Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 869: Guiying

Judging from the letters written by the sage of the Zhongtian Academy, all those words expressed the danger of the third item of the martial arts test.

The students' hearts became heavy.

They were all wondering what the third item of the martial arts test would be?

So listen more carefully and hope to know the answer.

"The third item of the martial arts test will only be announced on the day of the test. You can go." Zhongtianguchi suddenly said this sentence.

Everyone's faces were stunned.

Dare to say it for so long, the third question of the martial arts test will not be announced?

"Why not announce it?"

"And we are told to estimate the danger and do what we can. We don't even know what to test, how can we do what we can?"

"Even if the content of the exam is too detailed to be described, the format must be told to us anyway? Otherwise, how can we prepare for the exam?"


The voices of doubt sounded one after another.

"This is what the letter said, and I can't do anything about it." Zhongtian said calmly: "The third item of the martial arts test is all confidential. How to test, you will know on the day of the test, and you can withdraw at any time."

"Now you can go."

The candidates were speechless, silent for a while, and then dispersed.

Watch the students disperse.

Zhongtian took the black iron box and waved his hand.

The three teachers withdrew from the white jade platform.

Neither Yuan Hai nor Mrs. Zhang Li asked, because it was already explained at the end of the letter just now.

Next, only the three examiners could see what was in the black iron box.

But there is another premise. They need to make a ghost oath. Before the third item of the martial arts test begins, the examiner must not reveal any information in the iron box.

Inside the tin box should be the three items of the martial arts test.

The reason why they can know is because the third item of the martial arts test may have to be arranged in advance.

"Make an oath." Zhongtian said in a deep voice.

None of the three brought the ghost oath, and they could only ask one of the instructors to bring the ghost oath.

After the ghost oath was delivered, the three began to swear that no news of the iron box would be revealed.

Only then did Zhongtian take out the seal, lifted the rune restriction on the small iron box, and opened the small iron box.

Inside the small tin box is also a letter.

There was no restriction on the envelope, and Nakata opened the letter.

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li both leaned over and looked at the letter with Zhong Tian.

Looking at the contents on the letter, the pupils of the three of them slowly shrank.

There wasn't much content on the letter, but it was too shocking, so the three of them watched it for a while, and Zhongtian reacted first and asked, "Have you read it yet?"

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li nodded lightly.

Zhongtian shook the letter with his right hand, and the letter started to burn. The letter quickly turned into black fine ashes and dispersed with the wind.

Grandpa Zhang Li clenched his cane in his right hand, and said solemnly: "This is really ridiculous, they are just some young warriors, such a test..."

"You should know that this is something we can't change." Zhongtian interrupted.

"Amitabha." Yuanhai announced the Buddha's name, and his face was slightly condensed: "How can the above agree to this kind of competition plan?"

"How do I know this?" Zhongtian said with a cold face.

The original rules of the ring test were revised, and Zhongtian thought that his teacher had made concessions, but judging from the third item of the martial arts test, where was there any concession?

Even intensified.

"Could it be that this was originally decided by the sage alone, and other people don't know at all." Grandpa Zhang Li guessed.

If the three of them knew, how could they agree?

"Maybe I didn't know it before, but now that the exam questions have been made public to our examiners, it's impossible for them not to know." Zhongtian frowned.

"Then there is a good show to watch in the past few days." Mrs. Zhang Li gloated.

He gloated in such a face to face, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the saint in the academy in his heart.

Zhongtian didn't say much about this, he said: "The above matters will naturally be solved above. Before the test questions are not changed, we must make arrangements for the third item of the martial arts test. We just lost our jobs."

"You should be like this." Even if Mrs. Zhang Li has grievances in her heart, she will not really do nothing. Zhongtian's words are very reasonable. They can't affect the above things. They only need to pay close attention and make corresponding changes when there are changes. Change.

Yuan Hai also nodded slightly.

"Gaoxiang Academy has Guiying?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked with narrowed eyes.

"Of course, there is a piece of Guiying in every county academy and branch temple in the Great Wei Dynasty." Zhong Tian said.

"This time, the White Elephant Temple will also take out his own Guiying to help complete the arrangement." Yuanhai promised.

"It turns out that Guiying is scattered among the academies and Buddhist temples in various counties..." Mrs. Zhang Li said suddenly.

Zhongtian glanced at the expression on Mr. Zhang Li's face and said, "Master, Ming people don't speak secretly. In fact, you already know about this. I also know that Zhang Li's family also has a piece of guiying."

"No, don't talk nonsense." Mrs. Zhang Li said angrily.

Zhongtian smiled slightly and said, "If the old man said there is no, there is no, and I just said it casually."

Yuanhai didn't say anything, but he actually knew that Zhang Li's family probably had a piece of Of course, even if it was for the third item of the martial arts test, Mrs. Zhang Li couldn't lend it out, because he was just suspicious before. But if it is borrowed, it is confirmed.

It is impossible for the academy and the Great Buddha Temple to **** the piece of guiying from Zhang Li's family, but it is hard to say for other forces.

Guiying is an extremely precious thing, especially for a family.

"Actually, the arrangement is just the arrangement. Who knows how this last martial arts test will change?" Mrs. Zhang Li sneered and changed the subject.

"Instead, I don't think there will be any changes." Yuan Hai sighed.

Zhongtian was silent, this matter had a lot to do with his teacher, but he was not good at evaluating anything.

"Why did Master Yuanhai say this?" Mrs. Zhang Li was puzzled: "I don't know what the sage wants to do, but the sage and the three can't let the sage be like this? If it doesn't change, this... At that time, there may be many candidates who will go crazy."

"If you are not sure, the safest way is to give up the exam." Yuan Hai said with compassion.

"As long as you know the inside story, you won't be willing to give up the exam." Mrs. Zhang Li said with a cold face: "For example, my fox, even if my old guy asks him not to take the exam, he won't agree."


"Do you think some people will drop the test?" Inside the fu car, Zhou Fan asked, recalling the content of the letter left to them by the academy sage.

According to the sage, the third item of the martial arts test is more dangerous than the previous tests, which does not sound like a threat.

"Big Brother Zhou, most of the nineteen people who are staying now are from noble families or academies, Buddhist temples and other major sects. They understand the meaning of entering the A-class class, and few are willing to give up at this time." Li Chungniang shook her head and said. .

"What does it mean to join the Class A?" Zhou Fan asked with a look of surprise, "Isn't it because of the large amount of cultivation resources?"

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