Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 905: 2 more bonuses

When they heard that they could receive a one-year qi refining crystal jade, five or six of the ten people in the Class A class took a deep breath.

This is really too local. They simply can't use so much. With the amount of true qi in their bodies, it doesn't take a year to reach Consummation by refining qi crystal jade qi.

And it is difficult and difficult for ordinary warriors to step into the Qi Gang stage.

Even Zhou Fan was slightly moved. At first, he was a little disappointed when he heard that it was only the blue qi refining crystal, but so many blue qi refining crystals still frightened him.

Zhou Fan's foundation is solid, and the depth of true qi in his body is absolutely rare in the world, so it is much more difficult for him to temper true qi than ordinary martial artists.

Even with the help of the most top-level exercises, if you don't have the Qi crystal jade, you don't know how long it will take to reach the perfection of Qi Gang.

The Qi-Refining Crystal Jade is the most suitable training resource for the third-stage Qi-Refining martial artist. Even if there is only a blue Qi-Refining Crystal Jade, only 380 blue Qi-Refining Crystal Jade is needed based on the true energy in Zhou Fan's body. The Qi Gang segment can be completed.

That is to say, with only the blue qi refining crystal jade, it only takes more than a year for him to complete the Qi Gang stage that warriors envy.

He completed the third stage of qi refining in one year. With his true qi, this speed is already extremely fast, and the rest of the class A are even faster.

Class A can provide so many cultivation resources, which is indeed rich.

Moreover, Zhou Fan is the leader, so what he can receive is double, which means that he can get about 7.3 million profound coins in one year, and more than 20 million profound coins in three years!

Zhang Li Xiaohu obviously thought of this too. He was staring at Zhou Fan with red eyes, jealous of him!

Zhongtian smiled again: "You definitely won't need so many qi refining crystal jade, but as long as your qi gang stage is complete, you don't need to refine qi crystal jade, you can also sell it outside or exchange it with the academy officials for something else. what you need."

"Can you give me a year's share at a time?" Zhang Li Xiaohu's eyes showed madness. If he could receive a year's amount at a time, he would sell it and use it to open up a caravan route of his own. come out.

Eggs give birth to chickens, chickens give birth to eggs, eggs give birth to chickens, and they will never stop. At that time, his profound coins will continue to flow!


Where is it fun to make money in cultivation!

Zhongtian knew how much the best disciple of the Zhang Li family loved money, so he shook his face and said: "No, do you think that Qi refining crystal jade is so easy to obtain? The official family and we need time to collect the amount to ensure that you will get it, And it's not a good thing to give it to you all at once."

"Sometimes, you have to understand that great strength is the foundation of everything." Zhongtian's last sentence was to Zhang Li Xiaohu, telling him not to delay his cultivation because of making money.

Zhang Li Xiaohu just rolled his eyes. He heard these words at home and his ears were calloused. He naturally had his own ideas.

"The above are the training resources that can be provided for you on a daily basis." Zhongtian ignored the stubborn Zhang Li Xiaohu and continued: "The second part is the help provided for you."

Help us? Zhou Fan was a little puzzled by the meaning of these words.

Zhongtian explained: "This part of the help is that the academy does not restrict the freedom of the students in the A-class class. If you like to come to the academy to practice retreat, you can go to the academy to practice retreat. If you like to come to the academy for classes, you can come to the academy for classes. Whatever knowledge you like to learn, as long as Gaoxiang Academy If there is, they will try to arrange teaching and teach you, if not, they will try to find relevant knowledge for you.”

In an instant, many people showed joy on their faces. If so, they could cultivate according to their own ideas, and they could also obtain more knowledge with the help of the academy at any time.

When Hou Shisanjian woke up, he raised his hand and asked, "President, if I want to read all the academy's kendo secrets, will you also provide them openly?"

The question of Hou Shisanjian is very important. They need to know whether the knowledge mentioned by the academy covers the martial arts and martial arts that martial artists need most?

"Except for the core rumors of our academy, you can browse the other martial arts at will." Zhongtian chuckled: "Don't be in a hurry to be disappointed, there are tens of thousands of these martial arts techniques and skills in our academy alone. Enough for you to see."

These tens of thousands of martial arts, martial arts, and martial skills were collected by the academy's sages from generation to generation.

The reason why the major examination power of the Class A class has always been in the hands of the academy is not only because of the academy sage Lin Wuya, but also because the academy is willing to provide enough selfless help to the future of these great Wei countries.

Even though most of these students have their own power affiliation, the academy advocates that there is no discrimination, and only the academy has such a mind and tolerance.

Hou Shisanjian grinned and said, "That's good enough."

For Hou Shisanjian, he doesn't care about the core swordsmanship that is not passed down. What he needs is to watch and browse a lot of swordsmanship, because he is walking a self-created swordsmanship, and he can only watch a lot of swordsmanship to learn useful things from it. , to create his own sword move.

Zhou Fan and the others have different thoughts, but this kind of help is very useful to them. They are both young and naturally need to add a lot of knowledge.

"You will understand in the future that it is important to cultivate realm martial skills, but it is also important to learn enough knowledge. It may save your life at a critical time, or it may play an important role when you break through the realm. It works." Zhongtian said slowly, he didn't care whether these young geniuses understood, he continued.

"In addition to the resources for cultivation and providing enough help, the last and most crucial part is the third part. This third part is that if you complete the cultivation of Qi Gang within a year...then we will provide you with a go to heaven. Opportunity to study at Lei Academy!"

Du Ni, one of the ten members of Class A, was Because this kind of training opportunity is only reserved for secret disciples of the academy.

Xiaolei Academy rarely admits students, only esoteric disciples can enter it, and not every esoteric disciple can enter, only after a certain test can enter.

Even the children of the aristocratic families in Xiaoleizhou City could not enter the Xiaolei Academy to study. They could only go to the county academies to participate in the A-class exam, so as to enter the A-class class to obtain the required resources.

It seems like Yelaitianxiang came to Gaoxiang County from Zhoucheng to take the class A exam.

But in the past, it was only limited to entering the Class A. No students in the previous Class A had ever been able to enter the Yizhou Academy, which was never open to the public.

There is a secret to being able to enter the Dao realm from the martial realm!

This is also the reason why the secret disciples of the academies in various counties hope to enter the academy in one state, because only by entering there can they hope to step into the realm of Dao!

The reason why the top forces of the Wei Dynasty such as the Academy and the Great Buddha Temple are powerful is that they have secret methods that can help their disciples to step into the Tao realm more easily.

The law cannot be passed on lightly.

Even if the academy is reopened, it is unwilling to open up the secrets of the Taoist realm, let alone the forces of the Great Buddha Temple.

And this Class A class actually has the qualifications to enter Xiaolei Academy, doesn't that mean...they can get the help of Xiaolei Academy to enter the Dao Realm?

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