Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 888: Inside the Mist Elephant

After a few moves, Zhou Fan rushed out of the gray mist.

It's just that he did not appear on the other end of the gray fog elephant, but on a street.

The streets are lined with high-rise buildings and colorful neon lights.

Standing on the noisy street, Zhou Fan was stunned. Has he returned to the modern world?

The memory of the other world is still there, and he clearly remembers everything that happened today.

He was also covered with purple-gold armor, defensive talismans, and the infuriating defense was still emitting a faint light that enveloped him.

Men in suits and ties, and women in professional office attire came and went in a hurry, and no one glanced at Zhou Fan, who was in a strange state.

It was obviously an illusion, but they couldn't see me, and I didn't lose my memory... Zhou Fan looked at his hands, his hands didn't have any illusions.

He raised his foot and stepped on the ground, but the ground did not crack as he imagined, and there was not even any sound.

If it wasn't here, his foot wrapped in infuriating qi would definitely shatter the ground and create a pit.

I can't exert any influence on this world... Zhou Fan confirmed another fact.

What does the gray fog elephant want to do?

Why does Heart Refinement let me appear here?

Zhou Fan carefully tried to disarm some of the purple gold armor and infuriating defense, but he was not eroded by any curse or poison.

But he just tried it, he still kept the original appearance.

He began to look down the street as he walked.

He is like a ghost, even if he hits a pedestrian or a street light pole, he will pass by freely, but his body does not have any illusion.

This unique state made Zhou Fan feel a little surprised, but soon he couldn't care about it anymore, because he felt that the street was getting familiar.

He was stunned, looking at the unfamiliar and familiar store names on both sides, he confirmed that this was Dasha Commercial Street.

His home is not far from this street.



"Don't be afraid of bug girl, mother protects you." The beautiful woman gently hugged the little girl.

The little girl was sobbing in a low voice, her eyes were closed and she was trembling all over.

Li Chungniang stood in the room, looking at the woman and the child, and there was the sound of soldiers fighting outside. Even though she knew it was fake, she couldn't help trembling all over.

This was the last thing she wanted to recall.



The line has always been solemn and serious, but now he is full of joy.

Because he saw the Buddha.

The Buddha is six feet high, with a golden body, shining brightly, and bursting with Sanskrit sounds.

In front of the Buddha, a line became as small as an ant, and the Buddha had thousands of appearances, which made people dizzy and dizzy. He didn't dare to look at it again, but bowed his head and bowed devoutly, and recited the Buddhist scriptures.

Beyond the light, it is as dark as ink, and in the darkness there are countless monstrosity peeping at the line and the Buddha.

It's just that there is no fear in the heart, because there is a Buddha, all this will not be a problem.



"If you don't follow the right way, you will only follow the evil way to cultivate the evil sword, destroy your meridians, cut off your hands and feet, and expel the sword sect!" A middle-aged man shouted sharply.

Immediately, two disciples came over and took Hou Shisanjian away.

Hou Shisanjian wanted to resist, but his body was weak and could only be brought to the execution platform outside.

A law enforcement elder came over and took action to abolish his meridians, puncturing the tendons of his hands and feet.

Hou Shisanjian let out a shrill roar, and the sound echoed on the execution platform.



"This is the statue of Tianzun Zhou Fan." Someone pointed to the mountain-like statue in the distance and said to Zou Shen Shen.

The statue is carved from white jade, and it is magnificent and magnificent.

Wrinkle looked at the familiar face deeply and became silent.

"Zhou Fan is invincible in the world, and the number of opponents he defeated is unknown. Only then did he achieve the position of Heavenly Venerate and be admired and admired by the monks all over the world." The man said in a respectful tone.

"Have you heard that he has an opponent Wrinkle Deep?" Wrinkle Deep asked.

"Who is Wrinkle Shenshen?" The man asked contemptuously, "Zhou Tianzun has defeated too many opponents, there are one hundred and eight that are worth remembering, but if they are beyond one hundred and eight, then There is nothing worth remembering."

Beyond one hundred and eight... Wrinkled deep and clenched his fists, his phalanx turned white.




Five children picked up stones and smashed another child.

The stone was not big enough to hit anyone to death, but it also smashed the child's head into blood and cried.

"Don't follow us," shouted one of the five children with fear in his eyes.

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