Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 909: Small's Reminder

Listening to Zhou Fan's words, Insect Lady's nervous expression relaxed.

Zhou Fan thought about it for a while and then said: "Chong Niang... Forget it, anyway, Brother Jiuyue will be able to come to Gaoxiang City soon. I'll talk to him then."

"I don't know what Brother Zhou wants to say to September?" Li Chungniang asked mischievously, "Could it be that Brother Zhou still wants to sue me?"

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "That's not true. I want Jiuyue not to look for something to prolong my life. It's not necessary."

Said that there is no need for it, because things that can increase longevity are too rare and too valuable. Even Zhou Fan knew that he would definitely not be able to buy them.

If he wanted to increase his lifespan, he had only two ways. One was to use a golden fishing rod, and the other was to enter the Dao realm.

The golden fishing rod has a one-tenth of the fishing rate, and what it catches is not necessarily something that increases longevity. Zhou Fan tried it once before, but he didn't try it again because it was too expensive.

And this world is so dangerous, the best thing is to improve your realm to increase your lifespan. In this way, you can become stronger, and secondly, you can increase your lifespan.

If it wasn't for the end of his lifespan, Zhou Fan wouldn't even consider a golden fishing rod to prolong his lifespan.

You must know that Zhou Fan is currently fifteen years old. After the last golden fishing rod life extension, he was deducted some lifespan debts by the fog, and his lifespan is still twenty.

Five years is definitely enough for him to step into the Dao realm.

Li Chungniang said with a stern face: "Brother Zhou, no matter what you say, we are still looking for things that increase longevity. Even if we can't afford it after we find it, we can think of a way to plan it. It's not that we don't believe that Brother Zhou can't enter the Taoist realm. But everything has to be prepared first, so as not to be at a loss when the unexpected happens.”

Zhou Fan was helpless, so he didn't persuade him any more, but he thought that he would persuade Li Jiuyue well after seeing Li Jiuyue, even though he knew that it might not be easy to persuade Li Jiuyue.

Zhou Fan still understood the feelings of Li Jiuyue and Li Chungniang. He never expected that Li Jiuyue would search for something to prolong his life for him without saying a word.

Wu once said that such a rare thing as a life-enhancing thing, even a powerful cultivator cherishes it very much. After all, one more year's lifespan may be able to break through and improve.

It is destined to be difficult to find, and I don't know how much money it will take to find it.

While the two were talking, they soon arrived near the inn where Zhou Fan was staying.

Li Chungniang told Zhou Fan that it should be possible to find a house in the next two days. Zhou Fan nodded lightly to show that he knew.

Zhou Fan got out of the car and went back to the inn, washed his face, and then let Xiao Er bring dinner, closed the door and ate with Xiao Qian, who had not come out for a day.

Xiao Ling's dinner is all about one duck leg. Sometimes the owner is kind, and that's two. If the owner is happy with Longyan, it's impossible to say.

Xiao Wan quickly finished eating the leg meat. She chewed the duck leg bone reluctantly for several times before letting go and looked at Zhou Fan pitifully: "Master, can you add an extra duck leg tomorrow? Xiao Zhan?"

"No, you haven't done anything recently, and your quota has already been used up." Zhou Fan said without hesitation, he didn't dare to agree to Xiao Qian, who was too lazy to cook and stabbed his nose.

Otherwise, tomorrow will say that two duck legs are not enough to eat, and ask to add a third one. Xiao Su will definitely be able to do such a thing.

Xiao Wan walked aside with a bitter face. She glanced at Zhou Fan and asked unwillingly, "Master, let me give you a reminder, can you give me a duck leg tomorrow night?"

"What's the reminder?" Zhou Fan quickly asked casually with chopsticks. He felt that Xiao Ling definitely couldn't say anything good, but he still wanted to hear it.

"Master, why are you always with that girl Li?" Xiao Ling didn't answer, but asked instead.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, he stretched out his chopsticks and poked at Xiao Ling's little head.

Xiaoxiao turned her hair into strands to avoid the chopsticks' attack.

She was able to avoid it because Zhou Fan was not serious.

Zhou Fan stretched out his unsoiled chopsticks and snorted, "Bullshit, I will punish you for not eating duck legs for seven days from today."

If Xiao Ling is in Zhou Fan's body without sleeping, she can't hear the outside voice, she can only hear the echo of Zhou Fan's words, but Xiao Ling can infer what happened outside based on Zhou Fan's voice, so she knew about Zhou Fan's voice. Whoever is talking to.

When Xiao Ling heard that she was going to be punished for her duck leg, she almost jumped three feet high, and said anxiously, "I just said a word, why do you want to buckle my duck leg?"

After Zhou Fan finished eating the food in the bowl, he put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth: "Well, I'd like to hear what you have to say next. If it's wrong, I'll punish you again."

Xiao Wan said angrily, "There's no more down there, I won't tell you, don't buckle my duck legs."

Said not only that there is no reward, but also duck legs, how could she dare to say that?

Xiao Wan didn't say anything, but Zhou Fan wanted to know what Xiao Wan was going to say. He said, "You said, as long as it's not too much, I won't punish you, right? Why did you ask me what I said just now?"

"Chongniang and I are both candidates for Class A, and now both are admitted to Class A. She is Li Jiuyue's wife who has never been to school, and she is acquainted with me, so we have spent more time together recently. "

If an outsider dared to ask such a question, Zhou Fan would take it as a provocation, and maybe he would take action, but when Xiao Ling asked, he didn't get and answered the question calmly.

"What exactly do you want to remind me?" Zhou Fan asked after answering.

"Master, your words should be counted." When Xiao Yan saw Zhou Fan's promise not to punish her for duck legs, she said with a serious face: "Actually, I want to remind you that your friend's wife should not be bullied, and Master, you should not cross the line to like it. Go to that girl Li."

"Is that all?" Zhou Fan rubbed his swollen temples, "You little bastard, where did you hear such nonsense? Did you eavesdrop on those tenants again?"

Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and said, "I heard that before, but I haven't released Xiaoxiao to eavesdrop on it recently."

Even if there is Xiao Ling, she won't admit it. If she admits it, she will be punished. She said, "Master, are you trying to change the subject?"

Zhou Fan also knew that Xiao Ling would not admit it, he snorted: "I need to change the subject? Only you little **** can think nonsense, I and Zongniang are innocent, you dare to talk nonsense in the future. , I will definitely punish you."

"It's innocent, it doesn't mean I don't like it in my heart. There were two scholars living in the Yunlai Inn. They had a quarrel over a woman in a brothel. I think this is quite right." Emotional expert.

"Could it be that Master, you fell in love with that girl Li? If so, how can you be worthy of Li Jiuyue?"

Zhou Fan said angrily, "I didn't like her, and I didn't cross the line."

"But what if that girl Li likes you?" Xiao Qian asked in a clever way.

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