywhere in the snowy mountains, and these monsters didn't even attack Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's heart twitched, he ran faster, but evil illusions attacked from time to time, forcing him to stop occasionally to fight against evil illusions.

As soon as he stopped, there would always be some weirdo trying to swallow him.

But as Zhou Fan went down the mountain, the evil illusion was also weakened. Three or four needles could deal with the evil illusion. Three or four needles would feel pain for him, but it would not affect his movements. hacked.

The part of the eccentric who had not forgotten their thoughts on the run did not dare to provoke this terrifying human being again.

The Qianhuan Snow Mountain was a mess, and both people and monsters were escaping down the mountain.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, the three black shadow behemoths fought with a group of monsters, and from time to time there were strange blood splashes of various colors.

The six-hoofed black beast stopped and stopped moving.

The two gray shadow children followed the gray shadow woman down from the sledge.

The three gray shadows did not look at the strange fight with the three black shadow beasts, but walked towards the ice and snow giant.

As the bodies of the gray shadows approaching the giant seat of ice and snow also changed, there were circles of twisted black lines on their bodies.

A circle of twisted black lines appeared, and the powerful monsters on the top of the snow-capped mountains, with or without eyes, trembled slightly, and they felt a powerful terrifying pressure.

It caused them to retreat to one side, until they retreated to a certain range, and then they fought with the three black shadow behemoths again.

Sitting on the giant seat, the sleeping strange one-eyed opened its eyes, and there were dense distorted thin lines circling deep in the bright red pupils. It stared coldly at the gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children walking towards it. .

It felt provocation and threat, and the countless blood-colored tubes stretched and shook like a hedgehog.

A low hum came from the top of the mountain.

This dull low sound made Zhou Fan, who had just escaped from the realm covered by the evil illusion, look back.

A circle of bright red mushroom-shaped clouds rose from the top of the mountain, and the clouds rose and fell. This was not a cloud at all, but a unique scene caused by the rising and falling of snow on the mountain.

The snow kept rolling down, like a giant wave being photographed from a high altitude, and the bright red and white snow fell rapidly. At this moment, the sky seemed to collapse.

The avalanche... After the warriors on the mountain realized it, they were terrified. They ran desperately towards the bottom of the mountain, and they jumped over without hesitation when they encountered the Thousand Illusory Mountains.

Fortunately, the monsters lurking in the Qianhuan Mountains seemed to have fled, and the Qianhuan Mountains were no longer dangerous to them.

Avalanche Surge seems to devour the whole world.


"What's going on?" Zhongtian looked at the big avalanche on the screen in astonishment.

He did not expect that after the cross-country test, a rare large avalanche would occur in Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

Qianhuan Snow Mountain is the most dangerous place in Gaoxiang County, but there has never been an avalanche, let alone such a terrifying avalanche.

Not only Nakata, everyone was shocked.

"How many candidates are still on the snowy mountain?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked in a deep voice.

"Not many, that is, dozens of candidates and their squires haven't come down from the mountain, but..." A teacher paused here.

"But in the end, the ones who stayed on the mountain were all the geniuses among the candidates, right?" Zhongtian said with a solemn expression.

The top twelve who climbed 2,700 zhang were obviously still on the mountain. Even if Li Chungniang came down early, they were only halfway up the mountain.

But what if they knew it, the avalanche was coming too fast, and they could only watch.


Li Chungniang and Liu Sanhuo stood halfway up the mountain and looked at the pouring snow, which was like a running beast.

"Miss, let's go." Chen Peipi's face was slightly condensed, the snow itself has no lethal power, but if it is hit by the huge snow wave from the top of the snow...

You must know that this is snow falling from a height of 3,000 meters. With such a high speed and such a fast speed, the power generated can be imagined. Even the body of a warrior cannot withstand such an impact force, and even if he is lucky enough to survive the impact force, he will be killed Immediately buried, once unable to escape from the predicament is absolutely fatal to the martial artist.

In particular, this is Qianhuan Snow Mountain, where danger is everywhere. There will always be some special monsters that can move under the snow, and they will most likely be hunted by those monsters.

Not allowing them to think too much, the three of them rushed down the mountain without hesitation, and a trace of worry flashed in Li Chungniang's eyes.


When the avalanche swept over, Zhou Fan was still between 2,700 and 600 feet, which can be said to be the first among the candidates.

The speed of the avalanche is no less than the movement speed of the phantom-level movement.

There are a lot of strange people running for their lives in front of him, which greatly hinders his speed, and he can't even use teleportation-level movement techniques.

Zhou Fan gritted his teeth. He was in an area eroded by strange cold air, and his body was wrapped in thick True Qi.

After jumping over countless strange delusions, it landed on the ground and jumped again.

This kind of speed is countless times faster in an instant, but doing so will also be That is, if you accidentally jump into the Thousand Illusionary Mountains.

But Zhou Fan was already prepared, and he vaguely remembered the location of Qianhuan Mountain on the route he was climbing.

When he got to the vicinity of Qianhuan Mountain, he would no longer jump, but ran along with the monster, then jumped over the mountain and then used the method of jumping to escape.

Zhou Fan is like a stone that keeps rising and falling. This kind of jumping and sprinting is a great test for the body, and sometimes it will hit strange things, but Zhou Fan is not even interested in ending the strange things with a knife. He goes crazy. Escape down the mountain.

Even though this speed was considered very fast, the avalanche still rushed in front of Zhou Fan when Zhou Fan was a thousand feet away from the foot of the mountain.

Buried all the weirdness behind Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan saw that there were still a lot of monsters blocking the way in front of him. There were steep snow cliffs in front of him, and there was not even a place to hide. He couldn't use the teleportation-level movement technique, otherwise he would definitely bump into those monsters. On the body, doing so not only cannot speed up, but also slows him down.

In this case, Zhou Fan, who was holding two knives, turned around abruptly and faced the heavy snow that came crashing down.

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