Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 871: 4 rumors

The news that Sun Zizhen, the servant under the door, committed suicide by taking a poisonous body to explode, spread like the wind throughout the entire mirror palace, and quickly spread outside the palace, spreading to the entire mirror.

For a while, let alone aristocratic families, even ordinary people in the low-ranking market know it.

"If Mr. Sun hits a pillar or draws a knife to wipe his neck, the ministers in the political affairs hall are full of martial arts masters, and they will definitely be able to stop them. Obviously, Mrs. Sun had expected it, so he chose to commit suicide by taking the poison. It's not a joke." A storyteller sighed.

Many good people gathered in the restaurant, listening to Mr. Storyteller talking about the major events that happened in Jinggong today.

The Great Wei Dynasty never had the crime of civilians criticizing political affairs, so this scene in broad daylight appeared.

After listening to Mr. Storyteller's remarks, the restaurant was silent for a while.

"It is said that Mr. Sun quarreled with those three traitors before committing suicide in anger." A businessman in brocade said with a look of indignation.

"The traitor is quite right, this world is coming to an end." Another person responded.

"Wang Daozi, Xiao Hui, and Ye Gaoshan are three thieves who don't die when they are old." Another person said: "If they don't retreat for a day, the world will not be peaceful."


Everyone in the restaurant said a word, insulting the three.

Cursing the three-phase is already a norm, not to mention the three-phase, even the sage can scold a few words, as long as he doesn't scold in person, even the spies who are watching everything in the mirror can't control it.

"No." Mr. Storyteller shook his head and said, "Sir Sun did commit suicide after arguing with Sansan, but it wasn't because of Sansan."

"What did Mr. Sun say to the traitor before his death?" Someone couldn't help but ask curiously.

Mr. Storyteller's face sank: "Don't say I don't know, even if I'm lucky enough to know, do I dare to tell you? The martial artist who said that the Yiluan Division will find me immediately and arrest me, and if they say badly, they will never come out again. not coming."

It's okay to swear, but it's a big crime to leak official secrets.

The man smiled embarrassingly and said, "Don't be angry, I didn't ask you to explain the details, you can tell us what is probably the reason."

After the man finished speaking, he threw several coins into the iron basin holding the money at the foot of the storyteller.

The rest also donated generously.

Mr. Storyteller looked at the increasing amount of money in the iron basin, and he said eagerly: "Don't invest any more, everyone is trying to kill me, I really don't know anything."

"Tell us about it." Someone shouted.

The people in the restaurant also followed suit.

Mr. Storyteller gritted his teeth and said: "Thanks to your love, I will take a risk, but I said this, you can just listen to it, don't spread it, or if something happens, don't come to me, I won't admit it. of."

Everyone in the restaurant fell silent.

"It is said that it has something to do with the A-class exam and the academy sage." Mr. Storyteller said softly.

After he finished speaking, he lifted the iron basin, packed his things and left.

The people in the restaurant looked at each other.

No one stopped him at first, but soon two scholars stopped him with angry faces.

"What has something to do with the sage of the academy? You have to say it clearly before you leave."

"If you dare to talk nonsense, we will not spare you." The two scholars shouted a word, pulling the storyteller's hand from left to right.

"How do I know this?" Mr. Storyteller rolled his eyes and said, "Just treat me as nonsense, there are rumors that your sage's big test is foolish, and you don't know how many great Wei's outstanding geniuses have been killed, saying that he is third in the martial arts test more dangerous."

"Elder Sun, who knew the inside story, was not very popular, so he committed suicide and tried to wake up the saint."

The two scholars were stunned.

"This must be a conspiracy." One of the scholars scolded.

"I heard that the sage and the three-phase are united. The cross-country test is allowed to bring squires, which is to help the family get a better ranking. Maybe it is because of this that the three-phase quarrel will help the sage to deal with Mr. Sun." Inside the restaurant Another person spoke in a low voice.

After a while of silence.

"Nonsense, the saint must have been wronged." Someone yelled loudly.

"How do you know if the saint was bought by the three-phase?" Someone retorted.

In an instant, there were two factions in the restaurant, and the quarrel was overwhelming.

Such a scene takes place in different corners of the mirror.

The sage of the academy was treated like a **** by the commoners, but this time, many people were shaken.



There was a lot of uproar outside the mirror palace, and it seemed that it couldn't blow into the palace city that was separated by a mirror.

But Jinggong.nei only looks calm on the surface.

The eunuchs and palace maids who went in and out of work were more cautious than usual, and did not dare to discuss what happened in the political affairs hall in person.

They are the most humble people at the bottom of the mirror palace, but they also understand a truth, the saint is merciful, but it does not mean that the eighteen chief executives are vegetarians.

There should be rules in the palace.

According to what the eunuchs and maids saw, the eighteen chief executives were indifferent to this matter, as if nothing had But it happened.

It is said that 30 little eunuchs were used to clean the meeting room of the political affairs hall. After the 30 little eunuchs collected the remaining wreckage, they washed them with dozens of buckets of clean water, but the smell of blood still permeated it.

The people below felt terrified, this period might be long and difficult, and many, many people might die in the palace.

After the three prime ministers bathed and changed their clothes, they filed a petition.

Because it happened in front of them, and the servant servant is their subordinate.

No one was surprised by the three-phase petition.

However, unlike the attitude of the three parties, most of the officials in the court were very angry, and they played the sage of the impeachment academy.

On the surface, Sun Zizhen, the servant under the door, died because of that saint.

As for the truth, the officials who made the announcement didn't care.

The memorials fell like snowflakes to the Mirror Palace, the inner city.

Such a memorial palace. The chief steward did not dare to intercept it, and soon a table in the study of the emperor Wei Tianzi was filled.

Emperor Wei looked at the memorials stacked like a mountain, he asked with a chuckle, "Old Tongue, what do you think?"

Today's Da Wei Tianzi didn't drink, but his face was a little pale, and he looked like the wine was hollowed out, but his handsome face still had a luxurious temperament.

Eunuch Tong was full of white hair, but had a baby face, without a single wrinkle on his face, looking like a boy, he sneered: "Sir, even a little **** who has just entered the palace for a year can do it. I understand that Sun Zizhen's death was manipulated by Wang Daozi and the others."

"Otherwise, even if Sun Zizhen took the poison in advance, it would be impossible for him to die so vigorously."

The Great Wei Tianzi sighed and said, "Old Tongue, why are you so poisonous? If the Three Phases are there, you will be so angry that you vomit blood."

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