Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 903: Annual income of 00,000

Zhou Fan opened the book of storage and put the red qi refining crystal into the book. After he closed the book and put it in the talisman bag, he sat down to think about what happened yesterday.

There were too many things that happened yesterday. First, before the big exam was over, Zhao Yazhu was about to fall asleep before he could breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he didn't want Zhao Yazhu to fall asleep so soon.

Even though Zhao Yazhu's character is a bit annoying, he finally made an agreement with the help of the boat, and Zhao Yazhu will answer any questions.

Once a new leader arrives, they have to rethink and make an agreement with the leader.

According to Mist, the order in which the guides appear is based on the difficulty of getting along with each other, and the later the guides are, the harder it is to get along.

Wu, Rouge, Heilong, and Zhao Yazhu, in general, are getting more and more difficult to get along with.

If it wasn't for the help of the boat, Zhou Fan reckoned that he wouldn't have anything to do with Rouge.

Zhou Fan thought of this and sighed, hoping that the leader who woke up tonight would not be too troublesome.

Zhou Fan briefly dealt with the trivial matters in the morning, and quickly tidied up, left the inn, and went to the academy.

It's just that before Zhou Fan entered the gate of the academy, he was stopped by an old man in a green shirt.

"Master Zhou, I belong to Zhang Li's family. My grandfather wants to talk to you." The old man said with a smile on his face.

A luxurious talisman was parked at the gate of the academy.

Zhou Fan was not too surprised by this, but there was still some surprise in his heart, because the aristocratic family moved a little too fast.

Zhou Fan walked with this old servant of Zhang Li's family, and soon entered the fu car.

In Fu's car, only Mrs. Zhang Li was drinking tea.

"I don't know where you live, so I can only come to the academy to wait for you." Mrs. Zhang Li laughed and motioned Zhou Fan to sit down.

Zhou Fan said apologetically as he sat down: "It's the younger generation that's wrong. I forgot to leave the contact information for the old man."

"I can't blame you, it's because I was in a hurry." Mrs. Zhang Li poured a cup of tea for Zhou Fan, and the unique appearance of Zhang Li's family made him laugh like a sly old fox, "I heard from you last night. After you said you wanted to choose the Great Buddhist Temple, I couldn't sleep at night, so I woke up early this morning."

"It's the junior that's wrong. You shouldn't have sent a message to the old man at that time." Zhou Fan was flattered and took the teacup, he said: "The junior is worried that when the junior makes a choice, the old man will blame the junior for not telling him in time. in a hurry."

"I don't mean to blame you, I just think that you are just like me this morning. You are too anxious." Mrs. Zhang Li took a cup of tea and said slowly, "Young people should keep their minds steady, and don't be in a hurry. With such a rush to make a decision, how do you know if there is a better one in the future?"

"The old man taught me the right way." Zhou Fan said with a face of instruction, he patiently waited for the old man to turn to the topic.

Mrs. Zhang Li glanced at Zhou Fan, and he said softly: "The enlightenment relic is indeed a good thing. To be honest, our family can't bring out the enlightenment relic, but..."

Mrs. Zhang Li paused and smiled and said, "Maybe it's because I'm old and confused. I didn't make it clear yesterday. I only told you that the family was rich, and the conditions I gave were too vague. Since the Great Buddha Temple has given them The specific conditions, then I will also tell you the specific conditions set out by our family."

"As long as you join our aristocratic family, you will be able to receive one million profound coins in the first year, and every year in the future, depending on your cultivation base, you will be able to participate in the seat of the Yiluan Division at your discretion."

In the first year, he could receive one million Xuan coins, and the corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped sharply, knowing that when he asked Gu Yan to be his off-road test squire, it was only 100,000 Xuan coins.

100,000 profound coins can be used to hire a Qi Gang segment martial artist, and the aristocratic family gave 1 million profound coins at once, which is really a big deal.

"If you don't want the money, and you want the equivalent of the utensils and the materials used in the medicine pill cultivation, we can also exchange them for the equivalent items." Mrs. Zhang Li laughed again.

"And even if you don't have any entry, we can still give you one million profound coins every year, until the fifth year, if there is no improvement in your cultivation, then we can only cancel the agreement..."

"But I don't think you can stay stagnant forever."

Mrs. Zhang Li said with a relaxed expression: "We can talk about more specific things slowly, and we can make a ghost oath to each other, so that you don't have to worry about our family breaking their promises."

Zhou Fan said with a serious face: "It's okay to make a ghost oath. I don't believe in aristocratic families, but there is no reason not to believe in the old man."

Zhou Fan said so, but if he really went to the aristocratic family, this ghost oath would still be upheld.

Mrs. Zhang Li also understood that Zhou Fan was only talking about the scene. He poured himself another cup of tea and said: "It is indeed rare to see a chance to see the enlightenment relic, but you must also think about it, this is just an opportunity. , you may gain a lot, or you may not understand anything.”

"And you can get money every year, and you can also increase it by a certain percentage. This is the most suitable for a poor boy like you. With enough money, what kind of martial arts and skills can't be bought?"

"Of you can think slowly, don't rush to reply to me, just like I said before, young people don't have to be too impulsive, they can take a slow look and think slowly, this way the road will be more secure ." Mrs. Zhang Li said again with a caring look on his younger generation.

But in fact, he was full of confidence, because he didn't believe that the academy and the Great Buddha Temple could offer better conditions than him.

Last night, he told the owners of the great families about the matter. The owners of the great families paid more attention to this matter than he imagined.

He only learned last night that in this big exam, there are only three people like Zhou Fan who are the first in general subjects, and the camp of the two of the three has already been decided, one is the secret disciple of the academy, and the other is the Great Buddha Temple. esoteric disciple.

Even though the big exams seem to be nonsense, the ones who can stand out are still very powerful geniuses.

Like the leader of a county, he has absolutely unlimited potential.

Mrs. Zhang Li saw Zhou Fan's potential throughout the whole process. When those people asked about Zhou Fan, Mrs. Zhang Li told them in detail, and then they got this generous offer.

Such an offer can only be offered by an aristocratic family with deep wealth and wealth.

Otherwise, Mrs. Zhang Li had already urged Zhou Fan to make a decision, but he couldn’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Judging from Zhou Fan’s ability to pass a word of mouth last night, it was useless to urge him, and he could only see who of the three offered the higher price. .

Of course, Zhou Fan didn't agree immediately, but after thanking Mr. Zhang Li a few words, he said goodbye to Mr. Zhang Li, got off the talisman and entered the academy.

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