Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 890: island

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and all evils dare not approach.

It's a line of thought that has been around for a while.

But for some reason, the light emitted by the Buddha is getting darker and darker, and the monsters in the dark are getting closer and closer.

A line of serious faces, still not afraid.

There were many monks like him around, and they killed the monsters in the dark.

They are followers of the Buddha, and no monsters are not allowed to approach the Buddha. If they want to approach the Buddha, they can only step on their bodies.

The Buddha watched him from behind them.

The slaughter of the sky began.

It was so long that it seemed like an era had passed.

The Buddha was constantly by their side to inspire them.

I felt tired, but my heart was firm.

When there is a Buddha, even if the body dies, it is only a conversion to the Buddha land.

Just looking back at random, the Buddha disappeared without knowing when.

A tidal wave of darkness surrounds them.



Hou Shisanjian was thrown under the mountain gate like a dead dog, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't even crawl.

The bones and tendons of his limbs were broken, and the meridians of his whole body were destroyed.

He could only lie down and wait to die.

But he didn't die, someone picked him up.

is his master.

The master was also expelled from the sect because he practiced the evil sword, but fortunately it was not as miserable as him.

The master took him back and recuperated for several months, and his injury finally healed.

It's just that for him, it's better to die, because he can't even swing the lightest sword much.



Wrinkled deep under the statue wandering back and forth, he muttered to himself: "Zhou Fan...Tianzun..."

He stood in the shadow of the statue and lived in that shadow.



The years passed like water, and Du Ni's fear deepened day by day. From time to time, his body became like mud, exuding the smell of rotting grass.

People in the village hated him more and more.

Even though the village leader and the team leader vouched for him, the people in the village were still worried about when Du Ni would lose control.

Du Ni was also afraid, he hid at home during the day and didn't dare to go anywhere.

Not allowed to go out at night.

One day, his parents went out to work. He was really bored and went out quietly.

Just before it was time to play, he met five children who were ten years old with him.

Those five children were the ones who had often bullied Du Ni in the past few years.

Du Ni wanted to avoid it, but the five people surrounded him with deep malice on their faces.

Du Ni's heart froze, and he retreated step by step.



Why can't I live mediocrely... Wen Xiao asked himself time and time again.

Every time he was tortured by insects, this idea became stronger and stronger, and he tortured himself again and again.

But he actually knew the truth in his heart.

But he didn't want to face it, didn't dare to face it.



"Why do you like money so much?" the middle-aged man asked again.

Zhang Li Xiaohu's face became colder and colder, and he didn't want to answer this question.

But the middle-aged man asked again and again.

His heart became irritable, and he said angrily: "Nagging, nagging, are you bothered? I can give you all the money if you want, don't ask any more."

"Are you really willing to give me money, who loves money like your life?" The middle-aged man asked again with a smile.

"I'll give it to you, I'll give it all to you." Zhang Li Xiaohu lowered his head and said, he didn't feel heartache at all, "As long as you don't ask anymore."

"But I don't want your money, I just want the answer, don't you know? You won't answer my question, and you will never leave here." The middle-aged man said.

There was pain in Zhang Li Xiaohu's eyes, and he was silent and did not answer.



From that day on, Yelaitianxiang not only stopped singing, she didn't even speak, she kept her mouth shut and didn't talk to anyone.

She was afraid of losing her voice.

The only way to protect your voice is to stop talking.

After her sister lost her voice, she withered away like a blooming flower.

It made her even more frightened.

Parents persuaded, grandma reprimanded, but could not make her change her mind.

She indulges in the world of her own protective voice.

But since she refused to speak, she was no longer a lark at night.

Her parents stayed away from her indifferently, and her grandmother abandoned her like a shoe, and cared about Yelaijia's other gifted descendants.

This feeling of being abandoned suddenly made her realize that she was loved because of her voice.

Her voice made her valued, and her silence also made her lose such favor.

She started to hate the sound she had always liked, and wanted to destroy it!

She pointed a dagger at her mouth, trying to cut her tongue off.



He can do anything except that one thing is not allowed.

This is Grandpa's promise to him.

But he actually didn't want to do anything, and he didn't even want to take over the burden of the Xiong family from his grandfather.

But he knew that Grandpa would not allow it.

So he became arrogant and domineering, and he was like a little overlord in the Xiong family.

Those brothers and sisters were bullied by him and went to grandpa to complain, but it didn't help.

Over time, everyone knew that Xiong Feixiu was Grandpa Xiong's favorite little grandson, no one.

But only a few of the Xiong family knew the price he paid.

Is bullying fun?

Xiong Feixiu didn't think it was fun at all, but he didn't know what to do if he didn't bully people. He could only bully people at home, and when he went out of the house, he would torture those children of aristocratic families when he caught them.

The No. 1 Overlord in Giant Bear City is no joke.

Every time he passed the silk and satin village and the powder shop, he always walked by with a group of lackeys laughing.

No one noticed his eyes wandering.

Every time he went to a brothel to play, of course he couldn't do anything at a young age, but he would stare at those bewitching women.

There are even rumors that the young master of the Xiong family is precocious, and his eyes can't wait to cut off the girls' skins.

When Xiong Feixiu heard such rumors occasionally, he laughed a few times and became more moody.

With Mrs. Xiong here, no one dared to accuse him, even his parents whispered helplessly to him.

Brothers and sisters said that grandfather was partial and strict with them, and he was so fond of Xiuer.

Few people know what he lost.

Those brothers and sisters don't even know.

Soon he also took this matter to the bottom of his heart and didn't think about it anymore.

The years are passing.

He had his hair tied when he was fifteen years old. In fact, the haircut is just a symbolic meaning. The disciples of the deceitful family will grow faster than ordinary children and have stronger physical fitness. At birth, the deceitful blood will be activated. .

After the deceitful bloodline is activated, the lifespan will be tested immediately.

His lifespan was already known.

His talent has long been known.

Among the two generations of disciples of the Xiong family, Zhongqing and Qing, within 15 years, he still hadn't found anyone who could surpass his talent.

His only hope was dashed.

After the hair-shaping day, he took over the heavy burden of the Xiong family from Mrs. Xiong and became the head of the Xiong family.

His back became a little hunched over overnight.

The burden is too heavy.



An island-like world.

Zhou Fan's heart became colder.

It has been a long time since he returned to this world.

If this is an illusion, it is too long.

He's been looking for ways to try to break the illusion, but nothing can be done.

The world seems to be real, the world is running on his own will, and he just returned to the world by chance, but unfortunately in a ghostly form.

His family's house was also torn down not long ago.

All the memories of life fade away with the collapse of the house.

And he could only watch.

At first, after his grandmother and sister were gone, he couldn't get away again. He tried to find people he knew before, such as Ge Yangshu.

But all those connected with him are out of this world.

An island-like world.

Time seemed to be literally passing, but there was almost nothing he could do.

He began to be afraid, this ordinary and familiar world became strange.

In case this is not an illusion, or it is an illusion, he has been trapped in an illusion, and the time in the outside world is moving.

But after so long, how is Xiaoliu? How are your parents? What happened to Li Jiuyue? What about the bug girl?

And all the people he knew?

The vicissitudes of life, the world is so dangerous, even if there is no danger, the lifespan of parents will slowly come to an end...

Or they who lost their only son have already passed away in grief.

The more Zhou Fan thought about it, the more frightened it became. His only expectation now was that all this was fake, because the ship could not be isolated by this gray fog and could not pull him into the ship.

But even if it was fake, he seemed to have spent a long and lonely time.

Such a day was too hard, and it was tormenting his heart.

This world has nothing to do with him at all, he is like a ghost floating in the world like an island, unable to establish contact with this world, nor does he want to establish contact.

How long will he stay in this world?

a hundred years?

Three hundred years?

A thousand years?

He can no longer stay in this world, he wants to return to his parents and them.

After his grandmother and sister died, he no longer had any nostalgia for this world.

Although that world is dangerous, he is like a rebirth there. There are familiar people like his father and mother, Xiao Liu, Li Jiuyue, and Xiao Qian who look like his younger sister.

Just how to break this illusion?

Zhou Fan sat on the rooftop of a hundred-story building, watching the crowd of people and vehicles on the ground like ants.

He seemed to have tried everything he could, to no avail.

He seems to be in this world forever.

"Refining the heart... Refining the heart..." Zhou Fan muttered to himself, the word "refining the heart" has been like a gangrene attached to the bones for a long time.

He doesn't understand what's the use of trapping him here?

Nothing weird happened, just the loneliness that tortured and tortured the soul.

Loneliness... He suddenly came to a realization that what he feared most was loneliness.

What he is most afraid of is what he is most afraid of.

"People fear only themselves, and they fear only themselves."

Zhou Fan took a deep breath, and took a step out of his concern that he was no longer afraid of loneliness.

"Why am I afraid of being alone? Because there is no one in this world who deserves my attention."

"Just how do I break the loneliness that scares me?"

"I don't feel alone in that world with people I value, but I'm stuck here and it all seems to be in an endless loop."

Zhou Fan fell silent, and he suddenly With a big laugh, he lifted the purple gold armor, removed the infuriating defense, and put away the talisman.

He stood up, the wind howling hundreds of meters high.

He opened his hand, and the whole person fell toward the sky.

In the process of falling, there was only one thought in his mind: without them, if I were to live in this eternal lonely world, I would rather die!

Here is his answer.



Li Chungniang's face turned pale, and she approached the city wall step by step. Since she died, she has been avoiding the city wall, never taking a step closer.

She couldn't help thinking in her mind all the time, thinking of the gentle woman in the world being hanged on the city wall with blood, every time she thought of this scene, her heart was cut like a knife.

The people below were always afraid to mention it in front of her, but she knew that the woman and her mother were hanging on the wall. After she died, her soul was pulled out and crushed. The fire burned out.

The village where she lived and the villagers she knew also died.

Everything is gone.

The mirror is still prosperous, and the money is drunk.

People may remember her, but no one wants to mention her, nor dare to mention her.

It was as if this woman had never appeared in the world.

Is there really nothing left?

She walked to the front of the city wall, rubbing against the grey and mottled stone bricks.

There is no blood. In fact, this is normal. It is always cruel and **** here, but after the blood is shed, it will always be washed away at the fastest speed, and the peace will be painted.

She suddenly realized that it wasn't so scary.

The wall she haunted and avoided was just an ordinary wall.

"You said he was a good man and told me not to hate him..." she said softly.

"But I always have to ask a clear question why he killed you so cruelly!"

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