Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 822: Creepy waves

When Gaoxiangcheng was in sight, Zhou Fan and the others were all relieved.

The enemy in the dark seems to have really left, and everyone has returned to Gaoxiang City, and there is no sign of it.

Even Chen Pepi wondered if he wanted to go wrong?

In the end, it can only be classified as something that was really weird, or it was done by a team of candidates who are not strong enough.

But in any case, they all returned to Gaoxiang City.

Among them, Xiong Feixiu was the happiest, because he finally didn't have to suffer anymore.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, from now on, you will come to me once a day, and I will ask Aunt Peeling to teach you for half an hour." Li Chungniang glanced at Xiong Feixiu who was full of joy.

The smile on Xiong Feixiu's face stopped abruptly, and he froze, wanting to speak against it, but seeing Chen Pepi's stern eyes, he couldn't utter a single word.

As soon as he entered the city, Xiong Feixiu left with his two squires as if on fire.

Zhou Fan also said goodbye to Li Chungniang and returned to the inn.

Zhou Fan opened the door and closed it again. The room he lived in was cleaned every day by the shop assistant. Even after he had been away for so many days, the room was still very clean. He put the large package and the giant knife on his back on the table.

He turned around and asked the shop assistant to prepare a tub of hot water for him.

After Zhou Fan washed up, he washed away the fatigue of the journey.

He sat at the table, recalling everything that happened in this cross-country test, and raised his eyebrows slightly. This cross-country test was unexpectedly repeated, the ghost burial coffin that suddenly followed, the strange blood-clothed boy in the nightmare of the snow mountain, the man on the top of the snow mountain. war...

But luckily it turned out well.

They didn't go very fast, and tomorrow the second question of the martial arts exam will be made public.

And now no one knows what will be tested in the second item of the martial arts test, and how will it be tested?

In addition to the announcement of the second item of the martial arts test, there is also the possession requested by Zhao Yazhu waiting for him...

Zhou Fan frowned and thought about these things. In the end, he breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how many things happened, the most important thing now is the breakthrough of the realm.

The stronger the strength, the safer he is.

Zhou Fan walked over and locked the door, calling softly, "Little 绻."

A strand of black hair grew out of his head, and then rolled out into a ball and turned into a little man.

After Xiao Ling came out, she sniffed and looked at Zhou Fan pitifully. She had been hiding in Zhou Fan's body for the past few days because of outsiders, and she was almost suffocated.

"Show me, no one will come in, I'll invite you to eat duck legs after finishing the work." Zhou Fan smiled.

Hearing the word "duck legs", Xiao Qian swallowed her saliva and nodded again and again.

"If you're not afraid of eating duck legs and becoming a man..." Zhou Fan laughed again.

Xiao Lingying trembled for a while, but she still said firmly: "I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid."

Zhou Fan didn't tease Xiao Ling any more, but closed his eyes and pondered the "Curious Sea" exercise again. After confirming that there was no problem, he slowly opened his eyes, and there was a dignified look in his pupils.

As the "Beautiful Sea" exercise known as the number one in martial arts, the danger of cultivating it is so great that many warriors who have obtained it are afraid of retreating and dare not practice.

If it weren't for the method provided by the ship, Zhou Fan would not dare to rashly practice such a dangerous practice, even if the Weihai martial art is so powerful that it makes people jealous.

Zhou Fan took out the book of storage from the talisman bag, and Xiao Qian's eyes instantly lit up.

"Open the Book of Storage."

A cheerful female voice quickly came out from the book of storage: "Xiaoshu sincerely serves those who love books. Excuse me: Xiaoming went to see the doctor, but the doctor told him to open up a little bit. What's wrong with him?"

"If it were me, I would definitely think that he has a terminal illness, but the answer is definitely not that simple." Xiao Ling said solemnly: "Is it because Xiao Ming has unrequited love that the doctor said this? The answer is that Xiao Ming has lovesickness."

"The answer is wrong." The Book of Storage gave a negative answer: "Warm reminder, people who love books still have another chance. If they are wrong again, please try again tomorrow."

"Wrong again?" Xiao Qian grimaced, "What kind of disease could that be?"

"The answer is Xiaoming's cross-eyed." Zhou Fan replied quickly.

"Congratulations on the correct answer, the book of storage has been opened for those who love books."

Xiao Huang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be cross-eyed, yes, of course, the cross-eyed should be opened a little bit. This answer is very clever, why didn't I think of it?"

Xiao Yan fell into deep thought.

Zhou Fan opened the book of storage and took out the black striped conch from it.

This is the creepy conch he caught from the Grey River.

The spiral-shaped spiral tip is conical. Zhou Fan first placed a talisman array in the room that could shield the sound from outside, and then he blew at the tip of the screw with his mouth.

The thick and loud sound of the snail sounded, and a circle of golden sound waves spread out from the conch snail, and quickly turned into a mask to cover Zhou Fan.

The mask has a faint flow of runes.

Zhou Fan sat down with his legs crossed and put down the conch shell in his hand.

The third stage of qi refining is to continuously refine the true qi in the body, and the martial arts stage, which is the starting stage of the third stage of qi refining, is no exception.

With the operation of the mental method of "Curious Sea", Zhou Fan's qi field, bone marrow, blood, qi orifices, and qi meridians stored the vast infuriating qi all boiled up.

The infuriating qi that was originally integrated into one body, followed the "Strange Sea" mentality, and the infuriating qi was continuously compressed, and the compressed infuriating qi suddenly resisted.

True Qi is constantly wandering, trying to escape the fate of being compressed and refined.

But "The Sea of ​​Creatures" is arrogant and unparalleled in its mentality. It just gathers these infuriating qi together, strips the cocoon of infuriating qi, removes useless impurities, and fuses strands of infuriating qi together. several times.

Zhou Fan frowned slightly, because he found that the gathered true qi was transformed into an ocean under the action of the mind.

The ocean looks small and looks big, always giving him a sense of contradiction.

The waves are rushing, the sea water is like thick ink, sometimes blood red, sometimes white, and its color seems to change according to the mood.

Zhou Fan was suspended on the sea, looking at this strange sea, the strange sea.

Wei Hai is also watching him.

No, it can't be said to be staring, just a casual glance, and the sound of the waves is getting louder and louder.

Zhou Fan's mind was awe-inspiring, and his body began to collapse and disintegrate. It seemed that he was about to become a part of the sea.

The shock of his mind made him suddenly open his eyes, and only then did he realize that the golden light shield that enveloped him was crumbling.

The golden mask shattered.

Zhou Fan's face paled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Master, are you all right?" Xiao Qian said anxiously, "If you die, what should I do, who will feed me chicken and duck legs in the future?"

Zhou Fan spat out another mouthful of He angrily said, "Xiao Su, your chicken and duck legs are gone."

"Master, I was wrong." Xiao Wei said sadly, "I also care about you, how can you buckle my chicken and duck legs?"

"You idiot, if I die, can you still live?"

Zhou Fan spat out two mouthfuls of blood and felt a lot more comfortable. Just now, he saw the evil sea and heard the sound of the waves, and his mind was eroded. These two mouthfuls of blood were spit out, and the sequelae of the erosion were all forced out by him. .

Thinking of this, Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed. It was really dangerous just now. If it wasn't for the quirky sea snails that resisted most of the waves of the quirky sea for him, he would definitely not be able to complete the training of "The quirky sea" so smoothly.

Zhou Fan quickly looked at the true qi in his body again. The vast amount of true qi in his body decreased, but compared to the previous true qi, it became purer and stronger.

He laughed, and he finally successfully entered the martial arts stage.

.Speaking of one thing that everyone may know, that is, this book was officially renamed "The World of Strange Immortal Cultivation". The name was changed because the results of this book have not been up and down. I decided to change the title to see if it can be transferred. I hope you don't think about it. Also ask for a subscription.

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