Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 899: 2 people with headache

"I don't care, you have to find a way for me." Eunuch Ao said angrily.

Eunuch Ao was an **** from the Mirror Palace. He could not resign like Yan returned and Yuanhui. The Mirror Palace eunuchs are all servants of the Mirror Palace master, but they are not free people.

Even if there is a way to leave the Mirror Palace, Eunuch Ao wants to go back to the Mirror Palace, and he is unwilling to resign.

The father-in-law over there was very distressed: "Big Brother Ao, this is really impossible. We only have one position as the four-town envoy in the Yiluan Office of Gaoxiang City..."

Eunuch Ao ignored the persuasion of Eunuch and Eunuch. After thinking hard, his eyes suddenly lit up again, he laughed and said: "Xiao Hezi, you idiot, you can't think of it so simple, can't the palace send a special envoy to inspect the place? Send our family over as a special envoy to the palace."

The special envoy is decided by the sage, but the sage is in charge of all kinds of opportunities, and the candidates for the special envoy to supervise the place are often decided by the eunuch.

He father-in-law was stunned for a moment and said, "It's not impossible, but Big Brother Ao, the special envoy is only a temporary position. According to the regulations, it will last for at most one year, and it will be replaced."

"Are you an idiot?" Eunuch Ao sneered: "One year of special envoy is enough. With our family's ability, we will go back to the Jinggong after one year, so let's make special envoys!"

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Okay, I'll go make arrangements for Big Brother Ao."

"You have to hurry up. After Luoshui Township sends the Si'an envoy, our family has to leave the ghost place of Tianliang City." Eunuch Ao gave a few words, and then disconnected the sound transmission.

After disconnecting the sound transmission, Eunuch Ao laughed again: "Our family is really a **** genius, and came up with the idea of ​​special envoy, Xiao Wu also entered the Class A class as our family thought, and when you go to Gaoxiang City, you can also meet with us. Small wrinkles are together, there are small wrinkles, and it is just around the corner to return to the mirror palace."

Thinking of being able to return to Jingjing Palace, Eunuch Ao's smile subsided, and he worried: "Godfather doesn't know if anything will happen, he hasn't transferred me back to Jingdu for so long, the situation is definitely not good, I have to hurry up The idea is to go back and help the godfather."

On the other side, after breaking the syllable with the father-in-law, he sighed, and his gray hair seemed to have a few more gray hairs.

Ever since the chief executive sent his grandson, Ao Gonggong, to Xiaoleizhou, he has been worried.

The eunuchs of Jinggong all know what kind of thing Eunuch Ao is, but he is the son of the boss of Long Da, so he really can't afford to offend him.

The chief executive has given a death order to do everything possible to keep Eunuch Ao's position in Xiaolei Prefecture. If Eunuch Ao leaves Xiaolei Prefecture before the ban is lifted, he will be in big trouble.

He father-in-law sighed, fortunately, this father-in-law just wanted to go to Gaoxiang City to be a special envoy, which is not too difficult.

As for what will happen to Grandpa Ao after he arrives at Gaoxiang City... that has nothing to do with him.



Returning to the inn in the evening, Zhou Fan asked Xiao Er to prepare a sumptuous meal for him in the room, and he and Xiao Ling ate together.

Xiao Su ate seventeen duck legs!

Zhou Fan has been pondering, a duck leg is bigger than Xiao Su, how can this little guy eat seventeen duck legs?

After eating, Xiao Qian walked back and forth on the table with a swollen belly like she was pregnant in October. After a while, she lay directly on the window and made a comfortable snort.

This little bastard... Zhou Fan couldn't bear to look straight and looked away.

It was rare for Zhou Fan to enjoy a leisurely and comfortable experience. Even though there were frequent accidents in Class A, it was finally over, and he successfully won the position of the leader, so he was not dissatisfied.

So tonight he didn't even practice cultivation, he just used his fingers to turn the little silk on the table over and over.

Seeing Xiao Ling rolling around on the table by him, Xiao Ling was not angry, she was just in a daze comfortably, letting Zhou Fan fiddle with her.

Zhou Fan couldn't help but chuckle, even though Xiao Ling's time was irritating 90% of the time, it was still funny sometimes.

When it was time to go to bed, Zhou Fan took a shower and lay down on the bed.

Zhou Fan could sleep, but Mrs. Zhang Li and Zhong Tian couldn't.

Because not long after they each returned to their residences, they received a message from someone sent by Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's oral letter said that he was very grateful for their attention, but the Dafo Temple allowed him to watch the enlightenment relic. He was going to choose the Dafo Temple and asked them to forgive him.

Enlightenment Shelley!

Mrs. Zhang Li's face was slightly condensed, and the Great Buddha Temple was a big hand.

If it was just the Zhang Li family who wanted to recruit Zhou Fan, then Mrs. Zhang Li would immediately choose to give up.

Because apart from Gui Ying, the Zhang Li family couldn't come up with a treasure like the enlightened relic.

But it was never the Zhang Li family who wanted to recruit Zhou Fan, but the aristocratic family that was in the same camp as the Zhang Li family.

Grandpa Zhang Li just told the owners of the aristocratic families about the situation here, and those families immediately asked Grandpa Zhang Li to draw Zhou Fan into custody.

Because Zhou Fan may be nothing now, but his future potential is infinite.

Of course, Mr. Zhang Li also knows the value of Zhou Fan's potential. This is a character who may grow into the master of the Seventh Dao of Great Wei.

The Zhang Li family is not just for the benefit of the family, but if he can recruit Zhou Fan, then Zhou Fan will grow up in the future, and maybe he will also miss this incense love.

Anyway, this is a great deal.

It's just that the price of the Dafo Temple is too high, enlightenment relics... Mrs. Zhang Li narrowed his eyes and thought about it for a while, but he still asked people to send him a sound He will tell those who can The head of the family who is in charge, let them find a way.

Of course, if they want to give up, that's up to them.



Zhongtian was also worried about this matter, and the Great Buddha Temple offered a high price.

Zhou Fan's message concealed the careful thought, and Zhongtian could see it clearly. It was obviously meant to be sold. He was sure that Mrs. Zhang Li had also received a similar message.

However, Zhongtian did not feel disgusted, and it was understandable that everyone wanted to seek the best interests for themselves.

The headache for him is the high price offered by the Big Buddha Temple.

Enlightenment relics are relatively rare treasures in the Great Buddhist Temple. Even the academy does not have such things as enlightenment relics. Of course, the academy also has some rare artifacts of its own that other forces do not have.

Is it just really worth the cost?

Zhongtian hesitated, if it was Du Ni, he might not hesitate, but Zhou Fan was different.

It's not that Zhou Fan is inferior to Du Ni, but even if Zhou Fan joins the academy, his relationship with the academy is more like an aristocratic Hakka and elder.

Such characters can be the icing on the cake, but it would be difficult for them to give up their lives to work for the academy.

Unlike Du Ni, the disciples from the academy, both their feelings and interests towards the academy were naturally tied together.

It's just that if Zhou Fan is not recruited, such a genius with great potential in the future may be snatched away by the Great Buddha Temple, which is another big loss for the academy.

"It's really tasteless, it's a pity that it's tasteless and discarded." Zhongtian sighed, he still couldn't make a decision after thinking about it.

At this moment, the jade pendant around his waist emitted a faint silver light.

Zhongtian quickly picked up the jade pendant and observed the change of the runes on the jade pendant. He was surprised, it was the senior brother.

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