Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 851: monkey playing sword

Hou Shisanjian's deadly finger, Du Ni, ignored it and let the sword finger fall on his chest.


The infuriating energy carried by the sword fingers pierced through the chest to the back, and a little mud splashed out, but no blood was seen.

not good! Hou Shisanjian's face changed slightly, but Du Ni's ruler fell and hit Hou Shisanjian's head.

Hou Shisanjian was in a hurry, but there was no panic. His left hand also condensed into sword fingers, trying to block the ruler.

It's just that the ring ruler is also like a lump of mud, and the sword finger passes through the ring ruler and can't play any role.

The ruler hardened again and landed on Hou Shisanjian's head.


Hou Shisanjian was pulled by the ring ruler and rolled out on the ground, hitting the ring. He was about to fall out of the ring. His right hand flexed his fingers and scratched on the ring slate before he stopped at the edge of the ring. figure.

This ring ruler didn't break his head, that's because he defended his head with infuriating energy.

But Rao was like this, blood spilled from Hou Shisanjian's nose and mouth, and he shook his head to recover from the dizzy state.

Du Ni's whole body turned into mud, and he looked more like a monster than a person. He just calmly watched Hou Shisanjian, who was in a bad situation.

I didn't even have the idea of ​​chasing after the victory, because it was not necessary.

Everyone under the ring also looked at Du Ni in amazement.

Just now Hou Shisanjian's sword that pointed directly at the heart has no effect. Could it be that Du Ni has no damage to him in this state?

Hou Shisanjian felt dizzy, but he was still laughing: "Ah, I really envy those of you who have the talent for deceiving people, but unfortunately I don't."

Du Ni coldly snorted: "You only see the power of the bully, but you don't see the sadness of being a bully. The bully has to fight against the bully all his life, so as not to become an irrational bully, this me I thought you heard it."

"But there's more that you haven't heard of. For example, I suffered so much because of this slanderous talent called 'weird mud'. When I was a child, I had to be careful when I urinated, so as not to accidentally turn my body into mud. My little chirp broke."

"Sludge is fragile."

Even so, you don't have to say it... Zhongtian's old face is slightly red, this disciple Du Ni is good at everything, but he is too open-mouthed, dare to say anything, sometimes it is too embarrassing.

It is simply a wonderful flower among the secret disciples of the academy.

Grandpa Zhang Li and Yuan Hai both chuckled a few times.

The candidates under the ring couldn't help but laugh, and the originally tense atmosphere was diluted a lot.

"There are gains and losses." Hou Shisanjian didn't smile, he just said solemnly: "If you didn't give me a chance to breathe just now, I might fall off the ring and lose this match, why should I stop? ?"

Du Ni raised his eyebrows and said, "Because this is just a competition, and we didn't make an appointment beforehand to share life and death. The gentleman has a basis for advancing and retreating. I don't want to do this."

Hou Shisanjian shook his head and said: "Are all scholars like you? It seems that we swordsmen don't have so many rules. Once the competition is played, even if it is not a life-and-death battle, we must confirm the complete victory before stopping."

"So don't think that I'll show mercy later."

"I've never thought about it this way." Du Ni shook his head and said, "If I lost to you because I didn't seize such an opportunity, I wouldn't regret it, I just followed the rules I set, why would I regret it? "

"I don't understand so many reasons." Hou Shisanjian wiped the blood between his nose and mouth with his sleeve. This was a commonplace thing for him before.

"I haven't read many books. My parents are craftsmen in a small town. Even if I read words, I didn't learn it until I entered the Sword Sect."

"Then you should read more. My teacher's teacher often said that the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. The world changes rapidly, and the truth of the book may not be completely correct, but most of the time it is true. It's not easy to think about and understand these truths." Du Ni advised.

"We scholars have always had three hobbies, one is reading, the other is persuading women in the past to be good, and the third is persuading people to read."

"Nonsense." Zhong Tian retorted in a low voice, his face trembling slightly.

"Haha, I think what Du Ni said makes sense." Mrs. Zhang Li said in approval.

The two people in the ring said so many words, and the candidates under the ring were not impatient. Except for some candidates who ran to the competition because the competition was coming, the others watched patiently.

When Hou Shisanjian heard Du Ni say this, he smiled, then stood up and said, "I'm lazy, studying is too hard and tiring, I'm afraid it's not suitable for me, I usually don't want to do anything but practice swordsmanship. I can lie down and not sit."

"At the beginning of the competition, you asked me which swordsmanship of Jianzong I practiced, and I said none of them. This is not a lie, and because I did not practice one of the 108 swordsmanship of Jianzong, my master Saying that my idea of ​​practicing swordsmanship is too deviant, I don't want to recognize me anymore, and let me fend for itself in the outer sect."

"So I just practiced some exercises in Jianzong and practiced basic swordsmanship, but the basic swordsmanship is too simple, and I will always beat the powerful disciples in the sect..."

"Wait, why did your master say that your idea of ​​practicing swords is too deviant?" Du Ni interrupted curiously.

"Because my thinking is always different from others. For example, a straight sword stab is the most powerful and strongest. As long as there is enough infuriating energy and the sword is fast enough, no one can avoid a straight sword stab." Speaking of Jianfa Hou Thirteen Swords His face seemed to emit light, "But I think the straight sword is the most useless swordsmanship in the world."

"You If you can keep stabbing your opponent to death, it means that you are stronger than the enemy, then no matter how you use your sword, you can kill the enemy, so why use straight swords?"

"But if the enemy is stronger than you, your sword is not fast enough for the enemy, and the infuriating energy is not as powerful as the enemy's, can you still stab people to death if you stab with a straight sword?"

"You can't be stabbed to death! So I don't want to practice straight swords, and I don't want to practice swordsmanship that only uses force to overwhelm people. Even if you practice hard, there will be enemies who are stronger than you."

"Swordsmanship is meaningless if the weak cannot defeat the strong."

"..." Du Ni frowned slightly: "You think there is no problem with swordsmanship, but I always think your words are a bit strange. Have you gone astray?"

Hou Shisanjian smiled and said: "My master sees it more thoroughly. He said that the straight sword cannot defeat the weak by the weak, but it can deal with weaker enemies faster, and it can make the sword of the practitioner faster. The role of the straight sword, but I still don't want to practice it, I think as long as the realm is high, even if you don't practice the straight sword hard, isn't the sword going to be slow?"

"The speed of the sword is related to the realm of strength and true qi. If you are only in the strength stage, even if you swing the sword 10,000 times, you can't compare to a martial artist in the speed stage. Why should I spend time practicing straight swords? It's better to spend time practicing the exercises and pondering my own swordsmanship."

"It's not that I'm lazy, but that's what I think. What's the use of learning swordsmanship that can't take shortcuts?"

"What's your swordsmanship?" Du Ni didn't want to discuss swordsmanship with Hou Shisanjian anymore. Everyone has their own way to go. If Hou Shisanjian thinks it's good, he can't correct it.

"Hou Shisanjian." Hou Shisanjian grinned and said, "It has the same name as me, but I haven't finished it yet. I have only completed the three swords. These three swords I often watched my parents play tricks when I was a child, also known as monkey play three. Mode."

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