After Chufu listened to Zhao Yazhu's words, she thought for a while and said, "Then I will listen to you, stare at him if you can, if you can't stare, I'll think of other ways, and be sure to find out Zhou before you are possessed. Where to live."

"It's the best." Zhao Yazhu smiled happily, "Little guy, you help me and I won't forget you. As long as I can get out of the ship's control, my promises to you will definitely be fulfilled one by one."

"Let's talk when you get out." Chefu said calmly.

Chofu discussed with Zhao Yazhu for a while and then left the boat.

Zhao Yazhu walked to the railing of the boat and looked at the gray mist floating on the river. Her face was calm and she didn't know what she was thinking.


When Zhou Fan woke up, he looked at the fairly clear sky, his eyebrows raised slightly.

The night passed, and apparently the enemy in the dark did not appear.

He was thinking about a very important question.

If the enemy didn't appear, then I don't know who it was for. If it was for Xiong Feixiu or Zongniang, they would naturally deal with it. Zhou Fan thought that if it was for him, who would it be?

Zhou Fan thought for a while, but still couldn't list valid information because there were too many suspicious enemies.

His current grade is temporarily the first in the Class A big exam, so there are many people who want to target him. Every person who ranks at the top has the potential to attack him. The candidates who can rank among the top are some guys with background.

Zhou Fan even had a feeling of being the enemy of the whole world.

He sighed, and he didn't want to be so conspicuous, but there are only ten people in the A-class class in a county.

So he can only do his best every time.

Otherwise, I don't want to be the firefly in the dark, I don't want at all... Zhou Fan thought silently, it seems that he needs to be more careful recently, and beware of those dark arrows that may fly at any time.

Early in the morning, Zhou Fan and the others began to hurry.

Chen Bopi's face was solemn, because they were not attacked last night, but this did not mean that those people in the dark gave up, maybe those people were looking for a better time.

Everyone understands this.

So at the end of the day, everyone walked cautiously.

When watching out for possible enemies, Zhou Fan couldn't help but glance at Xiong Feixiu who was walking at the front and was reprimanded by Chen Pepi from time to time.

It was still difficult for him to see that Xiong Feixiu was a girl.

Originally, this kind of thing should not be difficult, such as always going to the toilet at the end of the day, after all, if Xiong Feixiu is a woman, she can't stand to pee, right?

But Zhou Fan couldn't see Xiong Feixiu pee.

Because if they want to solve these personal problems outside the wilderness, they will always use their movements to go farther to solve them.

Even in this extraordinary period, everyone who wants to solve these problems must be accompanied by someone. For example, Li Chungniang will ask Chen Bopi to accompany her, and Zhou Fan will go with Liu Sanhuo.

As for Xiong Feixiu, of course she brought one of her family's squires, not Zhou Fan, right?

It is impossible for Zhou Fan to jump out and say that Xiao Xiuxiu is going to the toilet, and I will accompany you.

It would be too abrupt to do so.

Of course, these are just a little fun that Zhou Fan finds for himself when he is on a boring road. He doesn't necessarily have to confirm whether Xiong Feixiu is male or female, and whether Xiong Feixiu is male or female makes no difference to him...

But until sunset and dusk, when everyone stopped to prepare for the night, an old man next to Xiong Feixiu came over to invite Zhou Fan, saying that his young master had something to discuss with him.

Zhou Fan looked surprised.

"What is Xiao Xiuxiu doing with Brother Zhou?" Li Chungniang asked with a frown.

"My young master said that if Miss Li or Young Master Zhou disagree, that's fine." The old man said hurriedly.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang looked at Xiong Feixiu not far away.

Xiong Feixiu smiled at them.

"Then I'll go and listen." Zhou Fan thought about it.

Zhou Fan agreed, but Li Chungniang did not continue to object.

Zhou Fan followed the old man to Xiong Feixiu very quickly.

Today, Xiong Feixiu suffered a lot less feather dusters from Chen's skinning, but the pain still made him small and his face turned pale. These blows won't hurt the skin, but penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

"Big Brother Zhou." Xiong Feixiu bowed to Zhou Fan, looking polite, he couldn't help but do it, because if he didn't, Chen Peipi, who had a lot of weird rules, would see it, and it was estimated that he would be beaten again.

He has a deep shadow in his heart for the feather duster, it hurts too much.

Zhou Fan was amused, he asked, "I don't know why Xiao Xiuxiu is looking for me?"

Zhou Fan called it that way on purpose, Xiong Feixiu couldn't jump up even if there was a worm girl.

Xiong Feixiu gritted his teeth, he glared at Zhou Fan, and then forced a smile: "Big Brother Zhou, if you can walk around with me, I just want to have a conversation with Big Brother Zhou."

Zhou Fan agreed.

The two walked out of the camp, as long as they weren't too far away, it wouldn't be a big problem.

The dim sunlight spreads on the wilderness, giving people a kind of lazy comfort.

Zhou Fan was not in a hurry to ask questions, anyway, Xiong Feixiu couldn't hold back his temper.

Sure enough, Xiong Feixiu soon said with a cold face: "Zhou Fan, why are you always peeking at me today?"

Zhou Fan sighed: "I don't."

Zhou Fan thought it was very strange, knowing that he thought he was very careful, even the bug lady probably didn't know that he was secretly observing Xiong Feixiu.

"You said no, today your eyes fell on me twenty-three times, and each time you glanced at me and then moved away." Xiong Feixiu snorted coldly.

How could this bear child remember it so clearly, I forgot how many times I watched it, Zhou Fan still shook his head and said, "Don't talk nonsense, really no, how did you come here?"

Xiong Feixiu said angrily, "How dare you deny it? This is an ability unique to my Xiong family's talent. Tell me, why are you peeking at me all the time?"

Xiong Feixiu is still young, and this ability has not been developed enough, so the scope of what he can do is very small, that is, Zhou Fan is close to Let him find out.

It turns out that this is the talent of the Xiong family, which is very strange. If I had known, I would not have made such a mistake. Zhou Fan coughed softly: "Well, I admit that I have seen you a few times. But firstly, it was because you were at the forefront, and secondly, it was interesting to see you being beaten, so I looked at you a few more times, isn't it illegal?"

I can't always say that I'm observing whether you are a man or a woman, I can only lie, Zhou Fan thought.

Xiong Feixiu frowned and said, "You're lying. If you think it's funny that I was beaten, why didn't you look at me like that yesterday? There must be something wrong, just tell me."

How did this bear boy suddenly have an IQ online? Zhou Fan sighed in his heart. He stared at Xiong Feixiu's facial features and didn't speak for a while.

He only discovered now that Xiong Feixiu's facial features are beautiful, if it is really a woman, it is not ugly, but he does not know that when he grows up, will his facial features change?

Xiong Feixiu glared at Zhou Fan, are you still watching? What's wrong with you?

Zhou Fan slightly looked away and smiled: "You think too much. I didn't see you yesterday. I was thinking about things in my heart. I feel bored today, so I will look at you a few more times."

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