Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 848: Can make 1 game

"I surrender."

What Li Chungniang said made everyone in the ring quiet.

Wrinkle Shenshen was also stunned for a moment, but he still watched Li Chongniang vigilantly, because he didn't know if Li Chongniang lied to him.

This arena test did not admit defeat.

But Li Chungniang gently retreated and landed under the ring, showing that she was indeed admitting defeat with her actions.

Falling off the ring means losing, and the teacher reacted and shouted: "Wrinkle Shensheng wins, accumulate one point."

Many people in the ring looked at Li Chongniang in amazement. Li Chongniang's face was calm and did not show any dejected expression.

Wrinkled deeply and deeply frowned, the sword needles that surrounded him turned into true energy and gathered into the body, he turned and walked off the ring.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and some rushed back to the arena to participate in the competition, and some went to other arenas to watch the match.

"Why did she give up? I think she still has the strength to fight." Yuanhai said in a puzzled way.

"Because it's unnecessary." Mrs. Zhang Li smiled and shook his head: "If you continue to fight, you will probably lose both, and a ring allows two people to qualify. Wrinkle Shen has shown great strength and a stubborn temperament that will never admit defeat. Guess Li Chungniang is not sure of winning, so she has to take a step back."

"There shouldn't be a third Qi Gang stage in the No. 5 arena. Then she just loses one game. Next, as long as she maintains a complete victory, she can still qualify. If both sides are injured, it will be even more disadvantageous."

"That's right." Zhongtian nodded in agreement.

Except for Li Chungniang and Wrinkle Shenshen, there are no very strong candidates in the No. 5 arena. The candidates in the No. 5 arena are all dead gray, and they know that they have no hope of qualifying.

"I didn't expect to lose." Li Chungniang smiled at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan snorted: "It's not a big problem to lose a game. If you continue to fight, it may be dangerous."

"There shouldn't be any danger. I have a certain degree of confidence that I can win, but Wushen Shen didn't use a talisman. If I used a talisman that was too powerful, it would be ineffective." Li Chungniang shook her head.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang went around each ring, and the two returned to the No. 2 ring.

Because it's almost Zhou Fan's turn to play.

The battle between warriors is sometimes very fast and sometimes very slow. When it is fast, the result is only instantaneous. If it is deadlocked, it is uncertain.

So even if you go to other arenas to watch the battle, you need to keep an eye on your own arena at all times. After all, if the teacher shouts three times and the person has not come back, then he should give up a game to deal with.

When Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang returned to the second ring, the ring was still fighting.

But the battle didn't last long, and the battle was over.

Many people came to the No. 2 arena to watch.

Because this is Zhou Fan and Bai Xuanyu.

Bai Xuanyu, as a disciple of the five noble families in Gaoxiang City, has high hopes this time. He has not lost in the previous three battles, and he has accumulated three points.

And Zhou Fan also accumulated three points.

The competition between Bai Xuanyu and Zhou Fan still attracted the attention of many candidates.

But most of the candidates tended that Zhou Fan would win, because even one line lost to Zhou Fan.

Bai Xuanyu didn't lose in those three games because he didn't meet too strong opponents. If he encountered Yixing or Zhou Fan, the result might be different.

After the teacher called out the names of Zhou Fan and Bai Xuanyu, Zhou Fan walked onto the ring with a calm expression.

Bai Xuanyu, who stepped onto the arena step by step, had a solemn expression on his face. He watched the battle with Zhou Fan from beginning to end. It can be said that whether it was Zhou Fan or the other party, he had no confidence that he could win.

But he can't admit defeat. There are only two qualifying places in one arena. If he meets Zhou Fan and his party all admit defeat, then his points will definitely be inferior to the two Zhou Fans.

Moreover, the other seven candidates in the No. 2 ring have all entered the ring, and these seven candidates are not even as good as Bai Xuanyu, let alone beat Zhou Fan and his team for him.

"Brother Zhou." Bai Xuanyu cupped his hands while thinking about it: "I wonder if I can get a match, the Bai family will definitely get a big reward."

There were boos under the ring, and they were all scolding Bai Xuanyu for being shameless.

However, the rules of the arena test did not stipulate that the game could not be let go. In fact, in other arenas, there have been cases where two candidates have negotiated and the other side has conceded defeat.

It's just that the number of Class A places is so important... Unless it is completely hopeless, who is willing to let it?

"I wonder what the Bai family can pay?" Zhou Fan asked indifferently.

"Everything is negotiable, I wonder what Brother Zhou wants?" Bai Xuanyu asked with a look of joy on his face, "Actually, with Brother Zhou's strength, even if you let me play a game, I can still qualify."

The words behind Bai Xuanyu were to tell Zhou Fan not to open the lion's mouth.

Zhou Fan sneered and said, "If I give you one point, then I only have eight points at most. If one team wins all next, it will also be eight points. If you meet one team and win, then you qualify ahead of time, and I will compete with one team. Do you think I can win the group with this qualification?"

These Bai Xuanyu all understand that in fact he has a big killer brought from the Bai family, but there is only one, so he asked Zhou Fan to let him play a game, so that he can be confident of qualifying against the previous line~www.readwn. com~ He said with a bitter face: "Then ask Brother Zhou to make an offer. I will accept it if I can. If I can't accept it, then we can only compete based on our strength."

"I want one billion profound coins or something equivalent to one billion profound coins." Zhou Fan offered the price.

There was a burst of laughter from under the ring.

Bai Xuanyu's face was ashen, he knew that he had been tricked by Zhou Fan, one billion profound coins was a sky-high price, and even a Qi Gang martial artist would only be able to do things with a dozen or two hundred thousand profound coins, and one billion profound coins would be impossible for the Bai family to have.

It was obvious that there was no intention of negotiating at such a price, it was just teasing him.

It is also impossible for Bai Xuanyu to pretend to agree in the arena, because it involves the reputation of the Bai family. If the one billion Xuan coins cannot be handed over afterwards, the Bai family cannot afford to lose this person.

Bai Xuanyu's eyes became crazy, his body retreated like a phantom, and he quickly took out a small brass furnace from the talisman bag, and there were faint strands of cold air coming out of the furnace hole.

The moment Bai Xuanyu retreated, Zhou Fan's figure blurred, and he quickly appeared in front of Bai Xuanyu.

Instead of being surprised, Bai Xuanyu was delighted. His right hand had already pressed against the top of the stove, and he was about to lift the top of the stove, so that the contents inside would give Zhou Fan a heavy blow.

It's just that Zhou Fan's face showed a mocking look, his lips moved, and a faint syllable was spit out.

Dragon God Language!

Bai Xuanyu found that he was completely unable to move.

Zhou Fan jumped up in the air, and his wide soles stepped on Bai Xuanyu's handsome face, kicking Bai Xuanyu to the bottom of the ring.

Bai Xuanyu's teeth in the air were broken by this foot, and he vomited out mixed with blood.

The warriors who were watching scattered one after another, letting Bai Xuanyu smash to the ground.

Bai Xuanyu cried out in pain when he landed on the ground, a black shoe print was printed on his front face.

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