Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 877: Friendship is exhausted

Will the secrets of the Li royal family endanger the world?

"Teacher's words are serious. Since the establishment of Great Wei, the Li family has done anything that endangers the world?" Great Wei Tianzi asked calmly.

Lin Wuya looked at the Great Wei Tianzi fiercely and said, "But I doubt you will."

The Great Wei Tianzi said angrily, "Could it be that just because of your suspicions, a person can be found guilty? Is it better to kill the wrong person than to let it go? Is this still what an academy sage should do?"

"You should know that people in our faction are different from other ordinary people." Lin Wuya looked at Emperor Wei: "I suspect that you have it, so there must be something wrong with you."

"If it wasn't for you, why wouldn't you say it? If there is a scandal involving the royal family of the Great Wei Li family, then I can swear that I will never reveal half a word to outsiders."

"As long as you say it, it's my fault, I'm willing to apologize to the imperial family of Wei no matter what you want." Lin Wuya's voice was full of impatience.

Emperor Wei slowly closed his eyes, but he shook his head firmly and said, "Whether you believe it or not, the Li family will not destroy their foundation, the ancestors will not, and I will not."

"Why can't you say, are you forced to make an oath?" Lin Wuya asked with bright eyes.

"No one can force me to make an oath." Emperor Wei shook his head.

Even if he knew in his heart that if he said this, the teacher would not push him again in a short time, but the teacher was very personable, and there must be a way to test whether he was lying.

Lin Wuya was silent and did not speak.

"Teacher, you helped me to sit in this position, even now I..." Dawei Tianzi paused for a while: "But I am still very grateful to the teacher, I can't tell you about this, and I promise to do everything you want. "

"That's very good." Lin Wuya stood up and bowed to the Emperor Wei: "The Caomin dare not ask for anything, there is only one thing, the Caomin feels ashamed and often misunderstands his children. Please don't call me a teacher again."

The Great Wei Tianzi was silent for a while, and then smiled: "Alright, then I will call the teacher Lin Sheng in the future."

Both of them understand that this is a separation of the master-disciple friendship.

Lin Wuya had some sense in his eyes, but he quickly restrained himself and said, "If the sage is all right, the Caomin will retire first."

Lin Wuya knew that this was the last chance for Emperor Wei to kill him, which was also a clear indication.

"Lin Sheng is free." Emperor Wei picked up the glass, and he suddenly remembered something and said casually: "One more thing, why did Lin Sheng have such a question in this A-class exam?"

"The three officials suspected that I was targeting them and the big and small families of the Great Wei Dynasty. Does the Sage also suspect that I am doing this to force the Sage to summon me?" Lin Wuya sneered.

"If I think so, I look down on Lin Sheng." The Great Wei Tianzi said calmly: "There may be reasons for this, but this will not be Lin Sheng's main intention."

"The catastrophe is coming, the candidates of this class A may not work, but if they can, they will play a huge role. Class A is very important to Lin Sheng, at least not for the purpose of targeting It took a lot of trouble for the family and seeing me come up with such a question.”

"Then why do you think I am?" Lin Wuya asked back, "If it wasn't for this reason, maybe it was just like the outside world speculated that I was crazy?"

"Lin Sheng is the strongest of the academy's sages, especially good at divination." Emperor Wei said slowly.

Lin Wuya's pupils slowly shrank, he sighed and said, "Sage is really powerful, I hope we won't become enemies in the future."

Great Wei Tianzi was right, every question was calculated by the technique of divination.

As for why he did this, Emperor Wei didn't ask, and Lin Wuya wouldn't say it either.

"No." Great Wei Tianzi said: "The Academy and the Great Wei Li family, Lin Sheng and I will never be enemies."

"No one can tell what will happen in the future." Lin Wuya turned and left.

Emperor Wei lowered his head and drank silently, never looking at Lin Wuya again.

"Teacher, you are good at divination. You must have seen something, but no matter what you do, it is useless."


Lin Wuya stepped out of the mirror gate like Bihu. He looked back at the magnificent mirror, and then stepped onto the somewhat worn carriage under the watchful eyes of the guards.

The one pulling the cart was a thin and old white horse, which slowly moved forward with its hooves up, heading towards the academy.

Lin Wuya was not alone in the carriage, his disciple Duanmu Xiaohong was also there.

"Teacher, are you alright?" Duanmu Xiaohong couldn't help but ask Lin Wuya with her eyes closed.

This time, he handed over the border affairs to Jingdu, who had just returned to a junior brother, and this was the teacher's order.

But he didn't expect that the teacher later gave so many bizarre big exam questions, but it was useless for him to object.

Duanmu Xiaohong felt nervous until today when the sage called the teacher into the palace. Since he knew that there was a gap between the teacher and the sage, he felt that there was nothing good in entering the palace this time.

He even wanted to persuade the teacher not to enter the palace, because if you go in, you may not be able to come Since the former junior brother became emperor, Duanmu Xiaohong could no longer see him, and even felt a little faint in his heart. fear him.

He always thought it was caused by the change of position, but now that he thinks about it, it may not be the case.

The teacher said that there is a problem with the sage, and Duanmu Xiaohong believed it. The teacher did not take divination easily, nor did he easily believe in divination, but once it was confirmed, there would be nothing wrong.

He felt a lot of pressure these days.

The point is that he doesn't know what the problem is.


Lin Wuya's answer interrupted Duanmu Xiaohong's thinking, Duanmu Xiaohong asked, "Why did the sage find the teacher?"

"Drink a little wine, chat for a while, and then... there will be no more." Lin Wuya smiled.

"Teacher, it's such a time, why do you still say such a witty thing?" Duanmu Xiaohong said with a wry smile.

"What's the time?" Lin Wuya raised his eyebrows and asked, "Didn't I come back safe and sound? It's not as serious as you think."

"If I'm not sure, how can I dare to enter the mirror palace to see the little emperor?"

"Then what did you talk about?" Duanmu Xiaohong asked.

"No, I didn't talk about anything." Lin Wuya said indifferently: "He won't say anything, he just said that he will do whatever I want, and even if I'm not happy now, go and slaughter one of King Xiao Ye's family. Now, he will protect me."

Duanmu Xiaohong was shocked.

"He said that he should compensate me. Do you think we should kill one of Xiao Yewang's family and try his bottom line?" Lin Wuya asked.

"Teacher, don't be kidding." Duanmu Xiaohong wiped the sweat from her forehead: "The sage may protect us, but the academy can't bear the criticism of the world's family."

"Yes." Lin Wuya sighed with regret.

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