Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 816: 1 thing 1 thing

The eldest sister called him Xiao Xiuxiu, and he could barely bear it, but Xiong Feixiu couldn't bear it when Zhou Fan called him like that. He felt his stomach turned upside down, it was disgusting.

Before Zhou Fan could speak, Li Chungniang glanced at Xiong Feixiu coldly and said, "Big Brother Zhou is my elder brother. What's wrong with him calling you Xiao Xiuxiu? Do you have any opinions?"

Xiong Feixiu felt a little mad in his heart, but when he remembered the ghost oath he made, he could only say aggrieved: "Don't dare, it's just the eldest sister, Xiao Xiuxiu is too ugly, can you change the name, the elders in the family call me Xiu'er. "

Xiu'er... Zhou Fan got goosebumps.

Li Chungniang raised her eyebrows and said, "No, we can call them whatever we like. You can't have any opinions. If you dare to talk more, I will call you a dog, and you have to respond."

Bear dog eggs!

Xiong Feixiu's face turned pale and quickly shook his head and covered his mouth. If he was called Xiong Dog Dan, he might as well die.

It really is one thing, one thing, Zhou Fan has some sense.

"Also, you dare to attack Brother Zhou's idea, and apologize to Brother Zhou soon, please forgive you, Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang said with a stern face again.

You two men and women... Xiong Feixiu sneered in his heart, and he said with a crying smile on his face: "Big Brother Zhou, it's my fault, please forgive me."

The two squires beside Xiong Feixiu didn't dare to make a sound. After all, they had learned the power of Liu Sanhuo, and this was a good thing for Xiong Feixiu.

"Xiao Xiuxiu doesn't need to be like this, I forgive you." Zhou Fan said with a smirk.

Hearing Zhou Fan calling him Xiao Xiuxiu again, Xiong Feixiu's heart twitched slightly, and he said to Li Chongniang, "Eldest sister, then I won't disturb you."

Now he just wants to run away from this terrible woman and hateful man, which is the shame of his life.

"It's getting dark, where are you going? Do you have a problem with me?" Li Chungniang asked with a smile.

"No, how dare I." Xiong Feixiu shook his head quickly.

So Xiong Feixiu and the others stayed, but at Li Chungniang's order, they found another camp not far away.

Xiong Feixiu couldn't hear the soft conversation between Li Chongniang and the others, so Li Chongniang told Zhou Fan the interesting story between her and Xiong Feixiu.

Zhou Fan was slightly surprised after hearing this. Xiong Feixiu dared to be so arrogant before. The two old men were both in the Qi Gang section, but they were defeated by Liu Sanhuo and Chen Pepi. Chen Pepi and Liu Sanhuo were stronger than he thought. sharp.

This also proved the background of Li Jiuyue's family from the side. Of course, Zhou Fan was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Li Jiuyue's family was so powerful.

Li Jiuyue went to Tianliang City for the sake of Yegu Village, but Yegu Village was deemed rebellious by the official family and destroyed the village, so Li Jiuyue's family and the official family were on the opposite side.

These things are too complicated, Zhou Fan sighed in his heart, and he couldn't figure it out, but as long as Li Jiuyue didn't harm him, these things didn't need to be studied too much.

Zhou Fan thought of this and glanced at the fairy-like woman beside him. He wondered if Li Chungniang knew about Li Jiuyue and Yegu Village.

But thinking that Li Jiuyue's temperament would not lie to the worm, he thought silently in his heart.

"Big Brother Zhou doesn't like Xiao Xiuxiu and the others here, why don't I let them go?" Li Chungniang asked Zhou Fan, "I'm leaving Xiao Xiuxiu, I just want to grind his arrogance. Domineering temper."

"I have no opinion, they can't affect anything here." Zhou Fan shook his head with a smile.

On the other side, Xiong Feixiu was berating his two entourages so that they could not tell anyone about the shameful incident today.

The two squires agreed in a low voice, and they muttered in their hearts that Xiong Feixiu had boasted that he had scared away the three of Li Chungniang last time, but now it's just bragging.

After Xiong Feixiu had finished training his two squires, he felt a little bitter at the thought of following Li Chungniang and the others in the next three days, and he couldn't pass this day.

Zhou Fan has always maintained an estranged and polite attitude towards Li Chungniang. He always remembers that this is Li Jiuyue's wife who has never been there, and he must maintain an appropriate distance.

So the two didn't talk much, Zhou Fan walked aside and pondered the "Bad Sea" exercise. During the cross-country test, he would ponder "Break Sea" whenever he was free. Seven, seven, eighty-eight, after returning to Gaoxiang City, you can try to practice "Crystal Sea" and step into the martial arts stage!

Regarding the night duty, Zhou Fan wanted to help, but Liu Sanhuo and Chen Bopi said that he was a guest and did not let him help. Liu Sanhuo and Chen Bopi took care of the night duty.

As for Xiong Feixiu, the two old men couldn't beat Liu Sanhuo and the others, but Liu Sanhuo obviously didn't trust Xiong Feixiu and the three of them, and would not hand over the night duty to them, but the two old men also voluntarily took turns on duty.

So there were two people on duty all of a sudden, and there were two people in rotation. Zhou Fan saw that he didn't need to be on duty at night, so he slept with peace of mind.

At the end of the day, after experiencing the abuse of the illusory nine needles and escaping from the avalanche, Zhou Fan was exhausted physically and mentally, and he quickly fell asleep.

When Zhou Fan appeared on the boat, Qifu and Zhao Yazhu looked over, Zhao Yazhu said in surprise: "It seems that you have left that dangerous place."

Zhou Fan just nodded slightly and admitted that he knew that this could not be hidden from Zhao Yazhu and the two of them, because the Ring of Horror Dreams on his body had disappeared.

"Did you leave something in the Shen Yuanzhu to help me?" Zhou Fan remembered the fat outline in the nightmare.

Zhao Yazhu raised his eyebrows and said, "That's an idea talisman that I poured in through the Divine Origin Orb. If it weren't for several Divine Origin Orbs, it wouldn't be possible to piece it together, but you don't need to thank me, because I gave you this talisman of intent. I saved you just for the chance to possess you, if you die, I will find someone to possess you."

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and still thanked Zhao Yazhu, and then told Zhao Yazhu about the ghost burial today. He wanted to hear Zhao Yazhu's opinion.

Of course, Zhou Fan obscured some of the facts. He told Zhao Yazhu that the ghost burial coffin had entered a certain forest and conflicted with the powerful monsters in the forest.

After Zhao Yazhu listened to it, she didn't mean to take the big gray worm, she raised her thick eyebrows slightly: "I can't say for sure, after all, let alone the ghost burial coffin you mentioned, I have never even seen a ghost burial with my own eyes. "

"But I've never heard that the burial will find trouble with other monsters. Instead, there are monsters or strong human beings who have dealt with the burial, which makes the burial fight but even if the burial loses After being killed, it will reappear in the world after a period of time, I think you have heard this."

"If the ghost burial coffin is a ghost burial, this is indeed a very strange thing..."

Zhou Fan felt helpless, he knew that after all, there was too little information, and Zhao Yazhu couldn't analyze too much from it.

After that, Zhou Fan didn't say anything more to Zhao Yazhu, but walked aside, summoned the gray fog to cover him, practiced his martial arts, and left the gray river space when the time was up.

As soon as Zhou Fan left, Zhao Yazhu looked at Qifu and asked, "He left the dangerous place, have you found him?"

Zhou Fan and Qifu appeared on the boat at about the same time, so Zhao Yazhu didn't have any communication with Qifu just now.

A rare smile appeared on Chifu's face: "He is in the place I suspected, that dangerous place is a snowy mountain, and many people took an exam in it, Zhou Fan was one of them, there was a big avalanche today, Everyone fled the snowy mountains."

The disappearance of the Ring of Horror on Zhou Fan's body is a proof and Zhou Fan also admitted that he left the dangerous place.

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