Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 885: Elephant sitting on the ground

He Yiming from the He Family in Feihe County came with two large wooden barrels that were the same height as him.

There are also three or four candidates carrying large packages.

Zhou Fan just brought a small package, and he twitched the corner of his mouth. He was not surprised that this happened. In fact, he brought a lot of things, but they were all placed in the storage book.

"Big Brother Zhou." Li Chungniang was the last to come in, she said with a relaxed smile.

Insect Niang's condition is really good, it's not like I'm so nervous... Zhou Fan smiled bitterly in his heart and started talking to Li Chongniang.

There are a lot of eyes swept over.

Zhou Fan understands that some eyes are focused on Bug Niang, but more eyes are on him.

After the ring test, Zhou Fan impressed everyone.

Zhou Fan found that after several days of treatment, the wrinkle was deep, and the people who were injured in the ring test were no longer in serious trouble.

Soon the three chief examiners stepped onto the white jade platform.

All the candidates turned their attention to the three chief examiners, waiting for them to announce the questions for the last item of the martial arts exam.

Zhongtian looked at the candidates under the high platform and said solemnly: "Verify the identities of all candidates first."

The teachers spread out and got busy, checking the identities of the candidates in the queue.

The identity verification of the nineteen candidates was not difficult, and the verification was completed quickly, and all of them passed the verification smoothly.

Zhongtian waved his hand again and said, "Arrangement."

On one side of the white jade high platform, five instructors began to get busy, sticking a Taoist talisman on the floor.

When dozens of talismans were stuck to the ground in a certain orientation, the five teachers walked away.

The talisman emits a soft white light that forms a circle.

Many candidates have recognized it, this is a short-distance teleportation array.

The three of Zhongtian had already walked down from the white jade high platform.

Yuan Hai, the abbot of White Elephant Temple, walked into the talisman formation with his hands folded, and soon disappeared before everyone's eyes.

"All the candidates will enter the talisman formation for me." Zhongtian said.

The nineteen candidates all walked towards the Fu array.

Zhou Fan was among them, and he whispered to Li Chungniang, "Be careful."

Even the academy should maintain due vigilance, after all, the exam may start as soon as it comes out of the talisman.

Zhou Fan and Li Chungniang walked into the talisman formation one after another.

After a sense of dizziness, Zhou Fan stood at the time, his hand was already on the handle of the knife, and he was slightly relieved when he saw the candidates who had teleported out like him and Yuan Hai who came first.

Zhou Fan looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a desolate area, with some short weeds growing on the ground, without any miscellaneous forests.

He soon discovered that this place was not far from the academy. If he walked back, even at an ordinary walking speed, he would be able to return in just a quarter of an hour.

In fact, this is not surprising. This teleportation array cannot be teleported across too long distances. As for long-distance teleportation, the cost required is astonishing, at least it is not affordable for ordinary warriors.

Zhou Fan knew there must be, but he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Zhou Fan found that apart from the candidates and Yuanhai, in the wasteland, at intervals, one person could be seen.

That was the teaching sent by the academy in advance.

The instructors stood still, and if it wasn't for their eyesight, they would have thought they were seeing a wooden man or a scarecrow, and they could only see a faint black spot in the distance.

There are thirty-six people in total.

Zhou Fan was a little puzzled. Judging from these teachings, it was difficult to see what the third item of the martial arts test was about.

But the academy took the trouble to bring them here secretly, it must be because the third item of the martial arts test is not suitable for the academy exam.

What would be an exam that requires a lot of space?

Just when Zhou Fan was thinking about it, Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li came out of the talisman formation.

The light of the talisman formation left here dimmed immediately, and with a flick of Zhongtian's finger, the talisman formation immediately burned.

In fact, even if Zhongtian didn't burn the talisman formation, the talisman formation was completely abolished.

Yuan Hai came out of the Fu array just now, followed by Zhong Tian and Mrs. Zhang Li, apparently in order to watch the nineteen candidates and prevent some unlikely accidents.

Zhongtian did not rush to speak to the nineteen candidates, but glanced at Mrs. Zhang Li.

"It's time to start." Mrs. Zhang Li's low, hoarse voice slowly spread in the air, reaching the ears of everyone here.

The scattered teachers took out a talisman from the talisman bag and stuck it at the position under their feet.

When the talisman with black paper and white rune line was attached to the ground, the teachers took out the glass vial from the talisman bag, opened the cork, and allowed the scarlet liquid to fall into the talisman.

The scarlet liquid dripped onto the talisman, and immediately emitted a scarlet light.

The scarlet rune line as thick as a little finger quickly spread from the rune to the inner circle enclosed by the rune.

Where the scarlet rune line passed, there were continuous gray rays of light rising from the ground.

The gray light quickly turned into a gray mist and dispersed.

Zhou Fan looked at the familiar gray fog, and his eyes showed surprise.

The gray fog filled the air, gathering more and more.

The fog churned and congealed into a huge elephant.

The elephant made of gray fog sat on the and let out a high-pitched elephant call, which made everyone feel impetuous and a tyrannical mood.

"Amitabha." The Buddha beads in Yuanhai's hand radiated a soft golden light that enveloped everyone.

And those teachings of arranging rune formations have long been a little wary of staying away.

The elephant sitting on the ground was dozens of feet high, and everyone stood at its feet, as small as ants.

Not far away, the crowd waiting patiently for the exam news in front of the gate of the academy also saw the elephant formed by the gray fog.

"What it is?"

"Is there something strange about to invade Gaoxiang City?"

"The level of such a big **** is definitely not low. Does anyone know what kind of **** this is?"

There were bursts of chatter and discussion in the crowd.

Only some teachers in the academy who stayed in front of the door to maintain order had a vague idea of ​​what was going on.

Some people waited impatiently and rushed forward to try to investigate the situation.

Some people also began to back away, either preparing to bring the news back to the city, or preparing to escape from here.

Such a big joke, if it really came to Gaoxiang City, then Gaoxiang City would not know how many people would die.

The warrior cultivator who just ran forward to try to check the situation was quickly stopped.

It was the patrol team in Gaoxiang City who stopped them.

"Passage is prohibited ahead, and violators will be killed without amnesty!" The line of defense formed by the patrol team continued to hear harsh and cold voices.

The warriors of the Gaoxiang City patrol team may not be as good as Gaoxiang Yiluan's mansion, but they have a large number of warriors, and they have a very high level of discipline, which cannot be resisted by ordinary warriors.

The warriors who inquired about the news changed their faces slightly and stopped. Looking at the defense line formed by the patrol team, they had a faint guess in their hearts.

The gray fog elephant with a height of several dozen feet may have been created by the academy.

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