Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 880: disagree

Chofu wants to make a deal with Zhao Yazhu?

"What deal?" Zhou Fan's face changed slightly and asked, "Did you agree to her?"

"Of course she didn't promise me." Zhao Yazhu replied for Chifu.

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Chufu had not agreed to Zhao Yazhu. He looked at Chifu, hoping that Chifu would explain.

"She said that she can give me all the exercises and resources for cultivation in all ranks, and I only need to take the risk when she is possessed by you, go to her and try to parasitize her." Chofu explained: "I don't have any. Concealing what you mean, it's just that she said these words to me when you left."

"I want to talk to you, but I can't help it." Qifu was vaguely afraid that Zhou Fan would be angry.

"Zhao Yazhu." Zhou Fan gritted his teeth angrily and looked at Zhao Yazhu.

Zhao Yazhu said calmly: "You don't need to be so angry, I didn't lie to her, this is just a transaction, in fact, she paid far less than she got."

"Who knows if there will be any danger?" Zhou Fan said coldly: "Little girl, don't promise her."

Zhao Yazhu frowned and said, "I admit that there will be some danger, but this danger is completely acceptable. Haven't you ever taken a risk?"

"Don't say it, I won't let my daughter take the risk of doing such a thing." Zhou Fan said decisively, "Isn't it just the exercises and cultivation resources? Don't worry, little girl, I will solve it for you."

"Apart from you being my daughter, the boarding person should have helped the assistant grow up better."

Zhao Yazhu sneered: "You only remembered your obligations now, is it too late? I'm afraid you have forgotten how you squeezed the little guy before?"

Zhou Fan looked at Qifu with some shame, and Qifu glanced back at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan, of course, remembered the past when he used Chofu as child labor, and he snorted: "It's not that you are sowing discord and deliberately sabotaging my relationship with Chofu."

In fact, the real reason has nothing to do with Zhao Yazhu. It's just that Chofu recognized Zhou Fan, an enemy with a deep blood feud, from Zhou Fan's appearance.

Zhou Fan couldn't at the time, and could only take measures to suppress child labor based on her hostility.

Zhao Yazhu sneered: "Whatever you say, but I advise you not to boast about Haikou, so as not to make father and daughter unhappy."

"When did I boast about Haikou?" Zhou Fan frowned.

"Your daughter wants to be like you. What she needs is the top-notch exercises. Every step has a solid foundation. Are you really complete?" Zhao Yazhu asked back.

Zhou Fan was slightly taken aback. He has all the exercises, but some exercises require special resources. He has used them before, but he doesn't mean to prepare a second copy.

This is really a hassle.

Zhao Yazhu continued to ridicule: "Your own cultivation resources are stretched, can you really take care of the little guy?"

"Even if you want to rely on fishing, it's impossible, because the resources on the river are advancing, and there are no low-level resources, so the only way for you to get resources is me, the leader."

Zhou Fan frowned and said, "You are wrong. The fishing rod may not help me solve this problem, but I can use external resources."

He can go to the outside world to collect or directly use the Class A resources that he will get, and distribute some to Chefu.

"Resources from the outside world?" Zhao Yazhu said disdainfully: "The top-level exercises and resources at each stage seem low-end, but do you think it is really so easy to obtain?"

"For example, blood-gold-level fighting skills, how many have you seen in the outside world? What about speed-level teleportation skills?"

Zhou Fan fell silent. His speed section "You Four Seasons" could be passed on to Qifu, but his physical strength section required Qi ghosts, his marrow-washing section required empty sound ghosts, and his blood-changing section required the rarer dragon blood. Where did you get the Dragon God's blood?

Some exercises cannot be copied to Qifu at all.

As Zhao Yazhu said, the outside world does not know how much effort it takes to find these top-level exercises.

Seeing Zhou Fan's embarrassment, Chufu said to Zhao Yazhu anxiously: "I won't let you parasitize. It's a big deal, I don't pursue the best exercises, just lower the level of cultivation and come up to the realm."

"No, I can't drop it." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, he knew the importance of the foundation.

Chev was his daughter, and he didn't want Chev's foundation to be weak.

"Yes, once you lower the requirements, you will fall behind step by step, and it will be difficult to make up for it in the future." Zhao Yazhu said yinfully, "Actually, as long as you agree to my requirements, this problem is not a problem at all."

Zhou Fan said solemnly: "Do you think you can coerce us like this? I don't want to let the little girl lower her cultivation standards, but that doesn't mean we have to accept your persecution."

Zhou Fan would never agree with Zhao Yazhu's parasitic escape method.

"Even if the little girl agrees, it's useless. I don't owe you the number of possessions now." Zhou Fan added.

Zhao Yazhu snorted coldly and said, "Sooner or later I will owe When Hidden Thread Skull comes to you or you ask me to help with other things, this is my chance, but I am a little curious, you don't accept my offer. Ask, how to help this little guy lay a solid foundation for every step?"

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "If I said to use the Great Grey Worm to buy those low-level top-level exercises and corresponding resources in your hands, would you sell them to me?"

If Zhao Yazhu is willing to sell, then all problems will be solved.

"Sell, but I will charge a sky-high price, you can't afford it." Zhao Yazhu sneered: "And you don't have enough big gray worms yourself, so why don't you want to give them to the little guy?"

"I will try my best to collect the grey worms in the future," Chifu said.

Zhou Fan felt a warm smile in his heart and said, "Little girl, do this kind of thing according to your ability, don't be too reluctant, lest you provoke dangerous weirdness."

Zhou Fan understands that Chufu collected so quickly before, maybe he borrowed the power of the mushroom demon clan. Now that Chufu and Bai Lengsun have fallen out, it is not so easy to collect the grey worms.

Chefu nodded solemnly. She had been on the boat for so long, so she naturally knew the importance of the big grey worm. She was going to go back and think about collecting the big grey worm for Zhou Fan.

It was reluctance before, but now it's different.

Zhao Yazhu did not speak, but glanced at the gray fog in the air.

Two wisps of gray mist floated up and turned into two glazed spheres, one large and one small.

"Zhou Fan now has 23,126 large gray worms, and the little guy has 1,122 large gray worms." Zhao Yazhu looked at the glass ball and reported the specific number.

Zhou Fan also had an approximate number of how many gray worms he had. He knew that Zhao Yazhu was right, but he didn't understand why Zhao Yazhu suddenly said the specific number?

"Zhou Fan, do you want to quickly rise to the middle of the martial arts?" Zhao Yazhu asked with a smile.

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