Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 912: give you a slap

The little girl stood still, Zhou Fan's figure appeared behind her, and the rusty knife in his hand swept out, trying to cut her off.

The little girl turned around abruptly, and she punched Zhou Fan's belly, because she was too short to jump up like the previous two times, so she could only hit Zhou Fan's belly in a hurry.

She didn't seem to care at all about Zhou Fan's slashing blade, it was a lose-lose posture.

Zhou Fan sneered, his blade suddenly accelerated, without any intention of giving up.

The sharp blade slashed on the infuriating defense layer laid down by the little girl, but Zhou Fan's infuriating energy was poured into the blade, which increased the power of the blade and shredded the little girl's infuriating defense layer.

It's just that a thin layer of black iron filings suddenly appeared on the little girl's clothes, and the blade slashed on the black iron filings, splitting out countless sparks, and it was impossible to enter an inch again.

The little girl's fist has hit.

The fist was as fierce as a mountain pressing down, tearing apart Zhou Fan's infuriating defense and smashing it onto the purple gold armor.

The infuriating defense couldn't stop it, and it was even more difficult for the purple-gold armor to resist this ferocious punch.

Zhou Fan had long expected that his aura suddenly changed, becoming as vast as the sea.

No matter how powerful the little girl's fist was, it just smashed into the sea, causing the waves to churn, but it could no longer affect Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's sword stance changed again, and he slashed vertically at the little girl.

Withered tree potential!

Withering power enveloped the little girl.

It's just that the little girl's face is calm. As a sparring guide, she can see what kind of ability Zhou Fan has. Even if it is approximate, she is not without any precautions.

She pushed her left hand, which had been useless, horizontally.

It was also a ferocious force that swept out.

The two forces were intertwined, and at the moment no one could do anything to the other.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and slashed again.

Weihai·Blood Waterfall!

It is a strange sea situation that is even more powerful than the dead wood situation.

The little girl's face was slightly condensed, and her retracted right fist slammed out again.

The force of her right fist was continuous and feminine, but it blocked the blood waterfall at the right time.

The little girl obviously also possesses two types of martial arts that are not weaker than Zhou Fan.

But Zhou Fan spit out a syllable at this time.

Dragon God language!

Time stopped.

The little girl's body inevitably stagnated for a while, and her face changed slightly, because she could see that Zhou Fan had the blood of the dragon god, and also knew the dragon **** language, but the dragon **** language was also divided into many different abilities, she did not expect Zhou Fan's Dragon God language is the ability of time.

At the moment when the little girl was stagnant, Zhou Fan's left palm quickly stretched out, using the blood waterfall to resist the little girl's martial power, like a swimming fish, jumping over the little girl's martial defense, and slapped her face with a palm.


The little girl flew out like a ball and hit the deck.

Five clear fingerprints appeared on her right cheek, and she jumped up from the deck immediately, her face flushed with anger, but the fingerprints were still clearly visible, "You stinky boy! I'm going to hack you alive. "

Zhou Fanhao stretched out his left hand in his spare time, and sneered, "Perhaps you are a very old woman, but please be favored by the old and betray the old, you come."

The little girl didn't speak, but her eyes seemed to be spitting out fire. When she stretched out her right hand, countless gray mists gathered around her. Her right hand stretched into the gray mist and took out a handful...

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, because he really didn't know how to describe the thing in the little girl's hand.

This should be a knife, but this knife is too weird.

Because the knife that the little girl was carrying was more like a door. The knife was four feet long and three feet wide, which was more exaggerated than Zhou Fan's German sword.

The little girl was holding this knife, and if it stood beside her, it would completely block her petite body, forming a sharp proportion to her.

No matter what Zhou Fan thought, the little girl had already raised the knife, and as soon as she supported her feet, she jumped high.

This jump was about ten feet, and she could only see a faint dot in the sky.

Because her strength is limited to the martial arts stage, if she hadn't had special abilities, she wouldn't be able to fly either. It was beyond Zhou Fan's imagination that she could jump so high, and she had already started to fall like a comet.

"I cut the sky, I cut the ground, I slaughtered the gods!"

With the fall, the cold voice of the little girl came faintly.

Strong air pressure blows from top to bottom.

Zhou Fan's pupils slowly shrank, he did not use teleport to move away, because he could feel that he had been locked by the powerful Qi, no matter where he fled, he would not be able to split this domineering knife.

At this moment, Zhou Fan took down the German sword without hesitation.

The Star Frost Rusted Sword and the German Sword did not hesitate to slash at the sword that fell like a door in the sky.

The infuriating qi of the two knives collided with the knife first from bottom to top.

The violent winds caused by the collision blew Zhou Fan and Chefu's clothes hunting.

Even the calm gray river beyond the boat ripples in circles.

Qifu hurriedly ran her feet to stabilize her lower plate.

Before the violent gust of wind dissipated, Zhou Fan's dual swords had already collided with the extremely fast super-giant swords.

Zhou Fan poured not only the Xenogeneic True Qi and the True Qi in his body into the two knives, but also his two most powerful martial stances.

Just at the moment of the collision, no matter what power it is, it will be crushed in front of this domineering giant sword.


The Starfrost Rusted Knife and the German-shaped Knife suddenly broke.

The giant knife fell suddenly.

Seeing that he was about to split Zhou Fan in half.

Zhou Fan's aura has changed again, the sea is boundless!

However, the giant knife that he chopped down was far beyond his imagination, and even Boundless couldn't stop the fierce knife energy passing by, leaving a bloodstain on his forehead.

At this critical moment, Zhou Fan once again burst out with strange syllables between his lips and teeth.

Golden ripples spread.

But the giant sword split even the golden ripples, and it seemed to be able to cut everything.

Zhou Fan just took advantage of the moment when the Dragon God's language unfolded, and moved a small half-step.

A huge knife as wide as a door fell on his left shoulder, cutting off his left shoulder and a small half of his upper body.

Blood sprayed on the deck.

Zhou Fan looked at the piece of flesh on his left arm that was torn off by the knife and connected to his left shoulder. The piece of flesh was still wrapped in purple-gold armor. He didn't cry out in pain, his face suddenly turned pale, and sweat oozes from his forehead. .

"Zhou Fan." Qifu hurried over.

"I'm fine, don't come here." Zhou Fan shouted and stopped Chufu.

"But..." Chofu just felt agitated, she was afraid that the little girl would really kill Zhou Fan.

Even if she knew that Zhou Fan would be resurrected, she still couldn't see such a thing.

She and Zhou Fan had just met each other not long ago, but she was just a child, and sometimes she stubbornly believed that her relatives were her relatives, otherwise she would not be reluctant if her mother asked her to kill Zhou Fan.

What's more, Zhou Fan is willing to recognize her and treat her very well.

The little girl raised the giant knife that looked like a door panel with one hand, her eyes were still cold and calm, but the clear slap on the cheek somewhat damaged her temperament.

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