Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 814: Horror Dream Official

Has the catastrophe begun?

Mrs. Zhang Li asked not only Zhongtian, but also Yuanhai.

One of the two is from the Great Buddha Temple and the other is from the academy. If the catastrophe really begins, they will definitely know earlier than Mr. Zhang Li.

"Amitabha, if you start, the people above will not be silent, and the catastrophe will not come so easily." Yuanhai shook his head and denied.

"No." Zhong Tian said.

Mr. Zhang Li breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. He knew that Yuanhai and Zhongtian would not deceive him about this kind of thing. As long as the catastrophe did not come, everything would be easy to say. He glanced at the two and said: "The cross-country test is over, according to According to the above arrangement, after four days, when all the candidates who have not been eliminated come back, the second item of the martial arts test can be announced."

"It's hard work, we'll see you in four days." Zhong Tian said.


Zhou Fan ran out of the Qianhuan Snow Mountain area before he stopped and looked back at the Qianhuan Snow Mountain, which was split in two. The corner of his mouth couldn't help but tug. There was no movement.

He knew that all this was inseparable from the ghost's burial coffin climbing the top of the mountain.

Legend has it that there is an unknowable monster above the snowy mountain, and according to Miss Zhao, the monsters that can emit the ring of horror are very powerful, even if it is not an unknowable monster, it is not much worse, all of which show that Qianhuan Snow Mountain does have a weirdness that is not weaker than the unknown level.

But the ghost burial coffin didn't know the purpose. After I decided to go down the mountain, I climbed up the mountain. It seemed that there was a fierce collision with the monster on the top of the mountain... Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He just hoped that all this had nothing to do with him now.

Zhou Fan sighed, and he walked towards the front again. At this time, Gu Yan and Huang Bujue sent a message to ask if he was safe, and Zhou Fan simply replied to them one by one.

After so many days have passed, Gu Yan and Huang Bujue have returned to Gaoxiang City safely. After they learned of the avalanche of Qianhuan Snow Mountain, they sent a greeting message.

After Zhou Fan replied to Gu Yan and the two, he received another message from Li Chungniang. He looked at the words displayed on the message symbol, frowned, and gave a reply.

Putting away the message, he identified the direction and ran forward. After a while, he saw the three of Li Chungniang.

"Big Brother Zhou." Seeing Zhou Fan, Li Chungniang raised her hand and revealed a sweet smile on her face.

Zhou Fan walked over to the three of Li Chongniang, because the cross-country test was over, Li Chongniang asked him to return to Gaoxiang City with him.


As Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li left, Zhong Tian pushed open the wooden window and let the setting sun pour in and shine on the wooden table.

He looked at the academy that was lit by the setting sun outside the window, and his face was calm for a while before he tapped the table three times.

The talisman formation is activated, and the sunset can still come in, but the sound cannot get out, nor can the sound from outside come in.

Zhongtian picked up the green jade pendant around his waist, he stared at the green jade pendant, lightly tapped the rune in the middle of the jade pendant, and the green jade pendant was activated, emitting a faint green light.

He waited patiently for a while, and an impatient voice came from the green jade pendant: "Ploughing the field, I have something to say, you have disturbed my reading, alas, the teacher has recently felt that his knowledge can't keep up, so he has to read books carefully."

The corners of Zhongtian's mouth twitched. He knew what book the teacher was talking about, so he comforted him: "Teacher, I'm afraid your body won't be able to endure it when you read like this."

"Don't come here, I'm in good health, but I just watch it over and over again, it's not interesting, do you have any good fresh collections, how about lending me a copy? Don't keep it private, it's better to be alone Lele." There was some wretched laughter over there.

"No, you also know that I never read that book." Zhongtian shook his head.

"Then you are definitely not a man." The old man said.

Zhongtian's forehead was black, "I'm too old, I don't watch it now, it's alright."

"That's really pitiful, so young is empty." The old man said again.

Zhongtian smiled bitterly. He knew that if he continued to talk like this, he would definitely be dragged by his teacher and he didn't know what to ask. He could only say with a solemn expression: "Teacher, there is something wrong with Qianhuan Snow Mountain."

"What's wrong?" A calm voice asked after a pause.

"There was an avalanche in Qianhuan Snow Mountain for some reason, and the sound of thunder roared from the top of the mountain. Later, Qianhuan Snow Mountain split into two halves..." Zhong Tian explained the specific situation.

"Cracked in two?" The old man's voice was a little surprised: "Besides these, do you know anything else?"

"Not yet, it's still investigating." Zhong Tian said.

There was silence for a while before he said: "Okay, I understand, this problem shouldn't be too big, it shouldn't have a bad impact on your Gaoxiang County, pay close attention, and let me know if there are any changes."

"Teacher, there were quite a few candidates taking the cross-country test there at that time." Zhongtian said with a solemn expression.

"I didn't expect the change of this Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain." The voice calmly said again: "Or I will let you change places."

Zhongtian's expression softened. He just had some doubts that the teacher would have predicted the changes of Qianhuan Snow Mountain in advance, and then chose Qianhuan Snow Mountain as the question for the cross-country test.

But the teacher has never lied to their disciples, saying that if there is no, then there is no.

"Teacher, what exactly is on the top of the mountain?" Zhongtian asked again with a serious face: "Please tell me, this may be related to the safety of Gaoxiang County."

"It's not a secret, if you want to know, I'll tell you, it's true that there is an unknowable monster above. That monster is called the Horror Dreamer. It is rumored that it can control the nightmares of all living beings. Dangerous and strange nightmares are also because of its existence."

"It is said that it is caused by the emission of a ring of horror dreams. As long as the dreamer is fine, it will always fall into a deep sleep, and every breath will emit a unique ring of horror dreams. If it lives for too long, it will even affect the surrounding people. The environment presents unique anomalous changes."

"I was on the top of the snow-capped mountain back then, and I was fortunate enough to see it, so I learned about it. As long as you don't provoke it, the horror dreamer will ignore you. It is very sleepy, and it will cause the least harm to us humans. An unknowable quirk."

"Do you understand now?" the old man said slowly.

"Terrorist Officer..." Zhongtian was silent for a while. He knew a lot of unknowable and strange things, but he had never heard of Terrorist Officer, "Teacher, why did you never tell me?"

"Ah, it's not a big deal. I can't tell you everything, right? If it threatens Gaoxiang County, I'll tell you already." Nothing like this can wake the Horror Dreamer."

"By the way, have any candidates climbed to the top?"

"No, there is one candidate who is already number one when he reaches about 2,950 feet. I was afraid of danger, so I let him come back." Zhong Tian said.

"Two thousand nine hundred and fifty feet... That's a pity, you shouldn't have let him come back." The old man chuckled: "Otherwise he would be able to see the demeanor of Terrorist."

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