Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 856: relationship improvement

late at night.

After Zhou Fan did everything he could, he lay down on the bed and started to sleep.

His mood was up and down.

After sleeping for a while, he was restless and had trouble falling asleep. He began to adjust his breathing and then gradually fell asleep.

The mist lightly surrounds the wooden boat.

Zhou Fan fanned the mist in front of his eyes with his hand, searching for Chifu's figure.

"Oh, they're all here." Zhao Yazhu was sitting at the wooden table, holding the melon seeds in her fat hands and eating them, with a cheerful smile on her face.

Zhou Fan glared at Zhao Yazhu angrily, and then he saw Chifu sitting at the stern of the boat.

Zhou Fan walked over, he looked at the little girl who turned his back to him, and shouted in silence, "Chufu."

"Don't come here, I don't want to talk to you." Chifu said coldly.

Zhou Fan stopped, he smiled bitterly: "When I was as tall as you, I encountered a very difficult thing. At that time, I wished to hide under the bed forever and never come out again."

"It was only later that I realized that it was useless to avoid problems."

Zhao Yazhu sneezed, and she sneered: "This kind of big truth is really bad."

none of your business! Zhou Fan replied silently in his heart, he looked at Chofu who ignored him and continued: "Our blood is thicker than water, this is an unavoidable fact."

Having said that, Zhou Fan simply sat on the deck, and he sighed: "To be honest, when I first knew that I had a daughter as big as you, my heart was in a mess."

"I don't even know how to deal with your relationship with me. I thought about it for a long time after I left last night. The only thing I know for sure is that I can't deny you."

"I know it's difficult for you to accept my father at once. I won't force you, but I hope you can learn more about me and try to accept me."

Chifu remained motionless and looked at the Gray River.

Zhou Fan reluctantly said: "I don't know how they arranged me, but in fact, you will know if you have more contact with me. I am not as bad as I look on the surface. In fact, I am upright, kind-hearted, and helpful. Even if you encounter flowers and plants on the road, you are reluctant to step on it..."

Zhao Yazhu's face trembled, and she couldn't help but snort secretly.

Chefu looked back at Zhou Fan, she said with a stern face: "boring, my mother, they didn't arrange you."

"If you don't have it, you won't have it." Zhou Fanxi smiled.

"The feeling of father and daughter getting together and having a good time really touched me." Zhao Yazhu snorted.

Zhou Fan glared at Zhao Yazhu, and said to help their father and daughter get together, so don't say anything?

Zhao Yazhu snorted and continued eating melon seeds without speaking.

She turned her head and didn't look at Zhou Fan again, but said softly, "But my mother and third brother are going to kill you. If I don't kill you, my mother will cut off relations with me."

Then cut off the relationship... Zhou Fan muttered in his heart, but he couldn't say that. If he said that, Chifu would definitely be angry. He asked carefully, "Then what do you think?"

Zhao Yazhu also pricked up his ears.

"I don't know." Chu Fu said faintly looking at the gray river.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, he was more afraid that Chu Fu would say "I listen to my mother", it would hit him too hard.

He was secretly delighted, and Chefu said he didn't know, which meant that this daughter still had some good feelings for him, otherwise she wouldn't say so.

Zhou Fan's thoughts turned and said seriously: "I can't make your mother and them not hate me, but I can assure you that if your mother and the others don't come to kill me, I will not trouble them, and if they want to kill me, I will also It’s impossible to stand still.”

Shemale Bai is the little girl's mother after all. I can't take the initiative to kill the little girl's mother and let her hate me for a lifetime. That would be too bloody, but Shemale Bai really dares to kill me, hum, then I'm sorry , I only have to kill the flowers with hot hands... Bah, it's a killer!

I believe that the little girl will be sad for a while, and she should forgive me... Zhou Fan thought of this, and wished that Shemale Bai would rush to the door to send her to death.

However, Shemale Bai is not sure, and will definitely not come up stupidly and die.

The most important thing now is to bring the little girl out of the den of eccentricity, and to hang out with those eccentrics for a long time, which is not good for the little girl's growth and mind, and let her get closer to humans.

Chefu's face showed tangled pain, and she also understood that it was impossible for him to stand still and let his mother kill her, and she couldn't be too demanding about it.

"Otherwise, I swear to the ship that I won't lie to you." Zhou Fan said again.

"No, I believe you." Qifu whispered.

Zhou Fan's heart warmed.

But the two of them were silent for a while.

They had a bad relationship before, but now they have become father and daughter, but they don't know how to get along properly.

"You give me some time, I have to think about what I should do." Chofu said softly again.

"Okay, no matter how long it takes." Zhou Fan grinned and said, "As long as you don't deny me."

The eyes of Eclipse Green Jade stared at Zhou Fan. She seemed to have something to say, but she lowered her head and said, "Zhou Fan, thank you."

Alas, he still refuses to call Daddy, Zhou Fan is a little worried, but he knows that tonight can achieve such an effect, it is already very good, this matter can't be rushed.

After all, the worst outcome he expected was that Chifu not only refused to recognize him, but also shouted to kill him.

"Go and practice, I really want to be quiet." Chofu said again.

Zhou Fan didn't jokingly ask who Jingjing was, he went to practice happily.

Chifu sat on the deck and stared at the Grey River in a daze.

Zhou Fan looked at this scene, he sighed in his heart, he knew that the most difficult thing to do was to cut off.

Shemale Bai... Forget it, calling his child's mother a **** is still too weird. It should be said that Bai Lengsun used his flesh and blood to give birth to Eclipse. He had bad intentions and should be against him.

But he couldn't think of any good solution, so he could only try to mend his relationship with Chefu for the time being, so as not to let Chefu be affected by the mushroom demon too deeply, and get farther and farther away from him.

When it was almost time to leave the ship, Zhou Fan stopped practicing and said goodbye to Qifu.

Fortunately, there was a boat, and he could see Chifu every night, which made things a lot easier.

Chifu hesitated.

"What's the matter, is there something you want to tell me?" Zhou Fan asked with a smile.

"I found you before and borrowed the power of Niang and the others, so Niang and the others also know where you are." Chofu said.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Do you want me to leave there and avoid them?"

"No." Chofu shook his head: "Mother said that you are a genius, you will progress faster than her, and she won't come to you so soon before she is sure, I just want you to know about it."

She showed guilt, if she hadn't listened to Zhao Yazhu's words, mother and the others would not have known where Zhou Fan was.

"You don't have to feel guilty, these are small things, I know." Zhou Fan's heart warmed again, and his daughter knew how to care about him.

Soon Zhou Fan disappeared on the boat.

She originally thought that she would also leave with Zhou Fan, but she didn't.

Qifu frowned slightly and looked at Zhao Yazhu who had her back turned to her.

She will continue to stay on the boat, naturally because of Zhao Yazhu. She doesn't have much affection for Zhao Yazhu now, but she doesn't have much dislike either.

After all, if Zhao Yazhu hadn't said this, she wouldn't know her background.

Qifu said solemnly, "Is there something wrong?"

Zhao Yazhu turned around and came back. She looked at this former ally and said with a stern face: "Father and daughter reunite, I can help you a lot, shouldn't you thank me a lot?"

"You just said it to get back at me for breaking your good deeds." Chofu said coldly, "Why should I thank you?"

Why is it exactly the same as what your father said? It's so annoying, Zhao Yazhu sneered: "It's best if you understand, I don't need your thanks, I just said it casually."

"Leave you here, but I'm bored and want to know what you're going to do."

"Oh, one side is the human the other side is the strange mother, not to mention the natural opposition between human and strange, your father and your mother are mortal enemies, even if it is a novel, it would not dare to do so. Write, it's so bizarre."

"I see, in the future, it's not your human father who killed your mother-in-law, or your mother-in-law who killed your human father. Then you will be ready to cry." Zhao Yazhu said this while covering his mouth and chuckling. .

Qifu said with a stern face: "The situation you said will never happen. He has promised me that he will not have trouble finding his mother. As long as I stop my mother, it will be fine."

"It's easy to say, how do you know if Zhou Fan is lying to you?" Zhao Yazhu repeated the matter.

"I believe he won't." Chofu shook his head and said, "He used to be very bad to me and often wanted to squeeze me, but tonight I can feel that he is really kind to me."

Speaking of which, Chefu showed a hint of shyness on her face, she has never been good at expressing her feelings.

Zhao Yazhu raised his eyebrows and said, "The stupid little guy has not been loved by his family since he was a child, and it is easy to be deceived by this kind of illusion. Later, you will know whether what he said is true or not, but it will be too late. "

"Even if what he said is false, I will stop him from killing my mother, and I will not allow them to kill each other." Chofu said stubbornly: "My mother gave birth to me so that I would grow up and kill him in the future, but I am not my mother, I also have my own ideas, they are my parents, my relatives, I will not let them kill each other."

"It sounds nice, but do you have the strength to stop them?" Zhao Yazhu sneered, "Your mother should be stronger than you, right? Not to mention Zhou Fan."

"The weak can only watch the tragedy and do nothing."

Chefu said firmly: "I don't have it now, but it doesn't mean I won't have it in the future. I will grow up as soon as possible and be stronger than them."

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