Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 893: bad eyesight

The gray fog rolled, and Zhou Fan rushed out of the gray fog.

He looked at the three of Nakata.

The three of Zhongtian also looked at each other in dismay.

"How long has it been?" Zhou Fan asked.

"One hour." Zhong Tian replied: "Congratulations, you are the first to come out of this heart-refining test."

The first to come out is naturally the first.

There was no smile on Zhou Fan's face, he just stood silently on the side.

An hour outside seems like a long time has passed, and everything is still illusory.

But the loneliness that penetrated deep into the bone would not be fake. There was a chill in his heart, and if it wasn't for his death in his heart and the illusion was broken, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to come out.

And it is impossible to deceive yourself if you have death intentions. If you don't really have death intentions, you won't be able to get out at all.

The three of Zhongtian originally had a lot of things to ask Zhou Fan, but seeing Zhou Fan's delusional appearance, they understood that Zhou Fan was still immersed in the illusion, and they didn't say anything to disturb him.

This time the leader already belongs to Zhou Fan.

The three sighed in their hearts, the literary test, the cross-country test, the ring test, and the training test were all Zhou Fan's first, which was really beyond their expectations.

How did Zhou Fan do it? They silently remembered that hidden world sect, Diao Shen sect, and no one has understood that mysterious sect from other places.

However, the hidden world sect has always been hidden. If it is not within the territory of the Great Wei Dynasty, it will be even more difficult to check.

They are wondering who will come out second?

Time passed.

After a stick of incense, the second person came out of the gray fog.

It's Li Chungniang.

She glanced at the three of Zhongtian, and then smiled at Zhou Fan.

Li Chongniang's face was the same as usual, but I don't know if Zhou Fan felt that Li Chongniang had become a little different, but if he asked him to say it, it was difficult for him to say what was different from before.

"Insect girl, are you alright?" Zhou Fan asked.

"It's okay, what about Brother Zhou?"

"I'm fine too." Zhou Fan replied softly.

Li Chungniang asked again, "Big Brother Zhou, are you the first to come out?"

There are only two of them here, but it doesn't mean that Zhou Fan is the first to come out. There may be earlier candidates, because the injury will go down for treatment first.

"I am the first, you are the second." Zhou Fan replied.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhou for winning the top spot." Li Chungniang said with a happy face, as if she was even happier than she was taking the top spot.

The three of Zhongtian still did not ask Li Chungniang anything but waited patiently.

Another person came out of the gray fog, a group of monks in white robes.

His face was exhausted, but his eyes were full of energy.

Yuanhai breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that his party had passed the threshold of refining his heart.

The group saluted the three chief examiners, and then walked to the side. He already understood that Zhou Fan was one step ahead of him again, and the position of the leader of this session already belonged to Zhou Fan.

He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. If he had passed the worry faster, maybe the result would not be the same... But this is not certain. If Zhou Fan came out second, it would be difficult for his results to be hopeful.

Because he was only fifth in the ring test.

In the end still lost.

A group of people looked solemn, this time they lost and they will win back next time.

The fourth one that came out was Hou Thirteen Swords.

Hou Shisanjian's sword intent was more solid. After he came out, he took out the slender black sword from the sword box, bit it with his mouth, and circled on the ground.

Everyone's face trembled when they saw it.

"What are you doing, Hou Shisanjian?" Zhou Fan asked strangely.

"Practicing swords, I'm trying to see if I can create a sword technique that can be used at the door." Hou Shisanjian bit the hilt and stopped turning, flickering left and right.

Zhou Fan: "..."

Shouldn't this be a maddening exercise?

If he goes crazy, of course he can't enter Class A again.

Zhongtian asked Hou Shisanjian to stop and checked it out for him. After he found that everything was normal, he ignored Hou Shisanjian.

Soon the fifth person rushed out of the gray fog elephant, it was Du Ni.

It's just that Du Ni's situation is not right. As soon as he rushed out, he hugged Zhongtian's leg and wept bitterly: "Master, why didn't you tell me that I killed the five people in the village?"

Zhongtian's temples bulged on his forehead, and he shouted in a low voice, "What nonsense are you talking about? Wake up quickly."

Du Ni was slightly startled, but just looked straight at Zhongtian, and he told the experience of what he encountered in refining the heart.

Zhongtian was so angry that he blew his beard and said, "Nonsense, when I met you back then, you activated your talent for deceiving people, but you only stunned the five evil boys, and then you passed out too, and then I put the You brought it back to the academy, and those five people didn't die at all."

"You idiot, do you believe in this mind-refining illusion? If you don't believe me, you can go back to that village and have a look. I wonder why you haven't gone back to the village or asked me what happened back then. It was for this. "

"It's good if you don't die." Du Ni wiped the sweat from his forehead and laughed in embarrassment, "Master, you are true, you can tell me if I don't ask, it has caused me to think wildly for so many years."

How do you know if you don't ask... Zhongtian's face trembled, and he smiled for no reason, because he knew that this apprentice of his own would benefit a lot.

Although mind-training is, once the mind-training test is passed, a martial artist can obtain unimaginable benefits. At least it can avoid the erosion of some inner demons when breaking through the realm or practicing martial arts.

After Du Ni came out, a stick of incense, wrinkled deep and walked out from the body of the gray fog elephant.

When he saw Zhou Fan and the other five candidates, he raised his eyebrows and stood aside.

Zhou Fan was a little surprised, Wrinkle Shenshen's eyes were still full of fighting intent as before, but there was a lot less impetuousness, as if Wrinkle Shenshen had settled down all of a sudden.

Not long after the wrinkle was deep, Wen Xiao came out of it.

This man with bandages all over his body, it's hard to see what he's going through.

Wen Xiao didn't speak to anyone either, just stood aside and waited.

This time, after waiting for an hour, someone came out again, it was Xiong Feixiu.

Xiong Feixiu had a happy smile on his face, so that he saw that there were so many candidates before him, and he was not as violent as before.

"Big sister." Xiong Feixiu walked over to Li Chungniang and said hello with a smile.

His voice became a little delicate.

This shout made many people stunned for a while.

Zhou Fan's eyes widened, this was a woman's voice at all.

It turns out what the worm said was true.

"My darling, Young Master Xiong, what did you experience inside? Could it be that this heart-refining test can still turn people into eunuchs?" Du Ni said.

Du Ni has always spoken bluntly, but when he said this, he was immediately glared at by two people.

One is Xiong Feixiu.

One is deeply wrinkled.

"You scholar is blind, what's wrong with me being a woman?" Xiong Feixiu snorted.

Du Ni was slightly startled and said, "Are you a woman?"

"Is it really my bad eyesight?" Du Ni had deep doubts.

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