Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 824: nickname

All their conspiracies were under the watchful eye of the ship.

Qifu had already learned from Zhao Yazhu that any communication, no matter how secretive it was, could not escape the ears of the ship.

That's why they communicated so openly.

Only if he didn't say what he kept in his heart would not be known by the boat. Zhao Yazhu had always refused to tell Chifu about his escape plan, just to be on guard against the boat.

But the two of them still need to communicate. Once the boat informs Zhou Fan of their plans, all their plans will be in vain, and everything they do will become a joke in Zhou Fan's eyes.

That's why Chifu asked this question.

"No." Zhao Yazhu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Are you sure?" Chu Fu had doubts in her eyes, because Zhao Yazhu had made mistakes in her judgment on Chuan and Zhou Fan several times before, so she had to doubt it.

"Really not." Zhao Yazhu shook her face and said, "I admit that I made mistakes a few times before, but this time I won't make mistakes again. If the ship will really help Zhou Fan at all costs, then we need to guide us. What's the use of an assistant?"

"It can provide Zhou Fan with the information, equipment, and exercises that Zhou Fan needs for free."

"I've been thinking about this. There must be some connection between the ship and Zhou Fan that we don't know about, but the ship will not help Zhou Fan unconditionally at any time. The ship will help Zhou Fan within a certain range."

"I want to know what the boundaries of that range are?" Chev asked.

Zhao Yazhu shook his head and said: "I'm not sure, but I can be sure that our plan is not within this scope. The basis of my judgment is that we have communicated several times about Zhou Fan's plan. I don't know anything about Zhou Fan's performance. "

"Otherwise you wouldn't have a chance to spy on him."

Chufu thought for a while and admitted that what Zhao Yazhu said made sense, but she still felt a little uneasy in her heart.


When he woke up in the morning, Zhou Fan simply washed and had breakfast. He went out and rented a carriage to the academy.

When he came back, Li Chungniang said that he would come with him today, but Zhou Fan declined.

Zhou Fan, who was sitting in the carriage, remembered that dream for no reason, which made him feel quite uncomfortable.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Chungniang turned into Li Jiuyue at the end of the dream, then this dream... Zhou Fan hurriedly thought about it and didn't think about it any further.

The carriage quickly left Gaoxiang City, headed for the eastern suburbs, and arrived at the academy not long after.

There are still many people around the entrance of the academy, hundreds of them.

In fact, after a round of elimination in the cross-country test, there will not be too many candidates who still have the qualifications for the test.

Obviously, in front of the academy lawn is not only the candidates who are still qualified for the examination, but also all kinds of people with the same or different purposes.

Zhou Fan just opened the curtain and glanced at it. He thought about whether to change his image before getting off the carriage.

Now he has turned into an explosive head again, and a thin human-skin mask covering his face has changed his appearance, which he bought at Wanbao Pavilion yesterday.

After a cross-country test, he discovered that he has been lacking a human skin mask that can be disguised. This is simply a must-have for home travel and murder. He has never had such an item before, which is really a shame.

Of course, the only regret is that his bald head is too conspicuous. Of course, Wanbao Pavilion also sells various wigs and headgear, but he thought about it yesterday and still didn't buy it.

Because I want to maintain the dignity of a bald guy... Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart that he can put on a bang for the time being, and when he can't hide it in the future, he will consider buying things like wigs and headgear.

Zhou Fan disguised himself because he was not only the first in the literary test, but also the first in the cross-country test. Even though the cross-country test results should not be made public yet, in order to avoid some troubles, he could only change his face.

Zhou Fan, who got off the carriage, sure enough, a lot of eyes fell on him, and more often he glanced at his explosive head.

But after discovering that they did not know each other, those eyes were all moved away.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief. Only a few people had seen his explosive head, and those people were fairly reliable.

Zhou Fan glanced at the various people on the lawn, and found no one he was too familiar with. He thought that many people were still sitting in the carriage, waiting for the academy to open.

Zhou Fan turned around again, this time he found three acquaintances, Cao Yanfang, Tan Yunfei, and Guan Yingfeng.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet the three of Cao Yanfang here. He had been busy with the cross-country test before, and he just came back yesterday, and he didn't have time to contact the three of Cao Yanfang.

After so many days, it seems that the exam for the general class of the academy has ended.

Zhou Fan quietly approached the three of them, but Cao Yanfang and the three did not know of Zhou Fan's approach.

There are people coming and going here, except for his explosive head, Zhou Fan doesn't have much to attract attention.

"I don't know how Brother Zhou did in the cross-country test?" Guan Yingfeng looked around and asked.

The three of them stood in a corner and spoke very quietly. If Zhou Fan hadn't been listening carefully, it would have been difficult to hear them clearly.

"Brother Zhou has a lot of experience in the wilderness, we don't need to worry about the results, but what are you going to do about Yingfeng?" Cao Yanfang sighed.

As soon as Cao Yanfang said this, Guan Yingfeng's face immediately turned into a bitter face, "What else can I do? After failing the exam, I can only listen to Brother Zhou's advice and go to Baixiang Temple and become a lay disciple."

"The lay disciples of the White Elephant Temple are also good. They will teach some martial arts and martial arts skills that are no less than that of the academy according to the situation of each lay disciple." Tan Yunfei comforted.

Guan Yingfeng said with a sad face: "I know all this, but in the temple you must abide by the rules and regulations, you can't drink or eat meat, you can only eat vegetarian food, and you can't go out at will, especially you can't communicate with outside women, and you can't exchange letters."

"It is said that the love between men and women cannot be brought into the temple, and the atmosphere of the temple is polluted. Listen, is this the life of people?"

Cao Yanfang said helplessly: "Who told you that you don't work hard and just want to cheat in exams. If you don't enter the White Elephant Temple, I don't think Uncle Guan will allow you to continue to stay in Gaoxiang City."

"I'm not the only one who doesn't work hard~ Why can Brother Zhou, but I can't?" Guan Yingfeng whispered.

Cao Yanfang's face was slightly dark: "Don't talk nonsense in Yingfeng, Brother Zhou achieved this result with his true ability, Brother Zhou never said that he was cheating, if your nonsense is heard, it will provoke you and Brother Zhou. Trouble."

If Guan Yingfeng hadn't mentioned Zhou Fan's name, Cao Yanfang would have prevented Guan Yingfeng from saying a word about it.

"Yanfang, I understand, I'm just talking to the two of you." Guan Yingfeng said.

"Actually, I prefer that Brother Zhou didn't cheat." Tan Yunfei said lightly: "How could someone without talent write the poem "Chrysanthemum Terrace" written by Brother Zhou? sought after.”

"Some literati even said that this is the best chrysanthemum poem written in a hundred years, and gave Brother Zhou a nickname."

"What nickname?" Guan Yingfeng asked.

Zhou Fan also pricked up his ears.

"Zhou Juhua." Tan Yunfei said his nickname.

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