Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 854: End of point test

Du Ni and Hou Shisanjian both healed separately not far from the arena.

The wound medicine used by Hou Shisanjian was exchanged from Jianzong when he came out. This wound medicine has a very good effect on external injuries.

Injuries are common for a swordsman.

Hou Shisanjian quickly bandaged and handled his injury skillfully. He was hit by Du Ni on his head, and there was still some buzzing sound. He took another pill and smiled bitterly.

The secret disciple of the academy is really not easy to deal with.

"Are you okay?" Du Ni walked over and asked with a smile.

Hou Shisanjian shook his head and said, "There's nothing serious, but I feel that you still have more energy, so why did you admit defeat? Because of what President Zhong said?"

Du Ni sat next to Hou Shisanjian at will, he smiled and said: "The teacher reminded me, otherwise it will be a big trouble, I have a very powerful move, but that move is difficult to control with my strength, if use it..."

"Maybe I will die." Hou Shisanjian said with a solemn look in his eyes, and he really felt a great threat at that time.

"Perhaps, but even if you die, I will still be victorious. The most likely result is that both sides will suffer. At that time, Class A will have nothing to do with you and me." Du Ni took a breath and said, "I'm still too impulsive. Some."

"So that's what happened." Hou Shisanjian's face showed a hint of fear, he knew that Du Ni would not lie to him.

So that move is really dangerous.

"Actually, even if the teacher doesn't speak, I may not be able to use it." Du Ni scratched his head: "But I'm not as good as you, I just forced you two styles, the third style is the ring? It's really a pity I didn't see it. ."

"There are also ranking matches, maybe we will see you soon." Hou Shisanjian smiled: "There is a powerful guy here, and I have no confidence to beat him."

"Who are you talking about?" Du Ni asked curiously, "Is it one line?"

"No." Hou Shisanjian shook his head and said, "It's Zhou Fan who defeated his party."

"Zhou Fan will win because he suddenly attacked and his party couldn't react. However, in terms of strength, the party has already reached a certain level of qi, and he has obtained the true inheritance of the Great Buddha Temple. He is stronger than Zhou Fan." Du Ni somewhat disagreed with Hou Shisanjian's statement.

Hou Shisanjian still shook his head and said: "On paper strength is the easiest to confuse people and the most useless. For swordsmen, winning is winning, losing is losing, and the winner is always the strongest."

"I watched his battle with the other party, and I still feel my heart shudder when I think about it."

Du Ni faintly said: "My heart is beating so fast, I think you are not excited or afraid, brother, but in love with him."

Hou Thirteen Sword: "..."

"Brother Du, can you please stop calling me brother, I'm only sixteen years old this year."



The in-ring test is going on continuously, and there are candidates going up and down the arena.

Until sunset and dusk, the competition of the ten arenas was completely over.

This progress is not slow.

The results of the arena points test will also be released soon.

According to the rules, those with the first and second points in each arena can qualify, and the rest of the candidates are eliminated completely.

After a competition of about 100 people, there were still 19 candidates who were not eliminated in the end.

The reason there were only nineteen candidates was because the other qualifying spot in the tenth ring was occupied by a senior fellow, and only one candidate qualified.

Most of the candidates who were eliminated had a bitter look on their faces, and were arranged to forcibly leave the academy square.

But in the arena test, their skills are not as good as others, and there is nothing to say. They are doomed to miss the class A.

After these candidates left the academy, they were surrounded by many people who came to inquire about the situation.

It was only then that the academy's test scores became known.

The revision of the examination rules and which candidates entered the ranking test quickly spread in Gaoxiang County and spread to the two nearby counties.

"It's dark now, take a night's rest, and the ranking competition will continue tomorrow." The three examiners of Zhongtian discussed a few words, and Zhongtian announced again.

"The nineteen of you will be arranged to rest in the school building, but remember, after entering the school building, you are not allowed to walk around indiscriminately, you can only rest in the house. If you want to go anywhere, you must first apply to the teacher stationed there, and then only after the teacher agrees. Go, and those who violate the rules will be eliminated."

When Zhongtian said this, he paused and said, "Don't think about anything, you can't deceive us, you can't deceive the academy, you will only hurt yourself."

After Zhongtian finished speaking, he waved his hand and asked the teacher to take Zhou Fan and the others down to rest.

Zhou Fan glanced at the nineteen people, most of them were familiar faces that he had observed in the ring test, such as Li Chungniang, Wrinkle Shenshen, Du Ni, Yixing, Yelaitianxiang, and others, all of them successfully qualified.

Tomorrow's ranking test will not eliminate people, just divide the results.

In the last item of the martial arts test, nine people should be eliminated, so the remaining ten people are the candidates of this class A.

Zhou Fan and the others were brought into different rooms separately.

The entrance of the academy looks small, but it takes up a lot of space. The inner courtyard of the academy is even bigger. It only accommodates 19 candidates. In order to avoid any extra situation when the candidates live together, it is naturally one room per person~www.readwn .com~ After entering the room, the academy sent two disciples to guard the door. The two disciples were very kind and asked Zhou Fan if he needed to wash up or eat first?

Zhou Fan thought about it and asked to wash up first.

The two disciples quickly brought a wooden bucket of hot water to Zhou Fan and closed the door for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked at the hot water, the arena test points match was over, his mind relaxed a little, and he couldn't help thinking of Chifu.

Tonight he will see Eclipse on the boat, what will he do then?


The sunset is westward.

The brain strategist dragged his long snake-like tail forward, and the splendid and lonely sunlight fell on its spherical head.

Along the way, there are mushroom demons showing up to salute it.

It's just that it has a lot of thoughts and doesn't pay attention to the little mushroom demon along the way.

Until I saw the swamp with purple bubbles, and saw the cave created by the huge stone in the swamp.

The Mushroom Clan did not leave the Carrion Bone Swamp, because even if powerful and terrifying humans came to find them, the Carrion Bone Swamp was large enough to find them, and they would find them before they were found.

There is no need to leave.

Moreover, since the Wasteland Incident, the Mushroom Clan has grown very rapidly and has become half the overlord of the Carrion Bone Swamp.

It is said to be a half overlord, because the other half of the Carrion Bone Swamp is in the hands of the monster headed by the old man.

But the brain strategist believes that it is only a matter of time to solve the old man's charm, because the father and the younger sister have grown amazingly, and the mushroom clan will eventually become the overlord of the rotten bone swamp.

It's just that this bright prospect has been infected with an ominous haze, and neither the setting sun nor the rising sun can dispel the haze.

It looked at the stubborn back of the child kneeling outside the cave and sighed secretly.

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