Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 844: Covenant 3

The second fight ended with the fourth win for a point.

After candidates No. 3 and No. 4 in the No. 2 arena came down, the teacher shouted, "No. 5 and No. 6 in the third round, Zhou Fan."

Zhou Fan and his party slowly stepped onto the ring.

At this moment, there are the most candidates gathered in the arena.

A full half of the candidates are on the second ring side.

Even the three of Zhongtian came over to pay attention to the game.

"Who do you think will win?" Zhongtian asked Mrs. Zhang Li with a smile.

Yuanhai is the master of the line, so there is no need to ask.

"I don't know, let alone Zhou Fan, I don't know much about a line of work, what do you think?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked.

Even though they were all in Gaoxiang City, the secret disciples of the academy and the White Elephant Temple had always been very low-key, and seldom took action in front of others. If it wasn't for this A-class exam, not many people would have known that Xingxing and Du Ni were secret disciples.

Zhongtian paused and said, "One party will win."

As the actual controller of the vice president of Gaoxiang Academy, he knew more about his party than Mr. Zhang Li, and knew how strong this little monk who was always slightly higher than Du Ni was.

Zhongtian guessed that the party might still have some spare energy to compete with Du Ni, and he felt a little bit in his heart. If it wasn't for Du Ni's natural talent for deceiving people, I'm afraid it would really not be as good as the party.

In particular, one line has a strong will to win or lose, which is a good thing and a bad thing, but such a person will definitely not be unknown in the future.

The teacher shouted to start, but the two did not immediately start.

Zhou Fan looked at Yixing calmly, he felt that Yixing seemed to have something to say, so he did not rush to do it.

A line of awe-inspiring hands clasped together: "Amitabha, it is the little monk's wish to fight against the donor Zhou, so I hope to make an agreement with the donor Zhou."

"Let's hear it." Zhou Fan took the attitude of listening temporarily.

"First, I hope to follow the rules of sparring between warriors with donor Zhou. Except for the weapons in my hand, I cannot use other talismans."

"Secondly, I hope that I will only win or lose with Zhou Shizhu, but not life or death."

"Thirdly, I hope to fight with Shizhu Zhou in the same realm." The party paused for a while: "I'm already in the Qi Gang stage, and I'm just a line away from the Dao realm. If the realm of Zhou Shizhu is higher than my realm, this article will be invalid. "

There was silence under the ring, and all the candidates looked at the line in astonishment.

Air Gang section!

A line has actually stepped into the Qi Gang section.

All the examinees understood that the third rule of Xingxing was to pursue fairness in the competition, and they were unwilling to push Zhou Fan with realm.

"Is it already in the anger stage?" Mrs. Zhang Li showed a look of shock.

Zhongtian's expression is also a little subtle, because Du Ni's current state is only the martial arts stage, and there is still a long time before the Qi Gang stage.

As a secret disciple of the White Elephant Temple, he would definitely not do stupid things that would quickly destroy his foundation upon entering the realm.

In the Great Wei Dynasty, each county's academy and the branch temple of the Great Buddha Temple had only one esoteric disciple. Only when esoteric disciples entered the state capital to study, would they find qualified disciples to train as esoteric disciples.

One of the requirements for esoteric disciples to enter the state capital to study is to step into the Qi Gang section, which means that a group is already qualified to study at the state capital Great Buddhist Temple.

There is only one reason for such a person to stay in Gaoxiang County. Before going to the state capital, he entered the A-class class for more accumulation, in order to quickly break through the border and step into the Taoist state after entering the state capital.

The sooner you enter the Dao Realm in the state capital, the more resources you will get, but only a few secret disciples can truly lay the foundation with patience. This is not an easy thing.

Yuanhai's face was calm. Of course, he already knew that Yiyi had entered the Qi Gang stage. Yiyi was the most talented esoteric disciple he had ever seen. What the others didn't know was that Yiyi had been laying a solid foundation for the realm, otherwise he would have been able to do so long ago. Enter the realm.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Class A class was too rambunctious, it would have been a literary test followed by a cross-country test. It was difficult to see the advantage of the cultivation realm.

But it's not too late, just like the sack at the cone, the first one is still a row.

Du Ni sighed faintly. He was still one line behind. From the point of view of the realm alone, this is probably the highest realm among the candidates.

"Bald heads are not a good thing, they are the best at deceiving people." Du Ni resented like a little woman.

"Is this monk lying?" Xiong Feixiu was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it, "Ha, if it's true, Zhou Fan will be out of luck."

Xiong Feixiu grinned and gloated, but he quickly restrained his smile, because Li Chungniang glanced at him, his heart trembled, it was over, and he offended the eldest sister.

Zhang Li Xiaohu frowned, if this is the case, it will be very difficult for him to take the first place. His realm is not only the Lianmai section as the outside world thinks, but the martial power section, but all the lines have reached the Qi Gang section. .

Three stages of qi refining, a one-day ladder, it is not easy to fight across borders.

The thoughts of everyone in the audience turned, Zhou Fan on the stage was slightly condensed, and the group was waiting for him to answer.

The teacher did not urge the two to start quickly.

"I accept the first two you mentioned, the third one is not necessary." Zhou Fan shook his head.

Even if one line is already in the arrogance stage, Zhou Fan does not need one line to suppress the realm, he has his own arrogance.

Otherwise, even if you win, you won't be able to win.

There was another uproar under the arena. They didn't expect Zhou Fan to reject the third clause mentioned by the line. You must know that the first two agreements do not count, but if the third clause does not reach the Qi level, Zhou Fan will Accepting Article 3 would be the greatest advantage.

Could it be that Zhou Fan has reached the Qi Gang stage and even surpassed the Martial Realm and entered the Dao Realm?

Just how is this possible?

The students in the audience couldn't believe it.

A group of people was silent for a while and said, "Alright, then according to what the donor Zhou said, can we start?"

Zhou Fan nodded slightly.

A line of palms slapped lightly, and the golden palm prints condensed out and hit them suddenly.

"True Qi transforms Hundred steps hurts people!" Some candidates exclaimed, this is really a Qi Gang method.

The golden palm print was extremely fast, and it was in front of Zhou Fan in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Fan's figure suddenly blurred, disappeared in place, and appeared on the left side of the line.

The rusty knife around the waist was unsheathed, and the rusted knife that fused the black thunder arc, the cold blue flame, and the blue-black ghost energy slashed down at an unimaginable speed, so fast that only a blurred line of the knife could be seen.

Without even looking, he slapped his palm horizontally, and his golden palm slapped Zhou Fan's knife.


The collision of different infuriating qi, a strong hurricane spread out, sweeping the arena's defensive qi cover to tremble faintly.

I don't know when, Zhou Fan's left hand was already holding the German word sword behind him, and the moment the rusty sword was blocked, the German word sword fell vertically!

A line raised his eyebrows slightly, and he shrank his palms and turned sideways to avoid the sharp virtue sword.

But one line of avoidance, one long and one short pair of knives hit him like a huge wave, and they were thrown at him like a gust of wind and rain.

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