Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 832: deviated

But now that Zhao Yazhu's body is under the control of her, she didn't do anything to hurt Zhou Fan, so she didn't break her oath.

So even if Zhou Fan slandered Zhao Yazhu in his heart, he couldn't help Zhao Yazhu.

"Miss Zhao, your possession is not for an infinite time, but for a short period of time. When the time is up, and you haven't done anything, then don't blame me." Zhou Fan reminded with a light cough.

No matter what Zhao Yazhu wants to do, he wants Zhao Yazhu to stop first.

"Shut up, I know these things better than you." Zhao Yazhu said coldly.

Zhao Yazhu stopped quickly. She rolled her eyes and looked around: "Why can't you see? Is it really that far away?"

"What did you say?" Zhou Fan couldn't hear clearly.

But Zhao Yazhu ignored him and muttered to himself: "No, if you keep going like this, you may not be able to find it, and you have to find a way."

She took out a stack of talisman papers from Zhou Fan's talisman bag.

"Hey, this is my thing, you can't use it indiscriminately." Zhou Fan's eyebrows jumped, and there were some precious talismans in it.

"Whether I can escape or not, I won't owe you this little thing." Zhao Yazhu snorted coldly, she stimulated her true qi and applied it to the stack of talismans in her hand.

All the talismans were burned with cold blue flames.

One after another, the talismans turned into runes of different colors.

But under the control of Zhao Yazhu's True Qi, colorful runes were suspended in the air.

"Searching for divine arts in the sky and underground!" Zhao Yazhu sighed.

The colorful talismans suspended in the air merged and transformed, forming a complex talisman that was slightly taller than Zhou Fan's body.

Zhou Fan watched silently, he was thinking about the use of searching for magic in the sky and underground?

Obviously this is a technique that even a warrior can use, but the formation of the talisman is too complicated and mysterious.

Zhao Yazhu tapped lightly on a certain point of the talisman.

The colorful talisman exudes a faint light, and the information is continuously fed into Zhou Fan's eyebrows.

This information can not only be seen by Zhao Yazhu, but also by Zhou Fan.

This is where a person is.

And this person Zhou Fan also knew.

It's Eclipse!

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, and he said sharply, "Zhao Yazhu, what are you doing to find Qifu? Do you want to break your oath?"

"Where do I have the guts?" Of course, Zhao Yazhu knew that Zhou Fan would see it, but she couldn't care about it now, "Otherwise, even if I escaped by chance, I would only become a crippled person, which is meaningless."

"Just watch it carefully!" Zhao Yazhu stretched out her hand, and she used her True Qi to quickly draw a talisman in the air. Just after the talisman was formed, the colorful talisman quickly shrunk and received it into her hand.

She looked towards the southwest and wondered, "Why is the little guy's position wrong? But it's not too far."

After Zhao Yazhu finished speaking, he immediately accelerated and drifted towards the southwest.

Zhou Fan's face in the soul sea was gloomy and uncertain. He did not expect that since Zhao Yazhu could be linked to the outside world so quickly,

It means that Chefu approached him while he was not paying attention, and may even have been wandering around here, otherwise it would not make sense at all.

Zhou Fan was not surprised that Chufu would find him, but he was surprised that Zhao Yazhu would take advantage of the precious possession opportunity to meet with Chufu.

He believed too much in the so-called double oath, otherwise he would not have been fooled and would not know.

What are these two women planning?

But even if things were unexpected to Zhou Fan, he still remained calm enough, because Zhao Yazhu couldn't avoid the oath.

That is to say, the meeting between Zhao Yazhu and Chifu was not a plan to deal with him, otherwise, let alone the unbelievable promise of the Dao Heart. Now Zhao Yazhu is still under the surveillance of the ship. If she really did such a thing, the ship would not spare her. .

Then why did they meet?

Is it to help Zhao Yazhu get out of the ship's control? But what ability does Chifu have to help Zhao Yazhu?

Zhou Fan was puzzled, he was not in a hurry, he could only wait patiently for the answer.

In fact, his biggest reliance on this possession was not the preparations he had made, but the ship.

If Zhao Yazhu wanted to get out of the ship's control, it was inevitable that he had to face the ship.

After all, Zhou Fan only thought that he was just a spectator, and Zhao Yazhu's opponent was the boat.

"She's near here." Zhao Yazhu suddenly smiled, her figure flashed a few times, and instantly went out a hundred meters away, and then stopped.

A strange look appeared on Zhou Fan's face.

At a distance of ten meters away from them, Chufu was standing quietly, her icy green emerald eyes were looking at Zhou Fan.

"Little guy, I miss you so much, why are you here? The direction you told me was a little crooked, and I almost didn't find you." Zhao Yazhu laughed, and when she spoke, it was still Zhou Fan's voice.

But Zhao Yazhu understood that Chufu should know it was her.

"There's not much time, let's start quickly." Zhao Yazhu appeared in front of Chofu with one step.

It was just that Chefu's body was retreating, and she quickly withdrew three feet away.

"Don't come here." Qifu said solemnly.

Zhou Fan and Zhao Yazhu were both slightly startled by this, then Zhou Fan showed a smile on his face, Zhao Yazhu was stunned for a moment and said, "Don't you believe me now?"

"I don't believe it." Chofu shook his head: "You can talk about your plan now, and I'll decide whether to help you?"

Sure enough, as I These two women are suspicious of each other, at least Chifu doesn't fully believe Zhao Yazhu... Zhou Fan sneered, don't look at Chifu, but she is not stupid, in fact, this kind of Even if the situation changed, he couldn't believe Zhao Yazhu.

He probably won't come to see Zhao Yazhu, but if Chufu can come to see Zhao Yazhu, he already trusts Zhao Yazhu very much.

"Stop dawdling, I've wasted a lot of time trying to find you, come here!" Zhao Yazhu said angrily, her body swayed, and she had chased Chifu again.

Chofu's body kept retreating, but how could she avoid Zhao Yazhu's teleportation technique?

He was quickly caught by Zhao Yazhu like an eagle catching a chicken. Zhao Yazhu also slapped with a single palm, and used Zhou Fan's thick infuriating energy to use a secret technique to seal the infuriating energy in Chufu's body.

"Zhao, have you forgotten that you swore to me? Are you trying to break your oath?" Chofu said anxiously and angrily, she was unable to move now.

"I'm just imprisoning you, but as long as I keep my heart and don't do anything to hurt you, it's not a breach of my oath at all." Zhao Yazhu said solemnly.

Zhao Yazhu didn't talk to Chufu anymore, she didn't have much time, but luckily enough.

She waved her sleeves, and the colorful talisman she just refined floated out from the cuffs, from small to large.

Chifu didn't believe it, but she didn't say a word, just watched coldly.

The same goes for Zhou Fan in the soul sea, he knows that Zhao Yazhu's plot is about to begin.

Zhao Yazhu's face was solemn. She stretched out her hands and ten fingers and was wrapped in infuriating energy, and then kept tearing and pulling on the colorful talisman. The shape of the colorful talisman was changing, and it quickly condensed into a new talisman.

The colorful light of this big talisman faded, and it became a pure pitch-black rune, giving people a strange and cold feeling.

Even if he was hiding in the sea of ​​souls, Zhou Fan couldn't help trembling when he looked at this talisman.

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